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Paragraph Title Page

1.0 SCOPE 4

1.1 General 4

1.2 Work to be provided by Seller 4

1.2 The work includes, but not limited to, the items listed below: 4

1.3 Work to be provided by THE BUYER 5

1.3.1 Enclosure 5

1.3.2 Cabling 5

1.3.3 Equipment Power 5

1.3.4 Hardware 5

1.3.5 Configuration of Protection Devices 5




4.1 Description of Services 8

4.2 Design Requirements 8

4.3 Placement 8

4.4 Enclosure (in areas with no environmental control) 8

4.5 Spares 8

4.6 Warranty 9

4.7 Field Qualify Control (Installation & Commissioning of PCAMS) 9

4.8 Packaging, Shipping, and Storage 10

4.9 Equipment Marking 10


6.0 TESTING 11

6.1 Factory Testing 11

6.2 Field Testing (Commissioning Second Phase) 11

6.3 Manufacturer’s Certification 11

6.4 Training 12



8.1 Submittals by Seller 13


9.1 PCAMS Operations 15

9.2 PCAMS Software 17

9.3 Drawing Graphic Capability 20

9.4 System Component Detailed Specifications 22

9.5 PCAMS Equipment supplied by Seller 24




1 General

1. This specification covers the furnishing, installation, and testing of a complete, ready-for-operation Power Control and Monitor System (PCAMS).

2. Seller shall bear the responsibility that the equipment has been designed, fabricated, and tested in accordance with all codes, standards, and governmental regulations applicable and performs under the conditions and to the stands specified herein

3. No departure shall be made from codes, standards, regulations, or this Specification unless waived or modified in writing by THE BUYER. Seller shall provide a statement as to compliance with this Specification without exception and/or if there are any exceptions these shall be described in detail and included in Seller’s proposal. Seller shall add a statement that no other exceptions are taken to this Specification

1.2 Work to be provided by Seller

1 The work includes, but not limited to, the items listed below:

a. Furnish, install, and commission a complete, ready-for-use ABB Power RICH System, a Power Control and Monitoring System or THE BUYER approved equal. The PCAMS shall monitor, through metering, all protective devices, analog (4-20ma) devices, and discrete devices (digital on/off). The protective and sensor devices monitored may be in high voltage, medium, and low voltage switchgear and other substation areas. This system shall include, but is not limited to software, IO Server (Host, if only one), network hardware and software for remote communications with other substations and users, UPS, device hardware for the IO Server, communication converters, printers, testing, correcting, startup at site(s), commissioning (testing for customer sign-off), training of operator and administrative personnel, after sale technical support, and graphical screens. All graphical screens and screen transition must be approved via a sign-off by the THE BUYER prior to completion and installation at the customer’s site(s).

1.2.2 The work also includes all items necessary or usually supplied for sale, efficient, continuous, and convenient operation of the equipment within the scope of this Specification, whether or not, such items are specially referred to in this Specification.

1.3 Work to be provided by THE BUYER

1 Enclosure See Section 4.4 for Seller specifications

2 Cabling

All communication cabling and network cabling between communication converters and the substation relays, circuit breakers, meters, and switches to be performed by THE BUYER. Installations of any antennas, as necessary, are performed by THE BUYER.

3 Equipment Power

The 120VAC power required for the IO Server computer, UPS, and the communications converters.

4 Hardware

All protection devices, sensors, circuit breakers, meters, and switches used the project.

5 Configuration of Protection Devices

All of the protection device configuration or other remote device configuration will be by THE BUYER or designated by THE BUYER.


1. It is not THE BUYER’s intent to specify all details of construction, but the installed equipment shall in all respects conform to high standards of engineering, design, materials, construction, and workmanship and shall be capable of operating efficiently and satisfactority under the service conditions stated in this Specification.

