HL7 V2.4 Style Guide

HL7 V2.4 Style Guide

|Chair/Editor: |Klaus D. Veil |

| |HL7S&S |

|Editor: |Frank Oemig |

| |BOSCH Telecom GmbH |

1.1 Purpose

This document describes how HL7 Version 2.4 Chapters should be formatted in order to get a uniform layout, which in turn allows automatic generation of the HL7 V2.4 Database. For the automatic scanning and data extraction processing it is important to maintain consistency across all HL7 chapters.

To demonstrate the styles this document uses the same formatting rules.

All formatting is set by MS Word “styles”. (The use of a MS Word .DOT template file was found to be too unreliable). A set of macros is available to apply the styles to the document.

1.2 General Rules

To reduce the amount of formatting effort and to allow easy processing of HL7 Chapters no direct formatting should be applied. All necessary formatting shall be done by the help of MS Word “styles”.

1.2.1 Exceptions

Only a few exceptions are accepted. One is the numbering of the chapter. Others are identified later.

1.2.2 General specifications and settings

This HL7 Style Guide is for HL7 V2.4 documents.

This Style Guide assumes the use of MS Word 97 SR-2 or a later version of MS word (Office 2000, etc.).

Some settings are standard:

• The language is American English

• Hyphenation is enabled.

• Paper orientation is portrait

• “Fast saves” are disabled (keeps the documents to a minimum size)

• “Templates and Add-Ins ( automatic updates” is disabled. Page setup

Top margin: 0.5" (1.27cm)

Bottom margin: 0.75" (1.91cm)

Left margin: 1"

Right margin: 1"

Gutter (for binding): 0.5" (1.27cm)

Header: 0.5 (0.63cm)

Footer: 0.5 (0.63cm)

1.3 Document Structure

1.3.1 Introductory page and first subchapter

Every chapter begins with an introductory page which names the number of the chapter, the name of the chapter and the responsible chairs and editors. The first paragraph specifies the purpose of the chapter. The formatting is as follows:

Heading 1 (consists of a soft end of line [SHIIFT+RETURN] and the heading, but is auto-numbered and sets the number "base" for the whole chapter)


Patient Administration

|Chapter Chair: |Freida B. Hall |

| |Ernest & Young |

|Chapter Chair: |Michael Hawver |

| |Eclipsys Corporation |

|Editor: |Klaus D. Veil |

| |HL7S&S |

3.1 PURPOSE Heading 2

The black horizontal line is built up by a graphical box across the page with 5 mm in height. The list of chairs and the editors is a table with no borderlines. This allows for easy alignment.

To set the "base" numbering for a chapter, set the number a *one* place in each chapter, namely in the actual chapter number ("3.") with the style of "Heading 1". Go to Format->Bullets and Numbering->Customize->Start at.

1.3.2 Event/message and segment definition Heading 3

The structure of the HL7 chapters consists of two parts. The first lists events, triggers and messages with the relevant message structures; the second part defines the segments, elements, components and subcomponents in detail.

1.3.3 Field definitions

The field definitions for a segment have to be appended to the segment definition. It starts with the level 4 heading naming the segment after which the fields/elements are defined. No text is necessary. PID-1 Set ID - PID (SI) 00104 Heading 4

All field definitions start with a level 4 heading consisting of four parts:

1) The data element identifier

2) the name of the data element

3) the type of the data element (in brackets)

4) the data element ID number

The four heading parts are separated by three spaces each.

The field definition header also contains an invisible entry for index generation. Look at the “Set ID – PID” heading above with Tools -> Options -> View -> All checked on.

1.4 Document properties

Title: The contents of this document, i.e. the name of the chapter

Topic: “HL7” and the corresponding version number

Author: The name of the editors.

1.5 Formatting

1.5.1 Text indentation

Text following headings level 1 and 2 are flush left with no indentation; the MS Word style is “Normal”.

Text following level 3 headings and lower is formatted using "Normal Indented", indented 1/2" .

1.5.2 Message definitions

Message definitions are in form of a table to simplify the document data extraction This table consists of three columns and as many rows as necessary.

The first row (“Msg Table Header”) describes:

• in the first column the message type, the event/trigger code and the message structure ID separated by "^",

• in the second column a short description

• in the third column the corresponding HL7 chapter.

All subsequent rows are used for the message description (“Msg Table Body”). The segments used and structure symbols are listed in the left column. The middle column holds the segment name.

