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MOLECULAR VISUALIZATION LAB (replacing Ch 11)OF LDH USING PYMOLSETUP (needs to be completed BEFORE LAB TIME)Before coming to your pre-lab section during the week of Oct 24-Oct 28th, make sure that you have a working PyMOL program on your laptop computer. If you don’t have a laptop you can bring to class, email me for special arrangement. Also, please make sure to bring a three-button mouse.To download PyMOL: DOWNLOAD URL:?: dec2015PASSWORD: benzene6To check that the program is working:Open up the program and make sure that you get two windows (one black display and one white text window ) On the text window type:fetch 4OKN (the second character is a letter not a number)If you see a molecule appearing on the display window, your PYMOL is working. For Mac Users:To use the pdb-loader service plug-in, they simply need to rename the executable, and they need to have X-Quartz installed.? MacPyMOLThe standard OS X Pymol application, MacPyMOL.app does not run with the Tcl/Tk interface which is required for plugins to work. However, a quick renaming of the program from MacPyMOL.app to PyMOLX11Hybrid.app makes the application run as an X11 application, and plugins are now available.To rename the executable, right click (or control click) on MacPyMOL and choose "Get Info" in the Panel. Change the Name & Extension to PyMOLX11Hybrid.app. This name can also be changed using the mv command in Terminal.app.Please contact James Mcneely immediately jmcneel1@bu.edu, if you are having any installation issues with the software.WEEK6: Examination of LDH Structure using PYMOLINTRODUCTION: (Adapted from CH11 from the Lab Manual)Molecular modeling and database searching have become essential parts of modern molecular sciences. It is important for anyone working in biochemistry and molecular biology today to be familiar with the many databases with molecular information. Access to the tremendous amounts of data compiled is essential before, during, and after any scientific project. After all, you should know what has already been done before attempting any new project or experiment. As a biochemistry student, you should become familiar with retrieving and manipulating molecular data using the computer. In a recent article in USA Today entitled, "Databases May Put Drugs on Shelves Years Faster" they cited the increasing efforts by thousands of biotechnology firms to use available DNA sequence and protein structure data to supplement, or even replace, the high cost trial-and-error work of drug design. Scientists are manipulating almost every gene in the human body and other organisms, and are developing huge databases to house the knowledge gleaned from their studies. This information is helping design new therapeutics at an unforeseen rate. In particular, protein structures, especially likely targets for therapeutics, as well as molecular modeling have led to a field called "rational drug design," which is revolutionizing the pharmaceutical industry. This revolution’s consequences are already being felt throughout medicine and society.Forty-five years ago at the height of the cold war, the United States Defense Departmentsponsored a small computer communication project designed for wartime emergencies. Several universities such as the University of California, MIT, and University of Michigan further developed this project. Later, scientists at Stanford University and the European OrganizationNuclear Research (CERN) standardized these network projects for companies like Hewlett- Packard and Digital. The Internet went worldwide in 1989 and is now a thriving worldwide commercial platform in the public domain.The Human Genome Project was independently begun in 1984 with the goal of obtaining the complete DNA sequence of humans, as well as other organisms. Furthermore, the advent of more rapid methods to determine the three-dimensional structures of proteins has lead to an explosion in the database that collects all these structures. This database, The Protein Database (PDB), was first housed at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, but is currently curated by Rutgers University in New Jersey. With the growth and popularity of the Internet, access to all the information in these databases is now readily available.In this lab, you will study the three-dimensional structure of Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) focusing on both its surface characteristics, as well as its binding to its ligands NADH and oxalate within the active site of the enzyme. In this limited study, you will specifically be looking at the following characteristics:Secondary Structures (alpha helices, beta strands, loops)Distribution of the different types of amino acids within the protein structure (Which amino acids populate the parts of the protein that are exposed to the solution? Which amino acids are found in the interior of the protein?)The environment of a few specific types of amino acids important for ligand binding.Specific types of critical interactions (such as