2. The design of the equipment and accessories shall be as recommended by Seller and shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local statues, in addition to the regulations, specifications, and requirements in effect at the time of purchase order of the following codes and standards, as applicable:

ANSI American National Standard Institute

ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials

FCC Federal Communication Commission

ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

NEC National Electrical Code

NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association

NESC National Electrical Safety Code

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration

UL Underwriters’ Laboratory

3. The PCAMS shall comply with the applicable portions of ANSI/IEEE 802.3 and 802.11, the Ethernet standards and NEMA. All computers (IO Servers and any network Nodes or Clients) shall comply with FCC emission standards specified in Part 15, Subpart J for Class A.

4. All computers (IO Servers and any network Nodes or Clients) shall meet the Microsoft Windows NT certification test software program, available from Microsoft’s Web Site at no charge. All computers must meet this test even if they operate with other Windows versions.

5. The PCAMS Database shall comply with standards for SQL (Structured Query Language) utilized with database acquisition and exchange of data (Client/Server) and ODBC driver support. The software shall provide network DDE servers that include data exchange data with other software applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Corel Quattro Pro spreadsheets. The software shall meet OLE and OPC (OLE for Process Control) as outlined by Microsoft and the OPC foundation. The software shall provide direct interfacing to any supplied Dynamic Link Library (DLL) utilizing all the DLL run-time functions. The software shall meet all of the list below Data Exchange method standards:

SQL client/server

ODBC client/server





Windows API

Native dBASE


Citect API

ASCII files



OPC Server

6. These codes, standards, and regulations set forth minimum requirements that may be exceeded by Seller if, in their judgement and with THE BUYER’s acceptance, superior or more economical designs or materials are available for successful and continuous operation of Seller’s equipment and as required by this Specification.

7. In the event of any apparent conflict between standards, codes, or this Specification, Seller shall refer the conflict to THE BUYER for written resolution. THE BUYER’s resolution shall be binding.

8. Seller shall provide a list of major codes and standards, with their effective dates, actually used for the construction of Seller’s equipment.

9. The equipment, material, and services furnished shall comply with and not prevent THE BUYER’s compliance with all applicable standards of the Code of Federal Regulation, Title 29, Chapter XVII, OSHA, Department of Labor, Part 1910 (Occupational Safety and Health Standards) and Part 1926 (Safety and Health Regulations for Construction).


The manufacturer of the equipment shall be regularly engaged in the manufacture of the specified PCAMS for at least five (5) years and demonstrate that these products have been satisfactorily used in functional systems for similar applications. The manufacturer shall have at least five (5) years demonstrated capability in PCAMS design, installation, and startup.


1 Description of Services

The application and project requirements for the equipment covered by this Specification are described in Section 9.

2 Design Requirements

1. Project unique data, ratings, and requirements shall be as specified in Paragraph 9.1. These ratings shall be the basis of Seller’s guarantee of performance.

2. Equipment shall be fabricated and equipped with accessories in accordance with Seller’s standard practices when such practices do not conflict with this Specification.

3 Placement

3. The IO Server or Host system shall be housed to facilitate rapid access to case for maintenance. The monitor and pointing device shall be oriented to facilitate ease of use.

4. Clutter and debris shall be avoided so access is not restricted to the IO Server or Host and the communication wiring.

4 Enclosure (in areas with no environmental control)

The IO Server or Host shall be enclosed in a NEMA 12 computer cabinet. The enclosure shall be provided with air conditioning, when equipment required, controlling temperature extremes.

5 Spares

A spare parts list shall include, but not be limited to, the following: any line drivers (MODEM), converters, power supplies, network interface cards (NIC), communication boards, surge protection, uninterruptible power source (UPS), and other miscellaneous hardware as spare parts that are viewed as necessary for a MTTR (Mean Time To Repair) of fifteen (15) minutes.

6 Warranty

5. Seller shall warrant the equipment hardware and software supplied from date of final acceptance. The warranty shall include the following provisions:

a. One (1) year free software update service with optional annual renewal for a set fee.

b. One (1) year free telephone technical support to trained (administrative class) personnel with optional annual renewal for a set fee.

c. Warranty on all hardware supplied under this system shall be for one (1) year from date of final acceptance.