If this message applies to more than one event, all event codes are listed within the second field of the first column in the first row. Ranges are separated by dashes (“-“) and single values by commas.

The message definition tables are indented by 1/4" (0.63cm).

Msg Table Header Hyperlink to “EVN” Msg Table Body

|ADT^A01^ADT_A01 |ADT Message |Chapter |

|MSH |Message Header |2 |

|EVN |Event Type |3 |

|PID |Patient Identification |3 |

|[PD1] |Additional Demographics |3 |

|[ { NK1 } ] |Next of Kin /Associated Parties |3 |

|PV1 |Patient Visit |3 |

|[ PV2 ] |Patient Visit - Additional Info. |3 |

|[ { DB1 } ] |Disability Information |3 |

|[ { OBX } ] |Observation/Result |7 |

|[ { AL1 } ] |Allergy Information |3 |

|[ { DG1 } ] |Diagnosis Information |6 |

|[ DRG ] |Diagnosis Related Group |6 |

|[ | | |

| { | | |

| PR1 |Procedures |6 |

| [{ROL}] |Role |12 |

| } | | |

|] | | |

|[ { GT1 } ] |Guarantor |6 |

|[ | | |

| { | | |

| IN1 |Insurance |6 |

| [ IN2 ] |Insurance Additional Info. |6 |

| [ {IN3} ] |Insurance Additional Info. - Cert. |6 |

| } | | |

|] | | |

Columns 1 and 2 are left justified - column 3 in centered

It is required that all segments in the message structure that are defined in the same chapter have a hyperlink to the segment attribute table.

Whenever brackets are used for one segment only they should appear within the same cell. Otherwise separate rows should be used.

Indentation can use tabs or spaces. The latter are preferred. If possible the closing brackets should appear below the corresponding opening bracket.

1.5.3 Segment definitions

Attribute headers start on a new page. The attribute tables, i.e. the list of data elements used, are indented 1/4" (0.63cm) and should be formatted as follows:

Attribute Table Caption

Attribute Table Header

Attribute Table Body Bookmark (“EVN”) Index information

HL7 Attribute Table - EVN


|1 |3 |ID |B | |0003 |00099 |Event Type Code |

|2 |26 |TS |R | | |00100 |Recorded Date/Time |

|3 |26 |TS |O | | |00101 |Date/Time Planned Event |

|4 |3 |IS |O | |0062 |00102 |Event Reason Code |

|5 |60 |XCN |O |Y |0188 |00103 |Operator ID |

|6 |26 |TS |O | | |01278 |Event Occurred |

The attribute table caption line information is used to generate the index of HL7 attribute tables. Therefore the complete caption is repeated in the index field. To facilitate the generation of the database the index field must be positioned at the end of the line!

The attribute table caption line must be bookmarked with the 3-letter segment ID (i.e. "EVN") for referencing by the message structure tables.

The header is shaded 10%.

The attribute table grid lines are ¾ points, and the border is a dual ¾ point line.

1.5.4 Field definitions

Style “Heading 4” starts with zero to ensure that “field definitions” after a HL7 Attribute Table are automatically renumbered. Where a zero-numbered heading is not desired, hide it with Format -> Font -> Hidden.

The Field Definition heading now consists of 5 components:

• Section heading number: (automatically generated by Word)

• Element name: PID-3

• Element description: Patient identifier list

• Element data type: (CX)

• Unique data element identifier: 00106

The 5 heading components are separated by 3 spaces each. The complete heading looks as follows: PID-3 Patient identifier list (CX) 00106

1.5.5 Components

Whenever a data element consists of components, they are defined first within the description. This also applies for subcomponents.

Components: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^


1.5.6 Table definitions

Whenever a table is referenced within a field description the first time (according to the sequence of chapters) the corresponding values have to be defined in form of a table. If no values can be identified this table should contain one entry saying “no suggested values”. General rules

• Tables with double borders are normative, tables with single borders are user-defined.

• Each table consists of a caption, a header and a body.

• The header part is shaded.

• Table structures are to be inserted in the standard, even if values have not been determined. HL7 tables

HL7 Table Caption

HL7 Table Header

HL7 Table Body Bookmark (“HL70103”)

HL7 Table 0103 – Processing ID

|Value |Description |

|01 |Patient request |

|02 |Physician order |

|03 |Census management |

Note the index field in the HL7 table caption above.

