Expectations of line managers - Staff Intranet

Expectations of line managers

We expect line managers to;

• Take a strategic view;

o looking broadly, thinking longer-term and considering the whole picture

• Build effective working relationships

o through clear, genuine, sensitive and two-way communications

• Set and manage high standards of work and professionalism

o Using PDR, encouraging creativity, praising, and leading by example

• Coach and develop individuals and teams

o enabling them improve their performance and achieve objectives and aspirations.

• Deliver through their teams the highest levels of service

o maintaining strong relationships with students, customers and other stakeholders

• Facilitate effective team-working

o Within their own teams and across the University

• Provide direction towards shared goals

o Generating strong commitment and motivation

• Develop themselves to become better leaders and managers

o Gaining feedback from others to improve self-awareness

• Lead change

o Continuously identifying improvements and taking others with them

• Be conscious of costs

o Ensuring effective use of resources and gaining value for money

• Manage themselves and activities

o Analysing, planning, organising and taking decisions

Please click on the Leadership and Management page to see what development is available to help you in your line manager role.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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