7 Field Qualify Control (Installation & Commissioning of PCAMS)

6. Furnish the services of a manufacturer’s representative for a minimum period of three 8-hour days to assist the customer in start-up and testing of the system. The representative shall be factory-trained and shall have a thorough knowledge of the software, hardware, and system programming and functionality. The manufacturer’s representative shall provide not less than the following services:

a. Setting all address of all field devices.

b. Verifying and troubleshooting the integrity of the data lines to the field devices.

c. Correcting any data line problems and see that any defective and non-functioning equipment is replaced by those responsible for its replacement.

d. Coordinating and solving any possible warranty problems (punch lists items).

e. Configuring the PCAMS software to match all the field devices.

f. Providing all testing, corrections, and retesting and providing written documentation that the entire system is performing to maximum standards to meet all requirements of the contact documents. This shall be in the form of a checkoff list (commissioning sign-off sheets) with all functions and parameters to be checked. The device serial number, model ID, catalog number, and parameter tag identification, along with the initials of the assigned contract officer and manufacturer’s representative shall be delivered.

7. Seller shall provide three (3) signed copies of the certification (commissioning sign-off sheets described in Section 4.7.1, f) before final payment is made.

8 Packaging, Shipping, and Storage

8. All equipment shall be adequately prepared for shipment and for a one-year period of storage.

9. After completion of factory assembly and testing, the equipment shall be disassembled into the minimum number of parts practicable to facilitate rapid installation.

10. Seller shall provide storage and handling instruction including descriptions for periodic inspection and/or storage maintenance to ascertain that no deterioration will occur during storage. One set of these instructions shall be fastened securely to the outside of each shipping unit.

11. Each component shall be properly packed and protected before shipment so that it shall reach the site without damage and with all surfaces clean inside and out. To prevent damage during shipment, Seller shall carefully pack and brace all components either within the shipping container or on the carrier.

12. Equipment shall be adequately supported for shipment. All loose parts shall be boxed for shipment. Each box shall be appropriately marked for identification purposes.

13. To facilitate rapid installation, all equipment shall be shop assembled to maximum extent particle, except as noted in paragraph 4.87.2, before shipment to site.

4.9 Equipment Marking

All packaged equipment and other separate components that are match marked for field assembly shall be clearly marked by letters and numbers so that they can be identified and cross-checked with shipping papers and applicable assembly drawings.


The installation of the PCAMS at the site shall only include the connection to the field devices (via Seller-furnished communication converters and THE BUYER-furnished cables) and the troubleshooting and verification that all parameters and devices communicate with the PCAMS. All hardware devices external to the PCAMS computer(s) is excluded except for one (1) UPS, one (1) printer, and ## communication converters (RS-232 to RS-485 & Fiber Optic).

The provision of all data wiring and equipment within the plant such as jacks, outside telephone lines, connections to building distribution frames, wiring, MODEMS, conduits, connection to computer backbones and networks distributed throughout the plant, cover plates, and all connection for a complete installation will be completed by THE BUYER. The Seller’s installation personnel shall assist in all troubleshooting and testing of the final assembly, but all wiring responsibility is with THE BUYER.


1 Factory Testing

14. The following standard factory testing shall be performed on the software and hardware provided:

a. Configure and load all software (including backup and restore).

b. Test and operate computer system and software in a simulated system mode for a minimum of 24 hours.

c. Demonstrate full system functionality.

d. Demonstrate that hardware, firmware, and software is “Year 2000 Compliant” with date substitution for basic date tests. NOTE: A certificate of compliance to BSI DISC PD 2001-1997 or ITAA must be supplied.

2 Field Testing (Commissioning Second Phase)

15. Verify complete system operation in the presence of the contracting officer’s technical representative including all hardware, software, and all communication devices.

16. Verify networking performance with all interfacing by other manufacturers.

17. Items 6.2.1 and 6.2.2 may be included in the items under Section 4.7 and sign-off.

3 Manufacturer’s Certification

The Seller’s representative shall certify in writing that the equipment has been installed, adjusted, and tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Seller shall certify that the hardware, firmware, and software supplied with the system is “Year 2000 Compliant” to the BSI PD 2001-1 standard.