The HL7 table caption line must be bookmarked with the 7-character table ID (ie. "HL70103", see for referencing by all references (ie. HL7 Table 0103 – Processing ID) to that table within the same chapter.

The header is shaded 10%.

HL7 table grid lines are ¾ points, and the border is a dual ¾ point line.

As the width of HL7 tables changes, they are centered.

Note: HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no Indicator should not be repeated with different values, rather the interpretations should be given in a “normal list” style. (This avoids the duplication of HL7 table 0136 with differing values.) Example:

Definition: This field indicates whether or not the patient’s identity is known. Refer to HL7 Table 0136 - Yes/no indicator for suggested values.

Y the patient’s identity is unknown

N the patient’s identity is known User-defined Tables

User Table Caption

User Table Header

User Table Body

User-defined Table 0062 - Event reason

|Value |Description |

|01 |Patient request |

|02 |Physician order |

|03 |Census management |

Note the index field in the User Table caption above.

The user-defined table caption line must be bookmarked with the 7-character table ID (ie. "HL70062", see for referencing by all references (ie. User-defined Table 0062 – Event reason) to that table within the same chapter.

The header is shaded 10%.

User Table grid lines are ¾ points, and the border is a 1½ point line.

As the width of User-defined tables changes, they are centered.

It is a requirement that all user-defined tables are included in a chapter, even if values have not been determined. The tables should be formatted the same as any other user-defined table, but there should be only one "User Table Body" row, which should read: "No suggested values defined." Other tables

All other tables use the styles

• Other Table Caption

• Other Table Header

• Other Table Body

1.5.7 Table value definitions

We propose the following notation:

• The basic structure of a table is value in the left-most column and the description in the 2nd-leftmost column. Only one value pair per row is allowed. If comments, etc. are required, these can be entered in additional columns on the right.

• A range of values is indicated by three dots separated by spaces from the first and last value: …

A dash ("-") seems to be a bad solution because it may indicate a negative value.

• Different values with the same description can be separated by commas, eg. NO, NIL, NONE.

1.5.8 References to data elements

References to data elements are used within standard text shall be formatted like in PV1-6 - Prior patient location.

Reference Attribute

Here the character style “Reference Attribute” is used. This assignment of styles will be used later to identify incorrect references of data elements in accordance with the definition.

1.5.9 References to HL7 tables

The same applies to the references to HL7 Tables within text like HL7 Table 0103 - Processing ID; the MS Word Style “Reference HL7 Table” is used.

1.5.10 References to User tables

The same applies to the references to User Tables within text like User-defined Table 0062 – Event reason; the MS Word Style “Reference User Table” is used.

1.5.11 Notes


Note: The official title of UB is “National Uniform Billing Data Element Specifications.” Most of the codes added came from the UB-92 specification, but some came from the UB-82.

The “note” box is aligned with the text indentation. The bolded initial text "Note:" is followed by two spaces after the colon.

The “Note” style has 4 points before and 3 after each paragraph.

1.5.12 Examples

If an example is necessary to illustrate the meaning of a message the style “Example” should be used.






Examples and use cases should be placed as close to the relevant chapter section as possible.

1.5.13 Page headers

The header line consists of a ¾ point border line below. It merely names the document. (This header is hidden!) First page headers

The first page does not have a header. Odd page headers

Chapter 3: Patient Administration

The number and name of the chapter is shown in the page header, right justified Even page headers

Chapter 3: Patient Administration

The number and name of the chapter is shown in the page header, left justified.

1.5.14 Page footers

Footer lines consist of two lines. The first lists a copyright statement and the page number with total number separated by a dash. The second line contains the status of this document as well as the issue date. Odd pages and first page

The footer consists of different parts:

1) the copyright notice including the year and "All rights reserved."

2) a reference to Health Level Seven, Inc.

3) the version number

Health Level Seven, Version 2.4 © 2000. All rights reserved Page 3-5

Ballot Feb. 2000

4) the release status

5) the chapter and page number formatted as “-”.

6) the month and year of release, Yk2 compliant and internationally readable. Even pages

Page 3-6 Health Level Seven, Version 2.4 © 2000. All rights reserved

Feb. 2000 Ballot

1.6 Lists

For listing items we provide four different styles:

“Normal List”

a) “Normal List Alpha”

• “Normal List Bullets”

1) “Normal List Numbered”

1.7 Indexing

Another important point for documentation is the generation of an index. For this a lot of additional information is necessary. To get a consistent result some rules have to be established how to formulate such entries.

