CGI, Metatags, and Tricks

CGI, Metatags, and Tricks


• went over last chapter

• accepts data from a form on an HTML document

• book does not go into great detail on how to Program CGI

o either in Perl or C

• will go over scripting and server setup in JavaScript

The tag

• is used to shorten up all links that share the same webserver, or document folder

• created in the body section

• can be overridden is the href tag has the “http” present

• href


o used for documents and webservers

• target

o specifies a particular frame


Your class Websites!!

CMSC 107 - Visual Basic



• can only be placed in the tag

• used to give information

• can use several tags at the same time

• attributes

o http-equiv

▪ used by browsers, search engines, and spiders

▪ values for http-equiv

• expires

o when the current page should be considered outdated

o set a date

• content-type

o by browsers to load a specific set of characters

o used when you are writing JAVASCRIPT, or style sheets

• content-langauge

o design a page to be read in a specific language

• window-target

o will open a document inside a SET frame

• pics-label

o gives a “rating” of the web page (like PG, V, TV-13, XXX, etc…)

• refresh

o specify when a page should be reloaded

o great when information on a page changes regularly

o useful if you have a webcam, need to refresh often

o can also display a SERIES of html pages at times intervals without the user having to interact with them

o also used to REDIRECT if the exact web address is NO LONGER in use

▪ contents

• can specify a time before it moves to the appropriate web site

▪ url

• where to load the next page (redirect)


• name

o description

▪ used by search engines to determine what you website is about

o keywords

▪ again used by the search egines to assign a keyword to search for your website

▪ can be separated by commas

o author

▪ duh

|Mr. L’s Meta Tag |

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Multicolumn Pages

• can make your website look like a newspaper

• no real tag to make this happen

• so use a table with no lines, and make sure it DOES NOT take the entire width of the page

|Example of using Columns to present the webpage |

|Code |HTML Example |

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| Showing off a three column page | |

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|This is the text that will appear | |

|in the first column of the table. You could use this | |

|format to display text that looks like a newspaper or | |

|magazine layout. It is interesting to note that the | |

|data in this column appears without borders, as it | |

|should, because the Web weaver set the border | |

|attribute to zero which did away with the borders. | |

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|This is the second column. You could | |

|control the width of the different columns by setting | |

|the width attribute. In this instance, the width of | |

|the two columns is set to 48%, that means that | |

|the middle column has all of 4% left. The middle column | |

|contains a pair of line breaks, <br> and that is all. | |

|The line breaks are necessary to hold space. | |

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Headlines on Columns

• again we are using tables

• so colspan a row, and change the font to make a heading

|Example of using Columns to present the webpage |

|Code |HTML Example |

|… |[pic] |

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|EXTRA! EXTRA! Read All About It! | |

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| When you create headlines, | |

|… | |


• same idea as previous

• just set one columns width to a small percentage, and different font

|SideBar Example |

|[pic] |

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|SideBars Example |

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| Mr. Lupoli wins professor of the year |

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| Why Mr. Lupoli?? |

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|Mr. Lupoli has to put up with so much!!! Students like Brian and Greg would |

|make the most veteran professor pull their hair out. But beyond dealing with |

|difficult student, he has also created an online gradebook, online quiz system |

|that shows right and wrong answers immediately, and a complete website for |

|the ultimate learning experience. |

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| How to contact him |

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|Mr. Lupoli can be reached at mrlupoli@. Any donations would be appreciated |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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