4 Training

18. Seller shall provide the following training class for up to three (3) Buyer’s personnel:

a. Hands-on training of the PCAMS as to its operation and administration functions.

b. Class shall be two (2) days at the manufacturer’s facility.

c. Explanation of system operations, additions to the system, create and modify screens, create and modify objects, network configurations, THE BUYER’s configuration and equipment.

d. Video (VMS) taping of the training session is permitted at THE BUYER’s expense and with THE BUYER’s personnel.

19. Seller shall provide one (1) year of 24-hour technical telephone support to trained personnel described in Section 6.4.1, a through d.

20. General operator training shall be performed with the operators during or after commissioning. This is not the administrative class outline in 6.4.1.


10. System description includes an overview of the system architecture for networking, expansion, data, and control. This shall be part of the preliminary design review process.

11. Bill of materials for the PCAMS that includes a complete listing of all hardware, software, training, start-up, and commissioning services being supplied under this Specification.

12. Hardware and software description shall be provided for all devices that communicate with the PCAMS, including sensor devices gathering data to be transmitted over a network to the IO Server(s).

13. Typical software screen displays shall be provided in color prints, on diskette, or via electronic file transfer (Email attachments) in a compatible format for presentation software. Graphic formats like GIF, JPEG, BMP, TIFF, and Microsoft Office products are acceptable formats. This shall be part of the preliminary design review process.

14. Block diagrams of the system indicating major devices, equipment, and PCAMS wiring shall be a part of the system screens for maintenance reference. This shall be part of the preliminary design review process.

15. Written overview of the entire PCAMS.

16. A final acceptance test plan with sign-off provisions for each parameter checked shall be submitted for customer approval before delivery. This test plan and sign-off shall then be used for commissioning. See Section 4.7, 5.0, and 6.0.

17. PCAMS operation and maintenance manuals shall be supplied for all equipment and software supplied from the manufacturer. For the software, the “User Guide” and the “Reference Manual” is considered the operation and maintenance manuals.


1 Submittals by Seller

|Item Description |Seller’s Submittal Date |THE BUYER’s review required before |

| | |fabrication, shipment or final payment |

|Preliminary system description, spare parts|With Proposal |NO |

|list; descriptive bulletins; and catalog | | |

|information | | |

|Certification that the equipment contains |With Proposal |NO |

|no toxic or hazardous materials | | |

|An overall schedule of work including |With Proposal |NO |

|software generation, design reviews, and | | |

|equipment delivery dates in sufficient | | |

|detail to demonstrate Seller’s ability to | | |

|perform the work within the specified time.| | |

|A statement as to compliance with this |With Proposal |NO |

|Specification without exception and/or if | | |

|there are any exceptions, a detailed | | |

|description of them | | |

|Bill of materials |With Proposal |No |

|A complete list of all drawings, diagams, |2 Weeks ARO (After Receipt of Order) |NO |

|screens, descriptions, and data, by title, | | |

|which Seller expects to provide | | |

|List of Codes and Standards, with effective|2 Weeks ARO |NO |

|actually used in construction of equipment | | |

|Detailed system description, Device |6 Weeks ARO |YES |

|hardware, and software descriptions, block | | |

|diagrams, screen designs, written overview | | |

|and performance data | | |

|Final acceptance test plan |8 Weeks ARO |YES |

|Notification of factory Testing |2 Weeks prior to testing |NO |

|Statement that system successfully |At shipment |YES |

|completed all factory testing | | |

|Certified factory testing results |2 Weeks after test completion |No |

|Documents for record |2 Weeks prior to shipment |NO |

|Installation data and storage procedures |2 Weeks prior to shipment |No |

|Commissioning sign-off sheets |At completion of commissioning |YES |

| | | |

| | | |

2. The project schedule shall include key engineering interfaces, specific information required by THE BUYER, dates for placement of suborders, start of software generation or configuration, tests, and preparation.