H-bonding) underlying molecular recognitionPROCEDURE:PYMOL program can be run viacommand lines as well as clickable buttons. In this tutorial you will have instructions to do it either way. Command line instructions will be in “black” and clickable button instructions in blue. You can find a much more extensive tutorial and help at the PYMOL WIKI page: by opening PyMOL and loading your protein of interest (human LDH chain A) by typing in the PyMOL Molecular Graphics System window command line in lowercase letters the pdb ID number. The PDB ID we will use is 4OKN.fetch 4OKN Alternatively, you can also load your structure through the PDB Loader service found under the “Plug-in” Tab on the right hand top of your Command/text window next to the tab Wizard – Please note if you have a Mac and you don’t see this tab please go back to the setup instructions and install the plug-in). Click: Plugin PDB Loader Service and type 4OKN in the “code” box while leaving “chain box” empty.This will bring up the crystal structure with the polypeptide chain represented in lines. Carbon will be colored green, Nitrogen will be blue, and Oxygen will be red. Hydrogen atoms are not shown. The red X marks around your protein are water molecules whose electron density was seen in the crystal structure. Also there are two ligands in this structure. NADH (recorded as residue 401 and oxalate (recorded as 402)Clicking with the left mouse button will select an amino acid residue, clicking anywhere in the black background around the molecule will de-select it.Holding down the left mouse button and moving the mouse will rotate the structure.Holding down the right mouse button and moving the mouse will zoom in and out on the structure.Holding down the middle button and moving the mouse will shift the whole structure to a new center point (translate).At any point you can “save” the current state of your work as a session by go to: File Save session as name. This will create a PYMOL specific file with an extension .pse which you can always reopen (Fileopen) within PYMOL, or by double clicking it within a folder. Please save your work often as going back (UNDO) doesn’t work very well in PYMOL.To save a figure you have created in a format that you can use to insert in the word document, go to: File Save image as png and save on your computer. Then insert this picture in the requested space for any Question on the worksheet following this tutorial.1. With the line representation it is difficult to see structural features of the protein. It helps to switch to another representation. On the right-hand panel of your display window, you should now be seeing an object name “4OKN”. You can use the menu items ASHLC next to the any object in the right-hand part of the viewer window to generate various actions (A), show various representations (S), hide various representations (H), manipulate labels (L) or change the colors (C).Hide the complicated default line representation by clicking on H (hide) next to your object name and choosing "hide everything". Make a cartoon representation of your protein by choosing S (show) and submenu "cartoon". You should now see the molecule represented as a cartoon of secondary structure elements (helices, strands, and coil). You can change the look of the cartoon by choosing Setting (top menu in the small text window) and then Cartoon. For example, you can select the Highlight Color. This makes the edges of the strands and the inside surface of the helices a second color (grey by default).Click on C (color) and then select “by chain” and then again “by chain”. Rotate your molecule around to get a better feel for what you are viewing.Finally if you prefer a different background color for your display screen click on the “Display” tab at the top, select “Background” and your desired color.Answer Question 1 on your PYMOL worksheet (following this tutorial). After completing Q1, type:split_chaindelete 4OKN_Bdelete 4OKN_Cdelete 4OKN_Ddelete 4OKN_Edelete 4OKN_Fdelete 4OKN_Gdelete 4OKN_Hdelete 4OKNOR click (A) and “delete the object”. Then reload the pdb file using the plug-in PDB Loader service and typing in 4OKN for “code and A for chain.Now you should only have the structure for the first polypeptide chain of human LDH to view.2. Often when working in PyMOL, you’ll want to make some comparisons between different structures. To keep everything easy to understand, it’s useful to re-name your structure. Type in the PyMOL window:copy hLDH, 4OKN_A (or 4OKN if you loaded through PDB loader ) delete 4OKN_A (or 4OKN if you loaded through PDB loader )OR click (A) rename objectNow your protein structure will be displayed as the object hLDH (for human LDH) in the list to the right of the PyMOL Viewer window. PyMOL is picky about file names—keep things simple and short with no spaces or characters other than letters and numbers. 