In order not to interrupt the parsing process this information must be placed at specific points within the text.

The use of a colon (“:”) build up groups like a list of all tables.

1.7.1 Data types

1) „Data Types:“ + + “ - “ +

2) + “ - “ +


1.7.2 Data elements

The name of the data element is repeated within the title.

1.7.3 Segments

Within the title three different entries are necessary:


2) “Segments:” +

3) + “ (“ + +”)”

1.7.4 Attribute tables

The index information must be added at the end of the paragraph (i.e. line).


2) “HL7 Attribute Table:“ +

1.7.5 Events


2) “Events:” +

1.7.6 Tables

1) “Tables: User or HL7 defined:” + + “ - “ +

2) ” + “ (“ + +”)”

1.7.7 Message types


2) “Message Types:” +

1.8 Conformance Statements

Conformance Statements are a new construct in version 2.4.

Three different conformance statements do exist:

• Query with tabular response

• Query with segment pattern response

• Query with display response

Every conformance statement consists of several distinct parts identified within the next section.

1.8.1 Distinct parts of a conformance statement

The numbers within the right three columns specify the sequence order of the part within the conformance statement.

|No. |Part |Tabular response |Segment pattern |Display response |

| | | |response | |

|1 |Introduction |1 |1 |1 |

|2 |query grammar |2 |2 |2 |

|3 |response grammar |3 |3 |3 |

|4 |input parameter specification |4 |4 |4 |

|5 |output specification and commentary |5 | |6 |

|6 |virtual table |6 | | |

|7 |input parameter field description and commentary |7 |5 |5 |

1.8.2 Formatting the different parts of a conformance statement with styles

• Some fields are divided into two parts, i.e. the row now contains more cells

• A style is assigned to each field

• Some rows are inserted due to layout

• Some fields are spread over separate rows due to storage reasons for the database

The applied styles are inserted into the text and marked in red.

Some rows can be repeated as often as necessary. These rows are marked by a red arrow on the right side.

The table border is a dual ¾ point line. The grid lines are ¾ points single line. Introduction

|Conformance Statement (Qry Table Caption) |

|Query Name: (Qry Table Header)|Qnn Personnel Information by Segment (Qry Table name) |

|Query Trigger: (Qry Table |Qnn [next available number in the Q series] (Qry Table Trigger Query) |

|Header) | |

|Query Mode: (Qry Table Header)|Both (Qry Table Mode) |

|Response Trigger: (Qry Table |Knn [next available number in the K series] (Qry Table Response Trigger) |

|Header) | |

|Query Priority: (Qry Table |(Qry Table Priority) |

|Header) | |

|Query Characteristics: (Qry |Returns response sorted by STF-3-Staff Name (Qry Table Characteristics Query) |

|Table Header) | |

|Purpose: (Qry Table Header) |Retrieve all available personnel information based upon the values of one or more commonly used |

| |search parameters(Qry Table Purpose) | Input parameter specification

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Input Parameter Specification: (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|ColName(Qry |Key/ |Sort |LEN |TYPE (Qry |Opt |Rep |Match Op |TBL (Qry |Segment |LOINC or |ElementName |

|Table Header) |Search (Qry |(Qry |(Qry |Table |(Qry |(Qry |(Qry Table|Table |Field Name |HL7 code/ |(Qry Table |

| |Table |Table |Table |Header) |Table |Table |Header) |Header) |(Qry Table |Domain |Header) |

| |Header) |Header)|Header)| |Header)|Header)| | |Header) |(Qry Table| |

| | | | | | | | | | |Header) | |

|StaffIDCode |S (Qry Table|Y (Qry |60 (Qry|CX (Qry |O (Qry |(Qry |= (Qry |(Qry Table|STF.2 (Qry |(Qry Table|STF-2: Staff |

|(Qry Table |Input) |Table |Table |Table |Table |Table |Table |Input) |Table Input)|Input) |ID Code (Qry |

|Input) | |Input) |Input) |Input) |Input) |Input) |Input) | | | |Table Input) | Input parameter field description and commentary