3. Seller shall submit to THE BUYER the following records:

a. Comprehensive product quality report including Certificate of Compliance.

b. Equipment furnished when applicable (software only does not require the drawings)

4. One copy of instructions applicable to each component shall be shipped with the component.


1 PCAMS Operations

The PCAMS shall be capable of operating on IO Server or Host computer consisting of a system with the following features:

1. A Pentium II class computer (233 MHz or higher) whose manufacturer and model meet the Microsoft NT compliance test, have 128 megabytes of RAM or more, 4.2 Gigabytes or more of hard drive on the PCI bus, XGA video graphics on the PCI bus or AGP bus, a full-size keyboard (101 or more keys), a PS/2 pointing device (mouse, trackball, Durapoint, or equivalent), two 16550 ports, one or more ECP parallel ports, two spare PCI slots and two or more ISA slots, and color inkjet printer (HP 722C preferred).

2. The operating system shall be Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or newer.

3. Auto-reboot capacity upon return from power off in the event that the UPS does not function or when the UPS power has shutdown the system. The Auto-reboot will restart the computer operating system (OS) and then restart the PCAMS software with user input only for log-in of the user. The system will restart in READ ONLY mode until log-in has been done by an authorized user. A UPS is required for the IO Server or Host computer, see 9.1.8.

4. The PCAMS shall be capable of communicating with up to intelligent (CPU on board) serial 128 ports that connect to device LAN (Local Area Network) providing each LAN with its own protocol and its own set of devices being polled simultaneously. Each port shall be adjustable to it own baud rate from 1200 to 115,200 baud.

5. The PCAMS shall provide automatic system based on detected faults, in the IO Server (Host) and Display/Manager Client computers in the graphical header on each display screen as hardware alarms. These alarms shall be, but not limited to, low disk space, network failure, communication driver failure, code failures, and other hardware alarms. The remote device alarms shall be displayed in the graphical header on each display screen as field alarms. Provide a direct path to the alarm display screen with acknowledgement, and a direct “GOTO” device screen causing the alarm.

6. The PCAMS shall have the capacity of being programmed or modified on-line and return the modifications to the run-time mode. It will not be necessary to shutr down the run-time system to have the modifications appear in the run-time of their next occurrence.

7. Each field device must have a field adjustable unique address for polling by the PCAMS software.

8. The PCAMS IO Server or Host shall operate on 120 VAC and be supplied with a UPS to support system operation for approximately one (1) hour without shutting down. This provides for an orderly shutdown and easy restart of the PCAMS. The PCAMS will support UPS software for notification of the network of a shutdown in advance of the shutdown.

9. (OPTIONAL) The PCAMS shall provide the ability to detect faults in the IO Server, remote protection devices, communications network, or auxiliary devices such as analog temperature and report these alarms via a contact signal to another system, auto-dialer, alarm horns, personnel alphanumeric pager, and other similar remote contact device that may be provided by THE BUYER.

10. The PCAMS design shall be capable of providing remote Form C, contact alarm indication at up to several hundred locations anywhere on the network for these type of occurrences:

a. Alarm and/or trip signal from any other device on the system.

b. Alarms above the setpoint on ay Form C transducer.

11. All communication system components shall have a dielectric isolation of 2200 volts minimum line-to-ground without damage to the communication device.

12. The PCAMS shall be capable of interfacing with any existing or new customer supplied broadband network via RS-232, Ethernet, or RS-485 interface. The PCAMS will interface to other types of controls systems such as Johnson Meda-Sys, Honeywell, Bailey, Foxboro, SixTrak, etc., via Modbus gateway PLC.

13. Any communications converters shall be all in one type (RS-232/RS-485/Fiber Optic) provide for interchangeable port communication conversion

2 PCAMS Software

14. Provide a complete software package. The software system shall have on-line, full-screen editing to facilitate the programming and modifying of the system. The software shall be Microsoft Windows NT based. It shall be capable of providing separate screens at the IO Server or Host for vital system parameters of up to a minimum of 3200 remote devices. The screens shall show all metering and alarm parameters that are available from individual remote devices by device (each device has a unique address and is polled for the device information) including, but not limited to, all metered values, load status, alarm status, energy data, device position and/or status. In addition, the system shall be capable of providing tripping, closing, starting, stopping, opening, and closing of remote devices from the IO Server or any of its network Display Clients or Nodes.

