Invoking the Blazix Entity Bean EJB wizard

Invoking the Blazix Entity Bean EJB wizard


You will get this error if you have no database sources set up


After configuring at least one data source in the EJB ejb.ini configuration propsDataSource

dataSource.propsDataSource.odbc: props

we get the following window


Next we’re prompted to select a table from the database


Next we set the EJB properties to database table attributes mappings (note it’s a PK)


and we can generate finders for the property


Do the same for the other property we have in the table


Create all the finders for the property


Now tell Blazix where to store the EJB sources and jar


The wizard will create directories, if necessary


The contents of the MyEJBSources contain the following


Running the command file build.cmd generates the following messages

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>jar -cvf PropsTable.jar -C "c:\blazix\MyEJBSources" META-

INF/ejb-jar.xml "propsTable/PropsTableHome.class" "propsTable/PropsTable.class"


added manifest

adding: META-INF/ejb-jar.xml(in = 899) (out= 435)(deflated 51%)

adding: propsTable/PropsTableHome.class(in = 848) (out= 358)(deflated 57%)

adding: propsTable/PropsTable.class(in = 314) (out= 207)(deflated 34%)

adding: propsTable/PropsTableBean.class(in = 1489) (out= 613)(deflated 58%)

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>blxejbc PropsTable.jar PropsTableEjb.jar

Blazix EJB Compiler 1.2

Copyright (C) Desiderata Software, 2001-2002

All rights reserved

Configuration file: C:\Blazix\ejb.ini

JRMP Version

Processing Entity bean "PropsTable"

Validating bean classes

Generating bean support classes

PropsTable: Compiling classes with javac

PropsTable: Generating RMI classes

PropsTable: Adding to JAR file PropsTableEjb.jar

"PropsTable.jar" ==> "PropsTableEjb.jar": EJB compilation successful

The EJB wizard reports

Configuration file: C:\Blazix\ejb.ini

The following entity bean source files have been created:

Remote Interface: c:\blazix\MyEJBSources\

Home Interface: c:\blazix\MyEJBSources\

Bean Class: c:\blazix\MyEJBSources\

The ejb-jar file has been created in:


The commands to build and compile the entity bean are in:


And the MyEJBSources contain



propsTable * directory of class files



We now complete the ejb.ini file, adding the EJB information propsDataSource

dataSource.propsDataSource.odbc: props

ejbJar: c:\blazix\MyEJBSources\PropsTableEjb.jar

ejb.PropsTable.dataSource: propsDataSource

ejb.PropsTable.table: PropsTable

Now we can start the Blazix EJB Server:


Log file: C:\Blazix\Ejblog.log

Blazix EJB Server 1.2

Copyright (C) Desiderata Software, 2001-2002

All rights reserved

Configuration file: C:\Blazix\ejb.ini

JRMP version

Deploying EJB-Home class "propsTable.PropsTableHome" at JNDI name "PropsTable

Evaluation license

Listening at CHOPIN:2050

EJB Server operational at Sat Mar 08 21:06:42 EST 2003

command line:

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% propsTable.EntityClientSample put 11 4568

Read prop = 11 value = 4568

Set value of "11" to "4568"

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample put 123453344 dichter

Read prop = 123453344 value = dichter

Set value of "123453344" to "dichter"

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH%

propsTable.EntityClientSample get 123453344

Read prop = 123453344 value = null

123453344: dichter

where my.policy is a file with contents

grant {



Important Steps to Run the Application accessing EJBs

I modified the blxweb.cmd file as follows:


@cd C:\Blazix

@java -classpath " C:\Blazix\blazix.jar;C:\Blazix\classes;%CLASSPATH%" desisoft.server.ServerMain %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8

The modified part is underlined and bolded. It allows the web server to run RMI lookups into the EJB server.

Be sure the my.policy file is in the same place as the blxweb.cmd file.

The class files are in the jar file, which can be anywhere, but I add its location into the ejb.ini file as shown below:

ejbJar: c:\blazix\MyEJBSources\PropsTableEjb.jar

ejb.PropsTable.dataSource: propsDataSource

ejb.PropsTable.table: PropsTable

Only the bolded, underlined line is relevant here.

The entire source code is on the next page. Note the javax.rmi package. This in not the same as the java.rmi package.

Complete Client Source code to EJB application client


// Sample program showing entity bean usage.

package propsTable;

import javax.naming.*; import javax.ejb.*; import javax.rmi.*;

import java.util.*; import propsTable.*;

public class EntityClientSample {

static boolean doGet = false;

static String prop = null;

static String value = null;

static public void main( String[] args ) {

checkArgs( args );

try {

// Obtain the EJB home

Properties env = new Properties();

env.put( "java.naming.factory.initial", "desisoft.ejb.client.JRMPFactory" );

env.put( "desisoft.ejb.nameServer1", "localhost:2050" );

Context ctx = new InitialContext( env );

Object object = PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ctx.lookup( "PropsTable" ), PropsTableHome.class );

PropsTableHome home = (PropsTableHome) object;

PropsTable bean;

if ( doGet ) {

try {

bean = home.findByPrimaryKey( prop );

System.out.println( prop + ": " + bean.getValue());

