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|Announces Fourth Certificate Programme in | |

|HRD AUDIT & SCORE CARD |The first three batches had 137 participants from|

|(To align various HR interventions with Business and |IDBI, Essar, ICICI, Philips, McDowell, Reuters |

|organizational effectiveness) |India, Godrej & Boyce, Blow Plast, Dr. Reddy’s, |

| |EXIM Bank, Tata Infotech, Mitsubishi, Ma Foi, |

|Commencing October 1, 2007) |L&T, Blue Star, Satyam Computers, Cairn Energy, |

| |Tata Honeywell, Sony India, MRF, Britannia, |

|Is your HR aligned to Strategic Business Goals: |Siemens, Samtel, Atul, Ballarpur Industries, |

|Discover the truth through HRD Audit-2500 |Mahindra and Mahindra Finance, Aditya Birla |

| |Group, Essel Propack, IPCL, National Productivity|

| |Council, ITC Ltd., Royal Enfield, Action Aid |

| |India, Kochi Refineries, Rico Auto Industries, |

| |Gulf Sail General LLC (Dubai), CMC, Mutual |

|T.V. RAO LEARNING SYSTEMS, AHMEDABAD |Mecaplast, Café Coffee Day, HCL Technologies, |

| |Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Crompton Greaves, |

|10 SUCCESSFUL YEARS IN CONSULTING |Philips India, Mangalore Refineries and |

|Celebrating a decade of learning & contributions |petrochemicals, IndoNational, Radhakrishna |

|____________________________________________ |Hospitality Services, Secure Meters, Amity |

| |Business School , Adventnet Development Centre, |

| |etc |

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| |Introduction: |

|Programme Objectives: | |

| |Several research studies from the USA and UK have indicated that people practices impact|

|To learn about HRD Audit and its methodologies |profiles and share holder value. Indian studies indicate growing importance of HR as a |

|To conduct HRD Audit of your own company |strategic variable. At the same time, these studies indicate an alarming decline in the|

|To establish a HRD Score card of your company using |positive perceptions of HR by line managers and other groups. Articles like “Why we hate|

|a2500 points (1000 for HR Systems, 500 for HR |HR” have offered reasons and also presented evidence that all is not always well with |

|competencies of HR Staff, learning attitudes of line |HR. Private views of managers have been found vary very much from publications of |

|managers and top management styles, 500 for HR culture|business magazines studies indicating best employers best practices, best place work, |

|and values and 500 for Business impact of HR) |high engagement etc. yet everyone acknowledges that the future is in HR hands. |

|To get certified as an Auditor | |

| |Are you one of those who belong to “Good HR” or “Not so Good HR” department or function |

| |in your company. |

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|Eligibility: |HRD AUDIT tell you: |

| | |

|Any P.G Degree /Diploma holder with around 5 years of |How good is your HR as perceived by your own employees |

|experience and Interest in HRD |How well are you servicing them? |

| |How well are you engaging them” |

| |What HR systems do they like? |

| |What HR Systems have negative, positive impact than you thought |

| |A good internal or external audit following the methodologies promoted by TVRLS in their|

| |HRD Audit programme will help you answer the above questions. |

| | |

| |Besides knowing answers to the above questions, you will also be equipped to conduct HR |

| |Audit for others all through the best of your professional life after going through this|

| |course. |

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|Methodology: |Faculty: |

|The participants will be prepared on line and through a set of materials sent to them on HRD |Dr.T.V. Rao and TVRLS Team(Dr.Rao will |

|Audit and its methods. Books and other guidelines will be sent. |personally conduct 2 days of the 3 day |

| |workshop). The first day will be to review |

|Module I: |all HR Systems and gain thorough understanding|

|Concept of HRD | |

|HRD in Organizations | |

|HRD Audit Concepts |Course fee: Rs.35,000/ plus 12.36% Service Tax|

|Components of HRD Audit |(i.e. total Rs. |

|HRD Strategies, HRD Systems, HRD Structure, HRD Culture, HRD competencies |Rs.39,326) per participant. Payment to be |

| |sent by DD/Par cheque only favouring T.V. Rao |

|Module 2: |Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd. |

|Methodologies for HRD Audit |Ahmedabad. |

|Instruments for HRD Audit | |

|Designing HRD Audit Instruments using HRD Manual |Programme commences on: |

|Participants will conduct a mini audit in his/her company and collect data |October 1st, 2007 |