15. The computer and software shall be capable of running other Microsoft Windows compatible packaged software programs, such as, word processing, spreadsheets, database, while constantly monitoring the PCAMS field networks. This includes DDE Server/client and OLE/OPC (Object Linking and Embedding/OLE for Process Control) links to applications and the ability to utilize all functions of another vendor through Dynamic Link Library (DLL) files, such as, MathLab or harmonic analysis software. Alarms shall be shown graphically on the screen of the IO Server (Host) and any clients connected on the Ethernet. The IO Server shall provide an audible alarm to signal problems while the compute is utilizing other program software. The software shall be user-intuitive with menu-driven graphic screens with the following features:

a. The one-line for substations shall not be overcrowded with too many device parameters, but shall utilize standard meters or metering parameter with pop-up metering displays for more detailed information. These meters shall provide all information for all types of field devices, but retain the same “look and feel” from device to device. For example, the phase currents shall always be in the top left hand corner of the window, while the power factor and frequency shall be on the right side of the window. A button to remove the opo-up shall be provided, the pop-up window shall be movable, and multiple pop-up display windows can be used on the same screen, allowing the user to move between them for full comparison viewing. In addition, there will be a real-time graphic trend parameter button on the detail information pop-up windows. The trend analysis screen shall be as outlined in Section 9.2.3, c., (2), below.

b. The system shall provide a predefined set of real-time trend plots for immediate user viewing of these parameters. For example, the four phase currents are predefined as a pop-up real-time trend plot with a single user stroke.

c. All one-line screens shall display the current and device status at all times with pop-up windows for lesser important detailed parameters as energy and trends. All pop-up shall have the device identification, device status, current time and date. Any alarms shall be shown on all screens (in a header on each screen) and a direct “go to” the alarm shall be provided from the alarm acknowledgement screen. The parameters of a device alarm shall be available to the operator within two operator strokes.

d. The status information on the one-line screens and alarms screens shall indicate the device OPEN, CLOSED, TRIPPED, and COMMUNICATIONS status. The alarm screens show the reason for the alarm, type of alarm, who acknowledged the alarm or if the alarm has not been acknowledged. Addition information may be added or deleted from the alarm report pages by the user or customized by system integrator.

16. The PCAMS software shall provide the following:

a. The system device event logging and reporting shall be provided for any changes in any field device. The system personnel log-on and log-off, attempted log-on or log-off conditions, shall be noted.

b. Time/event logging: The time and reason of each event shall be logged directly to the IO Server (Host or Alarm Server) log file for easy review and reporting, both screen and printed. Time stamping capability in seconds (when no GPS, I-RIG-B time is available, or in milliseconds with GPS time sync) shall be provided at the IO Server (Host or Alarm Server) for, but not limited to, device on/off, device alarm, device trip, and device no response (communication alarm or timeout).

c. Data Trending: The Software shall include the following trending features:

1) All information monitored by every remote device shall be capable of having all metered parameters and discrete values trended against any other metered parameter and discrete value in the system.

2) Trending time internal and amount information to be trended shall be user-selectable for each device. Time interval selection shall be user selectable in discrete time blocks. These trends are rubber-banded trends that provide for unlimited zoom-in and zoom-out with automatic time adjustment intervals to 10 millisecond intervals.

3) True trend printouts (XY plots), not screen prints.

4) The trend pens (up to eight per screen) shall be dynamically assigned from any parameter in the system.

5) Assignment of predefined trends or real-ime data shall be animated to a button for instant pop-up plotting of the predefined parameters.

6) The trend display windows shall provide for easy collection and exchange of the trended data be being able to copy the data to the Windows clipboard and input this data into another Windows application, such as Excel or Word, provide statistical information on all pens of the displayed plot, and save the data to a file for transfer to another computer or software application in dBF, CVS, and other standard formats.

7) Event-based trends shall be stored and retrievable for define periods with running out of disk space.

d. Information Storage, retrieval by event

1) Data shall be capable of being time sorted for use in reports that analyze patterns of device and system alarms, peak demand, and KWHr usage, and overall system usage.