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Input Parameter Field Description and Commentary (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|StaffIDCode (Qry Table Component) |(CX) (Qry Table Body) |

|(Qry |Components: ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ (Qry Table Component Text) |

|Body) | |

|(Qry |Staff ID Code.ID (Qry Table Component) |

|Table | |

|Body) | |

|(Qry |(Qry |If this field, STF.2.1, is not valued, all values for this field are considered to be a match. (Qry Table Component|

|Table |Table |Text) |

|Body) |Body) | | Output specification and commentary

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Output Specification and Commentary (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|Response Characteristics: (Qry Table |Segment Pattern: Based on PMU_B01; Trigger Event is Knn; Returns response sorted by StaffName |

|Header) |unless otherwise specified. (Qry Table Characteristics Response) |

|Based on Segment Pattern: (Qry Table |PMU_B01 (Qry Table Segment Pattern) |

|Header) | | Response grammar

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Response Grammar (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|RSP^Knn^RSP_Knn (Qry Table |Personnel Information Message (Qry Table |Comment (Qry Table |Support |Sec Ref (Qry |

|MsgResponseHeader) |Header) |Header) |Indicator (Qry |Table Header) |

| | | |Table Header) | |

|MSH (Qry TableMsgResponse) |Message Header (Qry Table Body) |(Qry Table Body) |(Qry Table Body)|2.15.9 (Qry |

| | | | |Table Body) |

|(Qry Table Body) | Output specification and commentary

If the message contains a DSP segment for displaying data it looks like the next table. Please consider that each line is represented by one row.

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Output Specification and Commentary (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|9999-999-99 XXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXX X XXXXXXXX XX 99-XXX-99 X(Qry Table DisplayLine) |

|(Qry Table Body) | Virtual table

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Virtual table (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|ColName (Qry |Key/ |Sort |LEN (Qry|TYPE (Qry |Opt (Qry|Rep (Qry|Match Op |TBL (Qry |Segment Field |LOINC or |ElementName |

|Table Header) |Search (Qry|(Qry |Table |Table |Table |Table |(Qry Table|Table |Name (Qry |HL7 code |(Qry Table |

| |Table |Table |Header) |Header) |Header |Header) |Header) |Header) |Table Header) |(Qry Table|Header) |

| |Header) |Header) | | | | | | | |Header) | |

|Item 1 of row |(Qry Table |(Qry |(Qry |(Qry Table|(Qry |(Qry |(Qry Table|(Qry Table|(Qry Table |(Qry Table|(Qry Table |

|(Qry Table |Virtual) |Table |Table |Virtual) |Table |Table |Virtual) |Virtual) |Virtual) |Virtual) |Virtual) |

|Virtual) | |Virtual)|Virtual)| |Virtual)|Virtual)| | | | | | Query grammar

|(Qry Table Body) |

|Query Grammar (Qry Table SubCaption) |

|QBP^Qnn^QBP_Q13 |QBP Message (Qry Table Header) |Section Reference (Qry Table Header) |

|MSH (Qry Table MsgQuery) |Message Header Segment (Qry Table Body) |2.15.9 (Qry Table Body) |

1.9 Other EDITING TASKS and Issues

Ensure any new or changed datatypes are communicated to the C/Q TC for inclusion in Chapter 2.

Check if any changes to the datatypes are required to any other chapters.

Check example messages for compliance with any changes made to the chapter content.

Any new triggers must be included in Table 0354 (Message Structure, the 3rd component of MSH-9) in Chapter 2.

Any new style elements introduced into the standard must be checked with the Publishing Committee to ensure a uniform layout and future integration into the database.


1 Authorized Paragraph Styles for the HL7-2 Template

|Style Name |Attributes (Where none listed, follows Normal) |

| |Font |Kern |Line Spacing |Space Before|Space After |Justification |Other |Indent |Tabs |Base Style |

|Attribute Table Body |Arial 8 pt |8 pt |9 pt |3 pt |0 pt |Centered | | | |Normal |

|Attribute Table Caption | | | |9 pt |3 pt |Centered |Keep with next | | |Attribute Table Body |

|Attribute Table Header |Arial 8 pt bold | | |2 pt | |Centered |Keep with next | | |Attribute Table Caption |

|Components |Courier New 7 pt |7 pt |8 pt |6 pt |6 pt | |Keep lines |Left 0.75” | |Normal |

| | | | | | | |together |Hanging 0.75” | | |

|Example |LinePrinter 8 pt (no proofing) |8.5 pt |8 pt |3 pt |3 pt | |Keep lines |Left 1.3” | |Normal |

