Learning Activities

Bahria University, Islamabad CampusDepartment of Management SciencesAcademic Session 2012Human Resource ManagementCourse OutlineMBA-Semester IV, 2012Prepared by:Adeel SaqibPh.D. Scholar Contact Details:Cell: 0332-9594041Email: adsaqib@Brief Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u MGT# Human Resource Management PAGEREF _Toc92681234 \h 3Course Synopsis PAGEREF _Toc92681235 \h 3Objectives / Learning Outcomes PAGEREF _Toc92681236 \h 3Lecturer Goals PAGEREF _Toc92681237 \h 3Methods of Learning PAGEREF _Toc92681238 \h 4Course Evaluation PAGEREF _Toc92681239 \h 4Course Schedule for 18-Week Semester PAGEREF _Toc92681245 \h 5Recommended Text PAGEREF _Toc92681246 \h 6Recommended Additional Books PAGEREF _Toc92681247 \h 6Recommended Journals PAGEREF _Toc92681248 \h 6Library Closed Reserve PAGEREF _Toc92681249 \h 6Academic Misconduct PAGEREF _Toc92681250 \h 7University Plagiarism Statement PAGEREF _Toc92681251 \h 7Plagiarism: PAGEREF _Toc92681252 \h 7Class Rules PAGEREF _Toc92681253 \h 7Human Resource ManagementCourse Description This subject addresses key areas associated with the functional specialization of human resource management, and expect these to broaden the organizational context. It focuses on major functional policies and programs context. It focuses on major functional policies and programs such as human resource planning, strategic human resource management, job analysis, employment law, recruitment and selection, performance management, compensation, human resource development, occupational health and safety and international human resource management. Students are encouraged to draw upon their work experiences in classes and assignment to enhance learning.Objectives / Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this subject, the students are expected to be able to:Identify and understand key concepts associated with the management of human resources in organizationIdentify issues and challenges associated with integrating human resource management and business strategy.Appreciate how these concepts are variously applied in organizationsPut forward and justify reasoned arguments in the area of contemporary human resource management through written assignments, seminar presentation, discussion groups and examination essaysUsing a small team format, explain, critical evaluate and wherever possible propose potential solutions to current human resource management problems/issues.Lecturer GoalsTo familiarize the students with the primary concepts pertaining to the field of Human Resource Management.To help students grasp the connection between materials covered in class and the application of that material by managers in organizations. Methods of LearningA variety of techniques will be used to enhance your learning for this course. These include face-to-face lecture, discussion, debates, exams, cases, in-class group activities, out-of-class group and individual assignments, and Internet Research. Students are expected to come to every session having completed your reading and/or other assignments.Course EvaluationStudents will have several opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the principles taught in this course. Though much of the learning is actually achieved in-class, students are expected to complete the certain assignments in order to pass the subject:Proposed Course RequirementsFINAL EXAM------------------------------------- 45% (3 hours)SESSIONAL EXAMS----------------------------30%QUIZZES-------------------------------------------5%PERSONAL REACTION PAPERS------------5%SMALL GROUP ORAL REPORT------------ 15% (3000 words) Final-Exam will consist of discussion/short essay questions taken from the learning objectives noted above. It is necessary to pass the final-exam in order to pass the subject.Quizzes: During the semester four (4) quizzes will be given at the beginning of class (no quiz for anyone late to class). Questions for quizzes will consist of multiple choice and the learning objectives noted above. Note: No make-up quizzes will be given.Learning ActivitiesWhat opportunities does the course provide for me to learn? What will I be expected to do?PERSONAL REACTION PAPERS During the course of the semester students will be required to prepare three (3) Personal Reaction Papers1.These papers should be based on an experience you have had with the topic in question, or a personal view you have about a particular topic. If you elect this second option, please do not simply summarize the “content” of a topic.2.Each paper should be approximately 4–5 pages in length (double spaced/computer generated). Papers will be graded primarily based upon the content of what is written, although issues of form, such as sentence structure, and spelling also enter into the grading of papers. Each paper counts 5 percent of the final course grade. Guidelines for Reaction Paper: The following guidelines are offered to assist you in preparing your papers:You may select one of two perspectives in writing your papers. First, many of you have had first-hand work experiences related to many of the topics we will be addressing in this course. You may choose to write your paper(s) based on the experience you have had with a particular topic in question.If, by chance, you have not had experience with any of the topics in a given unit of study, you may elect to write about your personal views regarding a topic. If you elect this option, please do not summarize the content of a topic found in the textbook. Focus instead on conveying your own personal views of the topic (agreement/disagreement, insights, position, etc). You will notice that chapters of the textbook have been organized into five (5) sections of study. You are to select one topic from each of the five units noted below as the basis for your papers. Please note: Your first paper, selected from the topics in Section one (1), is due at the end of fifth week Dated March 09, 2012.4.Each paper should be approximately 4-5 pages in length. Papers will be graded primarily based upon the content of what is written. However, issues of form, such as sentence structure and spelling, will also enter into the grading