2) Data shall be able to output to screen, printer, disk files in dBASE and SQL formats.

3) Data reports shall be available from time-triggered, event-triggered, or periodic reports.

4) A built-in report generator that provides WYSISYG format for the user defined reports.

5) The report generator shall provide the ability to include graphs in printouts.

6) Built-in accumulators, for run hours per number of starts, number of breaker operations per month or year, etc

17. Security, Password Protection

The following password security protection features shall be provided:

a. The PCAMS shall provide eight level of password protection per 255 areas. This shall provide approximately 1 billion combinations of security execution.

b. Each area shall have a Matrix consisting of program areas versus user level. This shall provide selected users with allowable functions on the same screens as another user. This shall provide restrictions to the screen item level (to the button level) on any screen.

c. Security shall be able to be attached to data and actions.

d. An operator log shall record all actions performed by the logged-in users, and any unauthorized attempts anywhere in the system.

e. System security shall be provided by the OS (NT only) to the file management level (NTFS only) and administration of creation and changing of passwords shall be by the OS administrator.

f. Remote access service shall be secured by the OS via log-in access rights and the assigned user matrix position of the assigned PCAMS user.

g. Automatic user log-out shall be administrator defined. Example after 10 minutes of no activity by the user the system will log the user out of the PCAMS.

18. Diagnostics shall be internal to provide information on device and system malfunctions, such as device not communicating, printer failure, out of disk space, code errors, and similar type events.

19. The PCAMS shall be capable of interfacing to PLC units and other system via Ethernet, serial, SQL, DDE, OLE, OPC, and other protocols.

20. The software shall allow the user to set up to 255 defined, desired, individual, computer alarms levels for all monitored parameters. This shall provide for user-defined levels, such as low warnings, medium level warning, and special alarms for their attention. These alarms shall be independent of the protection device alarms.

3 Drawing Graphic Capability

21. The software shall include the capacity to create customer object oriented programmed (OOP) graphics for such things as system one-line drawings, flow diagrams of system, equipment front or any graphic representation desired by the user, and make action buttons from bit-mapped graphics. The drawings shall allow for the insertion of customer-selected variable tags providing real-time available information from the remote devices. The graphic package shall allow for unlimited screen penetration to lower-level detailed screens. The graphic package shall have, as a minimum, the following specified features:

a. Animation or indication (changing of shape, color orientation, or configuration) of any object or line on the screen based on a change of incoming monitored data and/or a software-performed calculation shall be provided. For example, the changing of single-line breaker color based on OPEN, CLOSED, TEST, DISCONNECTED, TRIPPED via fault, or monitored values of circuit breaker or motor starter or switch.

b. Ability to perform mathematical operations and logic function on the incoming monitored data or calculated data points. These and many other type of user-defined functions shall be performed using built-in code that shall be fully pre-emptive, multithreaded, and provide for new user-defined functions, provide string manipulation, and perform “if-then-else, For-Do, While-Do, Conditional Executions.”

c. Display in a real-time mode a graphic representation of either monitored or calculated data. This shall include line charts and bar graphics with animation.

d. Library of objects for customer modification of graphics screens. The ability of the graphic package to use templates for display screens and objects on the display screens, so that when modifications to a template are made, all associated screens are updated. One change in a template updates all like pages.

e. Custom developed screens to match customer one-line drawings, customer floor plan, security and fire equipment, process control equipment, building equipment, and actual power transmission and/or distribution equipment front elevation shall be provided as part of the graphic package. THE BUYER will be able to select colors, numbering scheme, and general arrangements of the screens through preliminary design reviews (electronic or in person). Provide a master overview screen with active buttons, listing all subscreens by contract designation. Moving to the subscreens can be selected by a mouse click operation with proper security assigned for the user..

f. Automatic routing to appropriate one-line shall be provided on an alarm condition and graphical identification of the device causing the fault or alarm.

g. The PCAMS software shall support Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) allowing the sharing of data with any other DDE compatible software.

h. The PCAMS software shall support external Dynamic Link Libraries (DLL) for running external, to the PCAMS, software programs.

i. The PCAMS software shall support Object Linking and Embedding for linking to other compatible software.

