VS 2010 and ASP

|[pic] |VS2010 Enhancements |

| |- Quick Start Guide |

Below document describes some of the key features and improvements to VS2010 IDE.

Each feature is described in context of What it is? Benefits? How to use it? and any Related information. The main purpose of this document is to provide an easy way for developers to get familiar with new features and technologies.

Note: This guide only covers improvements IDE. It does not cover VS2010 Test features, Architecture features, Dynamic Data enhancements, MS Ajax, language features such as C#4.0 and .NET 4.0 Security.


VS 2010 IDE Enhancements

1. Add Reference dialog improvements

2. Breakpoints Import/Export and DataTips Import/Export 

3. Call Hierarchy

4. Code optimised web development profile

5. Empty project and Starter project templates

6. Generate From Usage

7. Highlighting References

8. IntelliSense Suggestion Mode

9. IntelliTrace Info / Historical Debugging (Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate only)

10. Multi line editing and enhanced box selection

11. Multi monitor support and enhanced docking

12. Multi targeting framework

13. Navigate To

14. Snippets support for HTML/ MVC/JavaScript

15. Zoom

|Feature |Add Reference dialog improvements |

|What is it? |Significant improvements to Add Reference dialog box. |

|Benefits |Significant improvements on performances. |

| |Changes to default opening tabs (defaults to opening on the “Projects” tab instead of the .NET tab). |

| |Asynchronous load in between tabs, so totally isolated from UI threads. |

|How to do it? |Right click on your project/References and ‘Add Reference’ from context menu. |

|Related Information | |

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|Feature |Breakpoints Import/Export and DataTips Import/Export |

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|What is it? |You can now import/export DataTip information and Breakpoint information. |

|Benefits |Reduces the development time, improve the productivity and developers can work together effectively. |

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|How to do it? |Right click on the Breakpoint and select “Export”. Then another developer can import the Breakpoints. Similarly during |

| |the debug, when the break point hits, set the “DataTip” (add comments if needed) and export the “DataTip” by clicking |

| |“Debug” in the top menu and select “Export DataTips”. |

|Related Information | |

|Feature |Call Hierarchy |

|What is it? |Display how the code flows in a hierarchical structure. |

|Benefits |Quick and easy way to understand how the code is structured and how the logic flows. Evaluate the effects of changes, |

| |and explore possible execution paths by examining complex chains of method calls. |

|How to do it? |(Ctrl + K), (Ctrl + T) or Right mouse click and select View Call Hierarchy from the context menu. |

|Related Information | |

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| |(VS.100).aspx |

|Feature |Code optimised web development profile |

|What is it? |Allow you to select Web Development settings that you most familiar with. This provides a source only editing experience|

| |when working on pages. |

|Benefits |Allow developers to be more productive. For example profile optimizes the screen real estate around displaying and |

| |editing code on the screen, hides all toolbars by default, and disables and hides the designer tabs within the document |

| |windows of HTML and pages |

|How to do it? |When VS first load you will be prompted with a dialog box to set these settings. However you can always override these |

| |settings via Tools, Options, Import/ Export Settings. |

|Related Information |

|Feature |Empty project and Starter project templates |

|What is it? |Empty project contains bare minimum files that you needed to get started with the project. For example empty |

| |project template does not have any pages. Starter project template contains a base template, which run the application |

| |with some base CSS / HTML and Home/Login feature which display with a Welcome Message… |

|Benefits |More flexibility for developers to get started with their applications. |

| |For simple applications that require only base features, developers can quickly modify the Starter project template and |

| |get the web site up and running fairly sooner. |

| |For more enterprise and diverse web applications, developers can start from the scratch using Empty project template, |

| |without having to remove modify items from the base template. |

|How to do it? |File -> Add New Project and select from “Installed Templates” |

|Related Information | |

|Feature |Generate From Usage |

|What is it? |This allows you to use classes and methods before you define them. You can quickly and easily generate a stub for any |

| |undefined class, constructor, method, property, field, or enum that you want to use but have not yet defined. |

|Benefits |Fantastic feature for developers who practices TDD.  You can generate new types and members without leaving your current|

| |location in code. This minimizes interruption to your workflow. |

|How to do it? |Ctrl + “.” Or right click on the item, then select Generate and pick Method Stub, Class or new type. |

|Related Information |(VS.100).aspx |

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|Feature |Highlighting References |

|What is it? |All instances of the same symbols are highlighted in the document. |