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|Module 3: | |

|Skill Workshop – 3 days (non residential at Ahmedabad) | |

|to train participants on HR Audit and practice the use of the methodology | |

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|Module 4: | |

|Actual Audit of the participants own company and preparation of report and HRD Plan | |

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|Module 5: | |

|Submission of Report establishing HRD Score card for the company), on-line evaluation and | |

|certification. | |

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|(Certification is subject to attending the workshop and submitting the report on time). | |

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|On Completion of the programme every participant will be equipped to: | |

|Design HRD Audit for a given company | |

|Select sampling for interviews, questionnaires for assessment, areas of observation & data |About TVRLS: |

|needed for study and assessment |Set up in 1996 by Prof. T.V.Rao in Ahmedabad, |

|Conduct an actual Audit interview |TVRLS is an expression of over four decades of|

|Evaluate HRD Systems & Competencies using TVRLS manuals and tools |experience, study, review, reflection and |

|Evaluate relevance and redundancies of HRD Systems to achieve business goals |action combined with a desire to discover more|

|Identify strengths and weaknesses of HRD department using multiple methods |about the behaviour of people in different |

|Write an HRD Audit Report |settings and developing ways of making them |

|Assist a trained & certified auditor in conducting the HRD Audit |give their best. |

| | |

|REGISTRATION; |Over the last decade, TVRLS has been |

|Completed registration form with course fee should be sent to us before last date for |contributing extensively in the areas of |

|registration viz. |Leadership development through 360 Degree |

| |Feedback, Assessment Development Centers, |

|FOR ANY INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION WRITE TO: |Competency Mapping, HRD Audits, Performance |

| |Management System (PMS), Psychological |

|NIDHI VASHISTH,Course Manager |Instrumentation and Testing, OD and Change |

|T.V.Rao Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd. |initiatives, Climate Surveys and Designing and|

|603, PARSHWA, Judges Bungalow Road |Implementing HR Systems etc |

|Ahmedabad 380 015 – Gujarat | |

|Ph:079-262870312/26872718/Telefax:26870687 | |

|Emails: tvrls@ , | |

|URL: | |

| | |


| | |

|T.V. Rao Learning systems Pvt. Ltd. | |

|No;102-B, Grou9nd Floor, 30th Cross | |

|2nd Main, 7th Block, Jayanagar | |

|BANGALORE 560082 | |

|Ph:080-65975191, 22444919 | |

|Email: tvrls@ | |


T.V. Rao Learning Systems (TVRLS)

603, PARSHWA, 6th Floor, Near Rajpath Club, Ahmedabad - 380015

Phone 91-79- 26872718, 26870312, Fax: 91-79-26870687

Email: tvrls@ URL:

Registration form for Certificate program in HRD Audit( IV th BATCH) October 2007


| | | | | | | | |

Date Month Year

Professional qualification:


(With specialization):_____________________________________________________

Name of Institute:__________________________________________________________

Passing Year:

| | | | |

Professional Experience details:

Present Organisation:_____________________________________________________________

Role/ Title/Designation:_________________________________________________________

Role/Job description:______________________________________________________________



Name of the previous organizations worked with:

| | |

Total Years of


Address for Correspondence (for sending course material etc.)



Telephone number:



Mobile: _________________________________

E mail ID:___________________________@_______________________________


Please find enclosed the DD/Par Cheque No..____________ towards the fees for the certificate program in HRD Audit & Scorecard 2500. I undertake to abide to the changes that TVRLS will incorporate in the program.

Date:____________________ Signature:

Place: ___________________ ____________________________

Please attach your visiting card with filled registration form.

LAST DATE FOR REGISTRATION: 15 days before the program commences.




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