} catch (FinderException notFound) {

System.out.println( "Property \"" + prop + "\" was not found" );


} else {

try {

bean = home.create( prop, value );

} catch (DuplicateKeyException exists) {

bean = home.findByPrimaryKey( prop );


bean.setValue( value );

System.out.println( "Set value of \"" + prop + "\" to \"" + value + "\"" );


} catch (Exception ex) {




Complete Client Source code to EJB application client

static void usage()


System.out.println( "Usage: java EntityClientSample put " );

System.out.println( " java EntityClientSample get " );

System.exit( 0 );


static void checkArgs( String[] args )


if ( args.length < 2 )


prop = args[1];

if ( args[0].equalsIgnoreCase( "get" )) {

if ( args.length > 2 )


doGet = true;

} else if ( args[0].equalsIgnoreCase( "put" )) {

if ( args.length != 3 )


doGet = false;

value = args[2];

} else

usage(); } }

Sample Output of my Program run

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample get 1000002

1000002: Maryland

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample get 1000003

1000003: Rhode Island

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample get 1000001

1000001: Connecticut

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample get 1000007

Property "1000007" was not found

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample put 1000066 Illinois

Set value of "1000066" to "Illinois"

C:\Blazix\MyEJBSources>java -cp .;%CLASSPATH% p

ropsTable.EntityClientSample get 1000066

1000066: Illinois

Note that the program response in bolded

Important Steps to Run the JSP client accessing EJBs

It is important the EJB is deployed in one way in the Container (AS). For example you can use either of these two ways

1. put the EJB jar into the ejbdir of the Blazix server

The directory can be modified in the ejb.ini file as shown below

# EJB JAR files can be copied to this directory for automatic deployment

ejbDir: C:\Blazix\ejbdir

2. Put the EJB jar into the system CLASSPATH, and start the AS and WS after the CLASSPATH is set.

Note: Do not put any of the EJB class files into the WS or AS CLASSPATH

The Screenshots of the HTML/JSP/JSP Bean/EJB Model Run


Above is the HTML page you get initially.


Above is the response as produced by the JSP page.

The code to run the Web-Based Example

Action (get/put):






This is the initial HTML page

This is the JSP Page

A JSP page with JSP Bean




The JSP creates a JSP Bean beanie of class, JSPEntityProps. The three parameters are set on beanie. Bean beanie instantiates through a lookup an EJB Bean using its “PropsTable” JNDI registered name. Through the EJB, beanie sets its properties, and the JSP page above can fill its fields.

The code for the JSPEntityProps class is on the next page.

The JSPEntityProps class Code

package propsTable;

import javax.naming.*; import javax.ejb.*; import java.util.*; import propsTable.*;

import java.rmi.*; import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

public class JSPEntityProps {

private String action;

private String prop;

private String value;

private PropsTableHome home;

private PropsTable bean;

private Object object;

public JSPEntityProps ( ) {

try {

// Obtain the EJB home

Properties env = new Properties();

env.put( "java.naming.factory.initial", "desisoft.ejb.client.JRMPFactory" );

env.put( "desisoft.ejb.nameServer1", "localhost:2050" );

Context ctx = new InitialContext( env );

object = (propsTable.PropsTableHomeCtx_Stub) ctx.lookup ( "PropsTable" ); //

home = (PropsTableHome) object; } // try

catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }

public void setProp (String prop) throws Exception { this.prop = prop; }

public String getProp() throws Exception {

if ( prop == null) throw new Exception("Property is NULL");

return prop; }

public void setValue(String value) throws Exception {

this.value = value;

if ( action.equalsIgnoreCase("put"))

doSet() ; }

public String getValue() throws Exception {

if ( action.equalsIgnoreCase("get"))

value = doGet() ;

return value; }

public void setAction(String action) throws Exception {

if ( ! action.equalsIgnoreCase("get") && ! action.equalsIgnoreCase("put"))

throw new Exception("'get' or 'put' required in field");

this.action = action; }

public String getAction() { return action; }

The JSPEntityProps class Code

public String doGet( ) throws Exception {

String value = "";

try {

bean = home.findByPrimaryKey( prop );

return bean.getValue(); }

catch (FinderException notFound) {

throw new Exception( "==> Property \"" + prop + "\" was not found" ); }

catch (RemoteException re) {

throw new Exception("==> Remote Exception"); } }

public void doSet() throws Exception {

try {

try {

bean = home.create( prop, value ); }

catch (DuplicateKeyException exists) {

bean = home.findByPrimaryKey( prop ); } }

catch (FinderException fe) { throw new Exception( "===> Finder Exception"); }

catch (CreateException ce) { throw new Exception( "===> Create Exception"); }

catch (RemoteException re) { throw new Exception( "===> RemoteException"); }

try {

bean.setValue( value );

System.out.println( "Set value of \"" + prop + "\" to \"" + value + "\"" ); }

catch (Exception ex) {

System.err.println( "===> Cannot set Value");

ex.printStackTrace(); } } }

The EJB used in the web based example is the same as the one used in the application example. It is similar to the one we generated with the EJB wizard in class. Recall that in the wizard we specified the Database name and the table to which we mapped the EJB properties.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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