3. To display the primary structure (sequence) of your loaded structure above the structure type:set seq_view, 1(to turn it off set seq_view, 0)Or click (S) found at the bottom of the right hand panel to the right of the arrow buttons (not the S next to the object name)You can also display the sequence by clicking on Display then Sequence in the top PyMOL window. By pulling the slider under the sequence, you can see the sequence for the entire structure including water molecules (all the 0’s at the end), and ligands (if present they are listed right before or after the protein chain before the waters). The sequence viewer is a very handy tool. When the sequence viewer is turned on, you can select individual residues or multiple residues by selecting residues, using the mouse, on the sequence viewer.4. Hide the complicated default line representation by clicking on H (hide) next to your object name and choosing "hide everything". Make a cartoon representation of your protein by choosing S (show) and submenu "cartoon". Try various representations of the molecule by clicking on S (show) choosing a representation (lines, sticks, ribbons, surface etc). Note that one representation does not replace another but is added on top of another. Representations are only removed by using the corresponding entry in the H (hide) menu. For the surface representation it can take a few seconds to display, depending on how fast your machine is. To color the protein by secondary structure, click the C (color) menu and choose by ss (secondary structure) and any of the coloring options.The different types of secondary structure are stabilized by different hydrogen-bonding networks between the peptide bond amine and carboxyl groups in the backbone of the protein as well as interactions between amino acid side chains. Alpha helices have the following hydrogen-bonding pattern:330204572000Image downloaded from: 9334537084000291020532131000Beta sheets have a different hydrogen bonding pattern:Image from: arrow on the beta strand cartoon shows the orientation of the polypeptide chain from N to C terminus. Traditionally helices are labeled by letters (A through Z) and beta strands by numbers (1 through 10 or more)To show the identity of an atom, double click with the left button on any point in the molecule. This brings up a menu that allows you to do various actions to the atom, residue, chain or molecule. Anytime you click on a residue to select it, the text window will tell you what you have selected, e.g. “You clicked /4OKNA//A/HIS`181/CB” means that you have clicked on the beta carbon of the Histidine residue at position 181 on polypeptide chain A of LDH.When you have familiarized yourself with your protein's basic structure, it is time to start describing it. Go through steps 4-6 and then answer Question 2 and Question 3 at the end of this worksheet. 4. To make descriptions of a protein clearer, people often number the β-strands and letter the -helices in order, beginning at the N-terminus. Changing the coloring to "by secondary structure" “ss” from the Color menu may help you to identify the number and orientation of the secondary structural elements. Additionally turning on the Sequence viewer will help you to identify the start and end of each of the secondary structures in your structure. 5. If your protein contains a cofactor or bound ligand in the crystal structure, you can display it by choosing “organic” from the show menu (S) and then selecting the stick or sphere representation for the ligand or cofactor. This LDH structure contains two LDH ligands: NADH and oxaloacetate. (In the sequence they are given residue numbers 401 and 402 respectively) To analyze or manipulate selected regions of the displayed molecule you need to first select your region of interest and give it a name (if you don’t give a name via the command line, the selections will appear with the name sele – shown in parantesis- on the right hand menu).You can select any residue either by clicking the mouse on the desired residue in the shown 3D structure or on the displayed sequence. You can also type in the command line:select name you want to give, description To select all the atoms making the backbone of LDH and name it bbtype: select bb, (name ca,n,c,o)OR click (S) main chain6. Disulfide bonds often hold parts of the protein together. To identify all of the disulfide bonds in your protein, select all cysteine residues by typing in the top PyMOL window:select cys, resn cysThis will create a new object that you can use to change the representation of just the cysteine residues (lines or sticks will help you identify the disulfide bonds).show sticks, cysOR find the cysteines in the sequence display and select them by clicking on them (you can do multiple selection by holding down the control key). Then click (A) copy to object and then (A) rename obj01 cys then (S) sticks7. Now it’s time to get a feel for where different types of residues are in your protein. Describe the location of the following amino acids and use the included questions to guide your analysis. You are NOT asked to provide answers to these questions in your worksheet, but you are expected to think about them to decide how to make the requested figures most effective in terms of communicating the