4 System Component Detailed Specifications

22. Host (IO Server) Device Requirements

a. Furnish and install a personal computer meeting the requirements previously outlined. Provide as a minimum, PCAMS software package, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Word, as 32 bit software packages, and Microsoft NT (Server or Workstation), latest version with all current service packs.

b. Furnish and install a color inkjet printer interfaced to a parallel port on the IO Server, and a UPS system that will provide a minimum of 45 minutes uptime without AC power for all system components connected to the IO Server.

23. Display and/or Manager Clients (Optional)

a. Furnish and install a personal computer meeting the requirements previously outlined including the network interface card and software files necessary for enterprise network operations. Provide as a minimum, PCAMS software package as 32-bit software package for data exchange, and Microsoft NT (workstation), latest version with all current service packs.

b. Furnish and install a color inkjet printer interfaced to a parallel port on the IO Server, and a UPS system that will provide a minimum of 45 minutes uptime without AC power for all system components connected to the IO Server. OPTIONAL

24. As a minimum, system shall be capable of communicating with the following devices or devices included in assembled equipment or substation:

a. ABB DPU-2000R or PCD2000 with Modbus (RTU) over RS-485 port.

b. ABB TPU-2000R with Modbus (RTU) over RS-485 port.

c. ABB MSOC with Modbus (ASCII) RS-485 port

d. ABB GPU-2000R with Modbus (RTU) protocol over RS-485 port.

e. ABB LVCPU1000/MPSC-2000 with Modbus (RTU) RS-485 port.

f. GE Multilin devices (SR750/760, F60, PQM, 269+/469, 489, etc) with Modbus (RTU) RS-485 port.

g. GE MicroVesaTrip through gateway using Modbus (RTU) RS-485 port.

h. Electro Industries series of devices with Modbus (RTU) RS-485 port.

i. Power Measurements Limited series of devices with Modbus (RTU) RS-485.

j. Basler with Modbus (ASCII) RS-485 port.

k. Cutler-Hammer IQ Data Plus, IQ Analyzer, and IQ 1000II Modbus protocol conversion products & RS-485 port and Ethernet.

l. Square D 2200 series with Modbus (RTU) RS-485 port.

m. Other vendors not named, but with Modbus RS-485 ports.

25. The PCAMS software shall be capable of displaying the following information from equipment:

a. Individual phase and ground currents.

b. Phase-to-phase and phase-to-neutral voltages.

c. Vars, power factor, frequency.

d. Watts, watt demand, watt-hours, and Var-hours.

e. Amp demand.

f. Alarm on circuit timing out to trip, cause of alarm, and magnitude of current causing the trip.

g. Alarm on circuit breaker tripping, cause of trip, and magniture of the current causing the trip.

h. Circuit breaker status including open, close, tripped, truck position (connected, test, or disconnected).

i. Time-stamped trip including cause of trip, magnitude of trip with time/date stamp from the device.

5 PCAMS Equipment supplied by Seller

26. Bidder shall furnish all data and information by filling in all blanks:

Equipment Manufacturer Model/Type

Host/IO Server ____________ ___________

Display/Manager Client ____________ ___________

Monitor for IO Server ____________ ___________

Monitor for Display/Manager ____________ ___________

Inkjet Printer ____________ ___________

Keyboard ____________ ___________

Pointing device ____________ ___________

UPS for IO Server ____________ ___________

UPS for Display/Manger ____________ ___________

Communication Converters

(RS-232/RS-485/Fiber Optics) ____________ ___________

Network Interface Card ____________ ___________

IO Server Operating System ____________ ___________

Display/Manager OS ____________ ___________

PCAMS software ____________ ___________

IO Server Hard Drive ____________ ___________

Display/Manager Hard Drive ____________ ___________

Video Card ____________ ___________

Memory Size & Type ____________ ___________

Computer Processor ____________ ___________

Ancillary software products ____________ ___________


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