of the papers.PERSONAL REACTION PAPERS INSTRUCTIONS (continued)Schedule & Due DatesPaperMaterial Covered Due Date (approximately)1IntroductionCH 1—Nature of HRMCH 2— The Challenges of HRMCH 3— Strategic HRM/HRM Planning CH 4— Equal Employment Opportunities and HRMCH 5— Job Analysis, Employee involvement and Flexible Work Schedules …………At the End of Fifth Week ______________________________________________________________________________________2CH 6— HR Planning and Recruitment CH 7— Employee SelectionCH 8— Training & Development CH 9— Career and HR Development CH10— Appraising & Improving Performance …………………………At the End of Tenth Week _____________________________________________________________________________________3CH 13— Compensation Strategies and PracticesCH 14— Safety & HealthCH 15— Employee Rights and Disciplines CH 16— The Dynamics of Labor RelationsCH 18— International HRM……………………………….At the end of Fifteenth week Group ProjectImagine that you have just been appointed Human Resource Manager for a medium sized retailer that has grown substantially of late. It currently employs 600 people spread over 30 sites (500 employees) and has Central Head Office (100 employees). It has business plan which indicates the opening of a further 20 sites in next four years, including 8 in oversee. The current turnover is 30 million which it expects to double over the next five years.Project Requirements:Explain and justify the contribution that you, as Human Resource Manager, would expect to make in improving the performance of the organization in TWO of following areas:Human Resource Planning Recruitment and SelectionTraining and DevelopmentPerformance ManagementPay and RewardsAreas of AssessmentThe degree to which you set out some of the strategic areas as well as the detail of Human Resource Management Practice.The degree to which you incorporate and reference theory in these areasThe degree to which the contribution you detail is realistic and practical to the context of this project.You are encouraged to choose the products of the retailer and the market in which they operate and to make any other reasonable assumption relating to the detail of this project. The assumptions should of course, be relevant and realistic.ORStudents are required to undertake a supervised research based project on an approved topic of special interest in the field of work and organizational studies and to produce a 3000-Over word written report on the project. Week 3 each group is required to meet with the course lecturer and provide a statement how you intend to tackle the project and why this will be effective. The assessment criteria for the final project includes:An introductionA brief description of the projectIntegration of HRM concepts relevant to your projectAny especially good or bad things about the HRM policy or procedures of the chosen organization What the HRM manager does on the jobDiscussion and RecommendationWhether you’d want this manager’s position (and why or not)Layout: Please use double spacing and either an 11 or 12-size font. The research project should be written in academic style including correct referencing. This paper should also be well organized, typed, and grammatically correct but can be informal in nature. Length: About 10 pages maximum (double space, Time New Roman or equivalent size in another font) total including figures but excluding the title page. Problem finding a suitable process to analyze: Discuss with you lecturer if you have any problem finding a suitable process for this assignment.Your are expected to carry out a significant amount of library research (use of appropriate academic journal articles are particularly encouraged), but other forms of information gathering – such as contacting organizations, discussion with fellow students and appropriate use of internet material are encourage. Your mark for the project will depend very much on how thoroughly you research your topic and how well you explain your finding both in writing and through a presentation.What you have to do:Write a short paper summarizing your project findings. The paper must be correctly referenced and written in report format. The class of 10 students is divided into 5 groups (2 people) and each group is assigned to present to class. Give a presentation of your project to the class (see subject outline for presentation schedule). A maximum of 30 minutes is allowed this include 10 minutes for questions. A high standard of presentation is expected. Your lecturer and the other groups in the class will assess your presentation. Assessment is based on both communication skills demonstrated in the presentation (process) and the quality of the analysis (content). Please provide a copy or your slides/overheads for class members. One slide/overhead should contain a list of key references that interested class members could follow up. The due date of the research project and presentation is 14th week of the semester. Note: At the beginning of your presentation, please provide brief background information about the company or organization, such as products or services provided number of employees, etc.This project counts 20 percent of the overall course grade. The criteria for grading group projects are as follows:1.Creative presentation………… 4%2.Interesting content……………..2%3. Literature review…………….