role of the different types of amino acids in LDH.A. Hydrophobic (note: to select multiple amino acid types, include a + sign in between the residue codes; e.g. “select hydrophobic, resn ala+val+ile+leu+met+phe+tyr+trp”)OR you can individually select the desired amino acids by clicking on the sequence and then copying the selection to an object ( click (A) copy to an object –creates obj01) and renaming obj01 (click (A) rename object hydrophobic)1. Are these found predominantly on the surface or in the interior?2. How extensive of a hydrophobic core (dense packing of hydrophobic residues) does your protein have? (look at the sphere representation of the hydrophobic residues). Take a look at how the core lines up with the primary structure. Is the core composed of stretches of amino acids that are adjacent in primary structure or mostly of hydrophobic residues that are separated in primary structure? Are there multiple “cores” in your protein? What type of secondary structure is the core predominantly made up of?3. What types of secondary structure are hydrophobic residues found in? If they are in helices, how are they distributed in the helix (e.g. all over or more on one side than the other)? Are there hydrophobic “faces” on one side of any helix or sheet?4. Are there any hydrophobic residues around the nucleotide binding site? Are they uniformly distributed along the NADH molecule or concentrated on one side? Why? If these amino acids found in clusters or patches on the surface of your protein? Is there any stretch of hydrophobic amino acids contiguous in the primary structure that is found on the surface of the protein? For Question 5 in your worksheet, make a PyMOL figure to highlight the hydrophobic characteristics of your protein. Play around with how you represent and color the backbone and side chains—decide what is important to display and what should be left out so that it doesn’t distract from what you want to point out. Paste this into your PyMOL worksheet.B. Positively and negatively charged (at neutral pH). Arginine and Lysine residues are positively charged and Glutamate and Aspartate residues are negatively charged. The coloring convention is for positive to be blue and negative to be red. note: to select multiple amino acid types, include a + sign in between the residue codes; e.g. “select positive, resn lys+arg+his”)OR you can individually select the desired amino acids by clicking on the sequence and then copying the selection to an object ( click (A) copy to an object –creates obj01) and renaming obj01 (click (A) rename object positive)1. Are these found predominantly on the surface or in the interior?2. If they are found in the interior of the protein, what else is around that region that might explain their function (e.g. another side chain or cofactor close by that could take part in an electrostatic interaction)?3. What types of secondary structure are they found in? If they are in helices, how are they distributed in the helix? Are there positive or negative “faces” on one side of any helix or sheet?4. Are these amino acids found in clusters or patches on the surface of your protein? Is the surface more positive or negative? Are the types of charges mixed on the surface or does the protein have distinct positive regions and negative regions composed of multiple amino acids of the same charge grouped together? 5. Are there pairs of negative and positive charged side chains pointed toward each other that can form salt bridges to stabilize the structure? (not adjacent in primary structure)For Q6, make a PyMOL figure (Figure 3) to show the charge characteristics of your protein. Paste this into your PyMOL worksheet.After you focus in on a characteristic that you think is particularly important for the structure or function of your protein, it may also be useful to measure distances (in ?ngstroms) between atoms in the protein. To do this typedistance atom#1, atom#2 Ex: distance 193/CA, 99/CA (distance between residue 193 alpha carbon and residue 99 alpha carbon)OR select “Measurement” from the Wizard drop down menu on the top PyMOL screen and then identify the first and second atom for the distance measurement by clicking on the atoms in the structure.C. Now let’s turn our attention to LDH active site and more specifically to the pocket where LDH binds NADH and examine the local environment of NADH and two residues R99 and H193 that have been shown to be critical for NADH binding.To see what is within 5 ?ngstroms of NADH in this structure type: select close_NADH, resi 401 around 5 This creates a new object called “close_NADH” that includes all of the atoms near the residue 401 – which in this structure corresponds to NADH). You can then play around with the representation of that selection (lines, sticks, color schemes, etc) to examine what’s around NADH. You can choose any distance you’d like for the area you examine. At this point, you might want to hide other objects such as the original complete structure,to be just viewing the binding site. Remember when you hide objects in PYMOL