Annual Performance Evaluation - Human Resources

The University Of Texas At AustinProject 2021Annual Performance AppraisalFor Appraisal Period Ending:Employee Name:Title:Department (Project 2021/ FIC/RAM/TEC and area within TEC):For detailed instructions on how to use this form, see Project 2021 Appraisal Form Instructions at .SECTION 1 Self-Appraisal (Employee): Briefly describe the overall purpose of this position and answer the questions below.What were your major achievements in the past year? What project or accomplishment from the past year are you the most proud of?Who are your primary customers and how well have you served them this past year?Since the last appraisal period, have you performed any new tasks or additional duties outside the scope of your regular responsibilities? If so, please specify.What are the areas of your performance (behaviors, conduct and results) on which you could improve? Please describe.Is there anything you need that would help you to be more effective or successful in your position?Identify 2-4 work goals for the coming year and one or more professional development goals (something you would like to learn, a new skill or an area for improvement).SECTION 2 Overall Purpose of the Position and Key Responsibilities (Employee and Supervisor):Employee should complete the overall purpose of the position. Then identify key responsibilities/job functions in the column on the left (one key responsibility per box) and add brief comments in the center column to identify how those responsibilities were met.Supervisor will finalize key responsibilities (work with the employee as needed), provide in the column to the right an appraisal rating for each item based on the rating scale below and add comments regarding the employee’s performance that support the reason for the rating. Rating Scale (see Instructions page for further guidance and definitions):3.0 Rating: Exceeds Expectations (Consistently performs above expectations in all areas.)2.5 Rating: Meets And, At Times, Exceeds Expectations (Solid performance in all areas and exceeds expectations in certain areas.)2.0 Rating: Meets Expectations (Overall performance is good and solid; meets expectations/requirements.)1.5 Rating: Meets Most But, At Times, Falls Short of Expectations (Performance is good in some areas but not all areas or performance is generally inconsistent. Performance needs improvement in some areas.)1.0 Rating: Does Not Meet Expectations (Performance has not met expectations for key responsibilities and requires immediate improvement.)OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE POSITIONKEY RESPONSIBILITIESEMPLOYEE COMMENTSSUPERVISOR COMMENTS AND APPRAISALSECTION 3 Current Appraisal Year Goals (Employee and Supervisor): Employee should list goals from the current year (appraisal year just completed) in the column on the left (consult with your supervisor as needed). The Employee may provide comments about the performance of each goal in the middle column.Supervisor should provide the outcome of the goal and provide comments on the achievement of each goal in the right column. Identify the outcomes using one of the following categories, with the supervisor having the final say: Met, Partially Met, Did Not Meet, Deferred, Modified, or Withdrawn/Canceled. GOALSEMPLOYEE COMMENTS OUTCOME AND SUPERVISOR COMMENTSSECTION 4 Overall Rating, Summary, Competencies and Goals (Supervisor): This section is for the Supervisor to provide an overall rating (using the rating scale provided in Section 2) and summary of performance for the year. This section should include comments about how the employee performed the Core Competencies, unless they are addressed in other sections. See the Instructions for a list and description of Core Competencies. This section should also include mutually agreed upon goals for the next appraisal period.Overall RATING, SUMMARY, ComPETENCIES, AND Goals for next yearsupervisor InformationSupervisor Name:Title:Signature:This performance appraisal was discussed with the employee on: (date)EMPLOYEE InformationSigning this form is an acknowledgement that you have read this form and that you have had an opportunity to discuss this performance appraisal with your supervisor. You also acknowledge that you have the option to add your own comments to this appraisal. Comments are to be submitted to your supervisor or to the Department’s Human Resources Contact in writing with a dated signature within 10 working days of the performance appraisal discussion. Comments will be attached to the appraisal and retained in the personnel file. Employee Name:Title:Signature:This performance appraisal was discussed with me on: (date)MANAGEMENT REVIEWIn the space below, the supervisor of the appraiser may enter comments on this evaluation (optional). Supervisor’s next level manager or department head:Signature:Date:Revised: 6/2017 ................

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