| | | | | | | |together |Hanging 0.25” | | |

|Footer |Arial 8 pt | | |3 pt |6 pt |Justified | | |3” centered |Normal |

| | | | | | | | | |6.5” right | |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|Footnote text |Arial 8 pt | |10 pt | | | | |Hanging 0.25” |0.25 |Normal |

|Header |Arial Bold | |10 pt | |18 pt | | | |3” centered |Normal |

| | | | | | | | | |6.35” right | |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|Heading 1 Right |Times New Roman 36 pt bold | |36 pt |12 pt | |Flush right | | |None |Heading 1 |

|HL7 Table Body |Arial 8 pt | | |1 pt | | | | | |Normal |

|HL7 Table Caption | | | |9 pt |3 pt |Centered |Keep with next | | |HL7 Table Body |

|HL7 Table Header |Arial 8 pt bold | | |1 pt | |Centered |Keep with next | | |HL7 Table Caption |

|Msg Table Body |Courier New 7 pt | |9 pt |0 pt |0 pt | | | | |Normal |

|Msg Table Caption |Courier New 8 pt bold underline | |9 pt |0 pt |0 pt | |Keep with next | | |Msg Table Body |

|Msg Table Header |Courier New 7 pt bold underline | | | |2 pt | |Keep with next | | |Msg Table Caption |

|Normal |Times New Roman 10 pt |10 pt |single |6 pt |6 pt |Flush left |Widow /orphan | | | |

| | | | | | | |control | | | |

| | | | | | | |Outline level body| | | |

| | | | | | | |text | | | |

|Normal Indented |“ |“ |“ |“ |“ |“ |“ |Left 0.5” | |Normal |

|Normal List |“ |“ |“ |0 pt |“ |“ |“ |Left 0.49” | |Normal |

|Normal List Alpha |“ |“ |“ | |“ |“ |Numbered |Left 0.25” | |Normal |

| | | | | | | | |Hanging 0.25” | | |

|Normal List Bullets |“ |“ |“ |6 pt |“ |“ |Bulleted |Left 0.25” | |Normal |

| | | | | | | | |Hanging 0.25” | | |

|Normal List Numbered |“ |“ |“ | |“ |“ |Numbered |Left 0.25” | |Normal |

| | | | | | | | |Hanging 0.25” | | |

|Note |Arial 8 pt |8 pt | |4.5 pt |2.7 pt | | | | |Normal |

| | | | | | | |Border top & | | | |

| | | | | | | |bottom single | | | |

| | | | | | | |solid line ¾ pt | | | |

| | | | | | | |line width | | | |

|Other Table Body |9 pt | | |3 pt |3 pt | | | | |Normal |

|Other Table Caption | | | |9 pt |3 pt |Centered |Keep with next | | |Normal |

|Other Table Header |9 pt bold | | |1 pt | |Centered |Keep with next | | |Normal |

|TOC1 |Arial 12 pt bold all caps | | |18 pt | | | | |6.5” right |Normal |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC2 |Bold | | | | | | |Left 0.14” |6.5” right |TOC1 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC3 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 0.28” |6.5” right |TOC2 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC4 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 0.42” |6.5” right |TOC3 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC5 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 0.56” |6.5” right |TOC4 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC6 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 0.69” |6.5” right |TOC5 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC7 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 0.83” |6.5” right |TOC6 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC8 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 0.97” |6.5” right |TOC7 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|TOC9 | | | |0 pt | | | |Left 1.11” |6.5” right |TOC8 |

| | | | | | | | | |flush | |

|User Table Body |Arial 8 pt | | |1 pt | | | | | |Normal |

|User Table Caption | | | |9 pt |3 pt | |Keep with next | |0.63” |Normal |

|User Table Header |Arial 8 pt bold | | |2 pt | |Centered |Keep with next | | |Normal |

|Heading 1 |Times New Roman 36 pt bold |14 pt | |18 pt |6 pt |Flush right |Keep with next |None |None |Normal |

| | | | | | | |Level 1 outline | | | |

| | | | | | | |numbered. | | | |

| | | | | | | |Follow with | | | |

| | | | | | | |nothing. | | | |

|Heading 2 |Arial 14 pt bold all caps | |Single |18 pt |3 pt | |Keep with next |Hanging 0.5” |0.5” left |Heading 1 |