|Benefits |Quickly and easy way to find declaration, and or references, so they can be easily understood or replaced. |

| | |

|How to do it? |Double click on any symbol on the document; all instances of the same symbols are highlighted in the document. |

|Related Information |(VS.100).aspx |

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|Feature |IntelliSense Suggestion Mode |

|What is it? |Comes with 2 alternatives. |

| |Completion Mode |

| |Suggestion Mode |

| | |

| |In suggestion mode, when you type in the editor and then commit the entry, the text you typed in is inserted into the |

| |code. When you commit an entry in completion mode, the highlighted entry in the members list is inserted into the code. |

|Benefits |Suggestion mode helps to reduce situations where IntelliSense get inserted unintentionally into the editor. This will |

| |assist developer’s development styles, for example, TDD which encourages the use of classes and members before you |

| |define them. |

|How to do it? |To toggle between completion mode and suggestion mode: |

| |CTRL+ALT+SPACEBAR or Edit menu, point to IntelliSense, and then click Toggle Completion Mode. |

|Related Information |(VS.100).aspx |

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|Feature |IntelliTrace Info / Historical Debugging (VS 2010 Ultimate only) |

|What is it? |Display advanced debugging information and provided advanced debugging techniques. |

|Benefits |Assume if there is no breakpoint before or on where the actual Exception is occurred, and the code with the Exception is|

| |already executed and the execution is push back to the call stack. IntelliTrace will allow you to step backwards while |

| |maintaining the call stack. In addition to this you can also export/import debug/Exception information. |

|How to do it? |If you are using VS2010 Ultimate then you can enable the IntelliTrace by |

| |Tools->Options-> IntelliTrace->Enable IntelliTrace |

|Related Information | |

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|Feature |Multi line editing and enhanced box selection |

|What is it? |Selecting a rectangular region of text within IDE and then insert text into the selected region, or paste the content of|

| |the region to another. |

|Benefits |This will allow developers to edit and change the code quickly, hence improve the developer productivity. |

| | |

|How to do it? |Hold the ‘Alt’ key while selecting a region with the mouse. |

|Related Information |(VS.100).aspx |

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|Feature |Multi monitor support and enhanced docking |

|What is it? |You can move your IDE sub window(s), out side your top-level window, and to any monitor on your system. |

|Benefits |It improves the screen real estate and improves your overall development productivity. |

| | |

|How to do it? |Just move the IDE sub windows around and you will see the difference. For example |

| |You write code in your primary monitor, and your solution explorer can sits in another monitor. |

| |Unit Tests View in another monitor while your test results displayed in the primary monitor. |

|Related Information | |

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| |(VS.100).aspx |

|Feature |Multi targeting framework |

|What is it? |This allows you to create a new application, while targeting different .NET frameworks - .NET 4.0, .NET 3.5, .NET 3.0 |

| |and .NET 2.0 |

| |You may also target a different framework once the application is created. Please see the Related Information |

|Benefits |As mentioned above you can develop and test your application targeting various .NET frameworks. Your development |

| |environment (i.e IntelliSense, tools) also changed based on your targeted framework. |

|How to do it? |Please refer to the Related Information. |

|Related Information | |

|Feature |Navigate To |

|What is it? |Allows you to search for a symbol or file in the source code. |

|Benefits |Quick and easy way to locate symbols within solution. You can also search for keywords that are contained within a |

| |symbol by using Camel casing and underscore characters to divide the symbol into keywords. Real time fast query |

| |execution. |

|How to do it? |Edit menu, select ‘Navigate To’ |

|Related Information |(VS.100).aspx |

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|Feature |Snippets support for HTML/ MVC/JavaScript |

|What is it? |Snippets have been introduced for HTML/JS/ mark-up. |

| |There are more than 200 built-in snippets in VS2010. This includes snippets for i.e loginview, listview and for |

| | MVC i.e ActionLink |

|Benefits |Code snippets allows you to be more productive. You may also create your own snippets and share with other developers. |

| |VS2010 UI support is excellent since it has number of snippets for UI developers. |

|How to do it? |Ctrl + K, Ctrl + X or right click on the editor and select Insert Snippet… |

|Related Information |

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|Feature |Zoom |

|What is it? |You can quickly zoom out/in the code editing window. |

|Benefits | Very handy when you do presentations. If the texts are too small, you can zoom out easily. |

| | |

|How to do it? |Hold the Ctrl key and spin the mouse wheel. |

|Related Information | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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