they are not deleted, just not shown. So you can always display them back using the S(show) options.Locate R99 and H193 in your structure (either on the 3D structure or on the sequence). Select them individually and create an object out of your selection. Create R99, seleThen you can choose to show it any representationShow spheres, residue 99Select NADH (res 401) and create the object NADH from that selection. Try a representation where you use spheres for NADH and sticks for the two residues. Experiment with different colors and representations.E. Both of these residues are close enough to NADH to make H-bonds with the polar groups on NADH. To find out what hydrogen bonds exist between the H193 and NADH (or any other nearby residues):First you need to put protons on all the residues (protein and ligands). Since this is a crystal structure, the pdb file does not contain atomic coordinates for any of the residues. h_add hLDH Define hydrogen bond donors and acceptors:select don, (elem n,o and (neighbor hydro))select acc, (elem o or (elem n and not (neighbor hydro)))Show distances between donors and acceptors within 3.2 angstroms of your HIS193 residue:dist HBA, (HIS193 and acc), (NADH and don), 3.2dist HBD, (HIS193 and don), (NADH and acc), 3.2delete dondelete acchide (hydro)Repeat with R99dist HBA, (Arg99 and acc), (NADH and don), 3.2dist HBD, (Arg99 and dom), (NADH and acc), 3.2Write down the hydrogen bonding between H193 rings and functional groups on NADH as well as R99 and NADH.For Q7 make a PyMOL figure focusing on the NADH and the residues from LDH that surround it including the two important active site residues, R 99 and H193 that make specific interactions with NADH. Name:_____________________Lab Section:________________PYMOL WORKSHEET QUESTIONSQ1.a. How many individual polypeptide chains do you see in the displayed crystal structure?b. Does LDH have a quaternary structure? If yes what do you think its quaternary structure is? Does your answer take into account all the chains you are seeing? If not, what might be the source of the discrepancy? Q2. a. Make a PyMOL figure of the LDH highlighting its secondary structural elements (cartoon representation) as well as its two bound ligands (stick representation) (Figure 1). b. Identify the secondary structural elements within the first 52 residues in the LDH crystal structure and fill the following table. To determine the residue range, click on the first and last residue of each element.Residue Range SequenceSecondary Structurec. How does this table compare to the prediction table you constructed in your bioinformatics sheet based on the Jpred results?Q3. Which two beta strands make hydrogen bond with beta strand 2 and how many other strands are in the beta sheet they belong to? Is this a parallel, antiparallel, or mixed beta sheet?Q4. Structural information about your protein:Does LDH monomer (LDH_A) has any cysteines? Do they form disulfide bonds in this structure? (If yes, list residue numbers for each pair of bonded cystines) Does the structure depict any co-crystalized ligand? If yes, what is/are the ligand(s)?Q5. Make Figure 2 with legend characterizing the distribution of hydrophobic residues in your protein. Use your answers to the questions included in the tutorial to determine the important characteristics of the hydrophobic residues in LDH to highlight in your figure and include in your figure annotation and legend.Q6. Make Figure 3 with legend characterizing the charge distribution in your protein. Use your answers to the questions included in the tutorial to determine the important characteristics of the charged residues in LDH to highlight in your figure and include in your figure legend.Q7. Make Figure 4 with legend focusing on the NADH and the residues from LDH that surround it including the two important active site residues, R 99 and H193 that make specific interactions with NADH. Make sure that your figure shows the hydrogen bonding (with distance labels) between R99 and NADH as well as H193 and NADH. Then identify three other distances less than 5 angstroms between a residue on LDH and an atom on NADH and include those in your figure. OPTIONAL: Q8. Based on your work on visualizing the crystal structure of human LDH active site bound to NADH and oxaloacetate (PDB ID#: 4OKN) you hypothesize that Arg99 should play a key role in ensuring high enzyme activity. To test this hypothesis, you set out to engineer a mutant form of LDH, by making a single amino acid substitution replacing Arg99 with Glu. You express this mutant protein in bacteria and then set out to purify it. Can you use the same purification scheme you performed in the lab as described in Ch3 in its entirety to purify your mutant protein, or would you need to make any modifications to any of the purification steps? Briefly justify your answer. Use PYMOL to look more closely around Arg99 and consider what impact (if any) would changing that residue to Glu99 would be expected to have at a molecular level. ................

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