| | | | | | | |Level 2 outline | | | |

| | | | | | | |numbered. | | | |

| | | | | | | |Follow with tab. | | | |

|Heading 3 |Arial 12 pt bold | | |12 pt |3 pt | |Keep with next |Hanging 0.5” |0.5” left |Heading 2 |

| | | | | | | |Level 3 outline | | | |

| | | | | | | |numbered. | | | |

| | | | | | | |Follow with tab. | | | |

|Heading 4 |Arial 10 point | | |6 pt |3 pt | |No widow /orphan |Hanging 0.7” |0.7” left |Hading 3 |

| | | | | | | |Keep with next | | | |

| | | | | | | |Level 4 outline | | | |

| | | | | | | |numbered. | | | |

| | | | | | | |Follow with tab. | | | |

|Heading 5 |Arial 10 point italic | | |6 pt |3 pt | |Keep with next |Hanging 0.7” |0.7” left |Heading 4 |

| | | | | | | |Level 5 outline | | | |

| | | | | | | |numbered. | | | |

| | | | | | | |Follow with tab. | | | |

|Heading 6 |Arial 10 point italic | | | | | | |Hanging 0.7” | |Heading 5 |

|Heading 7 |Arial 10 point italic | | | | | | |Hanging 0.7” | |Heading 6 |

2 3 Authorized Character Styles for the HL7-2 Template

|Style Name |Attributes (Where none listed, follows Normal) |

| |Font |Other |Base Style |

|Default Paragraph Font |Times New Roman 10 pt | | |

|Reference Data Element |Times New Roman 10 pt |Italics |Default Paragraph Font |

|Reference HL7 Table |Times New Roman 10 pt |Italics |Default Paragraph Font |

|Reference User Table |Times New Roman 10 pt |italics |Default Paragraph Font |

4 Withdrawn Styles for the HL7-2 Template

• Indent Normal ( Normal Indented

• MsgHeader ( Msg Table Header

• MsgStructure ( Msg Table Body

• Attribute Table Heading ( Attribute Table Header

• Msg Table Heading ( Msg Table Header

5 List of new styles for the Conformance Statement

Indent: 0”

No tabs used.

Other: nothing special

|Style Name |Font |Line Spacing|Space Before|Space |Justification |Base Style |

| | | | |After | | |

|Qry Table Body |Arial | |1 |6 |Left |Standard |

|Qry Table Caption |Times New Roman 12pt bold | |6 |6 |Centered |Qry Table Header |

|Qry Table Characteristics Query |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Standard |

|Qry Table Characteristics |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Standard |

|Response | | | | | | |

|Qry Table Component |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Header |

|Qry Table Component Text"). |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Component |

|Qry Table DisplayLine |Courier New 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table Header |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Standard |

|Qry Table Input |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table Mode |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table Msg |Courier New 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Standard |

|Qry Table MsgQuery |Courier New 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Msg |

|Qry Table MsgQueryHeader |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Header |

|Qry Table MsgResponse |Courier New 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Msg |

|Qry Table MsgResponseHeader |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Header |

|Qry Table Name |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table Priority |Courier New 8pt bold | |1 |6 | |Qry Table |

| | | | | | |Characteristics Query |

|Qry Table Purpose |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table Response Trigger |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Standard |

|Qry Table Segment Pattern |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table SubCaption |Arial 8pt bold | |1 |6 |centered |Qry Table Caption |

|Qry Table Trigger |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Body |

|Qry Table Trigger Query |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Trigger |

|Qry Table Virtual |Arial 8pt | |1 |6 | |Qry Table Input |



Larry devised a style sheet that uses SOME of the above styles, with suitable modifications, for applying to HTML documents. Copies of this style sheet can be found in the HTML subdirectories where the HTML copies of the Standards Guide and Implementation Guide are saved.

To imbed the style sheet into an HTML document, make sure it is copied into the same directory as that document. Then, just above the tag, type the following sequence:

Styles for Heading 1-Heading 5 are in this sheet as modified -- since HTML does not support outline numbering, numbers must be manually added.

The HL7 style “Components” is incorporated into the HTML stylesheet as “definition.”

The HL7 style “Example” is incorporated into the HTML stylesheet as “defined term.” This has been modified to be in System font rather than LinePrinter, because the font the viewer sees it in depend on the fonts available on his machine; therefore Larry thinks it advisable to only use the most common fonts.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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