Simmons University

jQuery Exercise for After Assignment 1 – first part – Practice with selectorsAt the bottom of the page is an html file, which is also available as jQueryDemo7 at You are going to write a jQuery script which modifies a page after it is “ready”. I strongly suggest that you implement one item at a time.Here’s what your jQuery script in is going to do:Make the paragraph with id tedious2 be in blue.Make everything of class bigDeal in larger font.Make the unordered list inside the bigDeal div bold.Make any paragraph which has a style attribute into bold.Make any paragraph which has a style attribute setting the color to green into large font.Make the unordered list at the bottom of the page such that if there is an anchor/link inside a list item then the text inside the opening and closing anchor tags is bold.Add onclick event handlers to the two buttons so that they do the advertised thing to the text in the form.You may add classes and id’s but you should try to add as few as possible.I remind you that a list of all the selectors may be found at You should make use of at least the following kinds of selectors:ElementClassIdNested (one within another)Attribute appearingAttribute appearing with a particular value.Code is on the next page:<!DOCTYPE html><html lang='en'><head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <title>jQueryDemo7 PuttingjQuery to work</title> <style> .red { color: red;}.blue { color:blue;}.big {font-size: 1.5em;} </style> <script src="jquery.js"></script> <script> </script></head><body><h1>My main heading</h1><p>This is my first tedious paragraph.</p><p id='tedious2'>This is my second tedious paragraph.</p><p style="color:green;">This is my third tedious paragraph.</p><p style='font-weight:bold;'>This is my fourth tedious paragraph.</p><div class='bigDeal'><p>Interesting and important stuff</p><ul>Interesting things about Simmons College<li><a href=''>Simmons College official site</a></li><li><a href=''>My favorite department</a></li><li><a href=''>Boston for college!</a></li><li>And furthermore there are a huge number of jobs in computing!</li></ul></div><h2>Go Simmons!</h2><div class='other'><ul>For practice<li>Item1</li><li>Item2</li></ul><br /><ul>Yet more interesting things about Simmons College<li><a href=''>Simmons College official site</a></li><li><a href=''>My favorite department</a></li><li><a href=''>Boston for college!</a></li><li>And furthermore there are a huge number of jobs in computing!</li></ul></div><form id = 'funkyForm'><p>Boring nonsense.</p><input type='button' value='Make it red!'><input type = 'button' value= 'Make it blue'></form></body></html> ................

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