….. .2%4.Evidence of preparation……….2%Group presentations will begin on ____________________.General Notes on AssignmentsYour 1st reaction paper should be 4-5 pages and research project not more than 12-15 pages (not including exhibits) and both must be typed and professionally presented. Submit on time: It is expected that project be handed in on time. If for any reason your assignment is likely to be delayed discuss this with your lecturer as early as possible before the hand-in date. Assignment submitted late without a good reason will be penalized.Please keep a copy of your assignment and project. If your work goes missing (a rare but possible event) your spare copy ensures that there are no nasty arguments about who lost it. If you claim a missing assignment, it will need to be faxed or mailed to your lecturer the next day.Sourcing Material for Assignments: There are number of excellent on-line search facilities at Air University Library and the library holds tutorials to help you learn how to use the systems. Journal databases of particular use for this subject are (at the time of writing) ABI/INFORM Global (Proquest), EBSCO, EMERALD. There are some other electronic databases, which allow you to select a number of sources and search them simultaneously. You can find these resources in the library catalogue under journal databases. Internet: Please exercise with care in using and referencing material from the internet. The net will yield quite a lot of low-level articles on most topics, many of them contributed as part of consultants “home page”. Very often, the source of this material is unknown. Generally, if the author cannot be identified than do not use the material in your assignments.Reference: In the course of carrying out your assignment you will use ideas from the literature e.g. books and periodicals, and perhaps from other sources such as interviews. All ideas that are not your own original work must be acknowledged. In your list of references only list source that you have actually cited in your work.Course Schedule for 16-Week SemesterTOPICS, PRESENTATION SCHEDULE AND ASSIGNMENT HAND IN DATEWeekChapterLecture Topic Text11SECTION 1: HRM IN PERSPECTIVE The Nature of HRM22The Challenges of HRM 33Strategic HRM/ HR Planning Case Study Format : Case Study 144SECTION 2: MEETING HR REQUIREMENTS Equal Employment Opportunities and HRM and Case Study 255Job Analysis, Employee involvement and Flexible Work Schedules Quiz # 1 and Case Study 366SECTION 3: DEVELOPING EFFECTIVENESS IN HRHR Planning and Recruitment Case Study 477 Employee Selection- Case Study 5Hand in 1st Reaction Paper88Training & Development Case Study 699Career Development 1010Appraising & Improving Performance Quiz # 2 and Case Study 71111SECTION 4: IMPLEMENMTING COMPENSATION & SECURITY Managing compensations Case Study 81212Pay for Performance: Intensive Rewards Case Study 91313Employee Benefits Compensation Strategies and PracticesCase Study 10 and Hand-in 2nd Reaction Paper1414Safety & Health Quiz # 3 and Case Study 111515Section 5: EXPENDING HRM HORIZONSEmployee Rights and Disciplines Case Study 121616The Dynamics of Labor RelationsQuiz # 4 and Hand-in 3rd Reaction Paper1717International HRM Group Presentation and Hand in Project1818Creating High Performance Work System Group Presentation and Hand in Project (Revision)Recommended Text Snell, S. & Bohlander, G..(2007). Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning.Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H., (2003). Human Resource Management (10th ed). Natorp Boulevard: South-Western-Thomson. Recommended Additional BooksStredwick, J. (2000). Introduction to Human Resource Management (1st edition). London: Butterworth Heineman.Block, P., (2000). Flawless Consulting (2nd edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.Cenzo, De. & David, A. (2003). Human Resource Management (5th edition). New Baskerville: John Wiley and Sons Inc.Kelly, D. (1999). Researching Industrial Relations (2nd Ed). Sydney: Federation Press. Wadsworth, Y. (1997). Do it Yourself Social Research (2nd Ed). St Leonard’s: Federation Press. Recommended Journals (a selection only – many can be accessed electronically)Human Resource Management JournalBusiness WeekHR MagazineHR NewsOccupational Health & Safety JournalJournal of Comparative International ManagementPersonnel PsychologyHuman Resource ExecutiveEmployee Benefit Plan ReviewInternational Journal of Selection and AssessmentJournal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology Library Closed ReserveA number of books and other relevant material are held in the library. You will find them listed under the subject name or number in the library computer catalogue. If you would like additional material put on closed reserve contact the lecturer. Academic Misconduct / Ethics ConsiderationsUniversity Plagiarism StatementPlagiarism is an attempt to pass someone else’s work off as your own. This is an issue that the AU takes very seriously. Honesty and integrity are critical attributes in both our professional and personal lives. It is expected from you to maintain a very high standard of academic honesty. Plagiarism may result in a grade reduction or other penalties as described in University Code.Plagiarism: the presentation of the work, idea or creation of another person as though it is your own. It is a form of cheating and is a very serious academic offence that may lead to expulsion from the University. Plagiarized material can be drawn from, and presented in, written, graphic and visual form, including electronic data, and oral presentations. Plagiarism occurs when the origin of the material used is not appropriately cited.Examples of plagiarism include:Copying sentences or paragraphs word-for-word from one or more sources, whether published or unpublished, which could include but is not limited to books, journals, reports, theses, websites, conference papers, course notes, etc. without proper citation; Closely paraphrasing sentences, paragraphs, ideas or themes without proper citation; Piecing together text from one or more sources and adding only linking sentences; Copying or submitting whole or parts of computer files without acknowledging their source; Copying designs or works of art and submitting them as your original work; Copying a whole or any part of another student's work; and Submitting work as your own that someone else has done for you. Enabling Plagiarism: the act of assisting or allowing another person to plagiarize or to copy your own work.Class Rules Your enrollment in this course indicates your agreement to follow the class rules. This means:Be on time to class and don’t leave earlyBe quiet when someone else is “officially” speakingDon’t read newspapers or do outside work in classLeave the classroom as clean – or cleaner – than you found it.Please read this outline carefully. If anything is not clear your lecturer will be pleased to help you. ................

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