Webquest for the Puritan Period


Webquest for the Puritan Period


 Directions: Have your answer sheet beside you as you work on the questions below. Record all your answers on your sheet. You are restricted to the hyperlinks listed below. All necessary information will be found on the selected sites.


1.)    What were some of the Puritan’s beliefs and values?

List three of each.  

2.)    What is predestination? What role did this play in Puritan society?

Remember what you read in the above section.


3.) How did the Puritans view education?


4.)    What was the tool Puritans used to teach their children? In addition to the alphabet, what else was taught using this tool?


5.)    How were the Puritan beliefs reflected in the laws of Massachusetts? Look in particular at the punishments.


6.)    Salem Village was the center of the witch trials. Look at a copy of an arrest warrant. What “proof” is provided?


7.)    Look at a portrait “Examination of a Witch.” How are the conditions of the examination depicted? Record full details in a paragraph.


8.)    Look at the trial records of Sarah Good, in particular, the Summary of Evidence. What kind of evidence led to the indictment of Sarah as a witch? Look at the particular wording of those accusing Sarah.


9.)    You are accused! Go to this link to see what your options are once you have been accused.�Record your findings.


10.)            Play Jeopardy and see how much you have learned about the witch trials.



Task: To gather background information of early America and Puritanism by participating in a web quest activity to better understand the times in which The Crucible, The Scarlet Letter, and other writings of the time period is set.


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