Website Manager User Manual - FEI Canada


Table of Contents

1. Quick Start 3

2. Getting Started 4

3. How it Works 5

3.1. Understanding Menus 5

3.2. The Website Manager’s Main Interface 6

3.2.1. A sample website 6

3.3. About Pages & Sub-Pages 7

3.3.1. Setting up a sub-menu 7

3.3.2. Adding a new page 8

4. Editing & Deleting Pages 9

4.1. The Edit Page interface 9

4.1.1. Understanding the Edit Page interface 9

4.1.2. The Edit Page Toolbar 9

4.1.3. Sample Edit Page: Content 10

4.1.4. Sample Edit Page: Properties 11

5. Important Fundamentals 13

6. Frequently asked questions 14

Website manager login:

username = chapter name

password = to be delivered by separate email


Hold the Ctrl key when you click OK after clicking Save to Web to override pop-up blocking software.

Also, use Shift-Enter to get a single line space.

Quick Start

This manual describes a number of concepts you should familiarize yourself with. This quick start section is designed to help you quickly recall procedures taught in your training session. A more complete explanation of each feature can be found in this user manual.

Step 1: Login

To edit your website you must login using the link, username and password. These can be found on the Table of Contents page in this manual.

Option 1: Edit pages

Most often you will want to add or change information on a page. To do this you simply navigate to the page using the website manager and click on the title for that page. To access sub-pages for a particular section click on the Sub-Menu link and then click on the page title.

This will take you to a new page where you can edit the page contents using a toolbar similar to MS Word. Delete text you want to change and add in new text or images. You can also control the layout by adding simple tables and putting your information in different columns. (This works particularly well for things like information lists.) If you will be working on the page off and on you will want to do an interim save periodically. Do this by clicking on the Save button (not the Save to Web button!).

Once you have got your information in place the way you want it to appear on the live website. You will now click the Save to Web button to make your changes go live. Tip: if you have a pop-up blocker in place, hold the Control (Ctrl) key when you click on the Save to Web button. This will override the pop-up blocker so that your work can be saved.

Option 2: Delete pages

You can remove a page by clicking the Delete button at the top of the screen. This will permanently remove the entire page and does not delete selected text in the edit window.

Option 3: Add new pages

You can also add a new page of information, for example the bio of a new staff member. To do this go to the Website Manager home and click on the Create New Page in Position # option. By default it creates a page in position 1. You will likely want to change this by selecting the 1, deleting it and entering the number where you wish the page to be located in the menu. You can always reorder pages using the Reorder pages link. Review the instructions for adding a page below to add a page.

Option 4: Upload files or images

You can add images and files up to 4.8 Megabytes in size using the website manager. To do this go to the website manager homepage, click the browse button, locate the file or image that you wish to upload, select the folder that you want to save the image or file into, and then click the Upload file button. You should see a Transfer Successful message if the file is uploaded successfully.

Getting Started

Our main goal in developing the Biz-Zone Website Manager was to make it fast and easy for organizations to manage their own websites. Here is an overview of what you can do as you get started:

Site management options:

➢ You can add pages

➢ You can add sub-menu pages to an existing page

➢ You can edit and delete pages

➢ You can upload images

➢ You can reorder pages

➢ You select whether a page appears in the menu system

➢ You can adjust the meta tags on each page

Content management options:

➢ You can choose the design template (layout) for individual pages

➢ You can add, edit or remove text, images and objects on any page

➢ Page templates make it easy for you to add images to specified locations on an individual page

➢ Smart templates detect whether or not an image is in place, and display the page accordingly

➢ Our inline editor removes the need to use any HTML when adding and editing information! Use the toolbar to add bolds, headlines, links, and images.

How it Works

Before you get started, consider how our Website Manager is structured.

1 Understanding Menus

Your website is a collection of webpages. Each website has a main menu, and quite often there are sub-pages as well. For example, a company may have the menu item services, which would then have several sub-pages describing the services offered.

Figure 1: A Standard Website


Figure 1 shows a typical website with 2 levels of menus, or menu tiers. The menu for your website dictates the overall layout or flow of your website.

The Biz-Zone Website Manager uses your website’s navigation system for its own default navigation. You use the menu system for your website to access the pages you with to edit. With the example above, if you wanted to change a sub-page in services you would first click on the sub-menu link for services, and then you would click on the title for the page that you wanted to edit.

2 The Website Manager’s Main Interface

Biz-Zone’s Website Manager Interface


The left menu has the following options:

➢ Resave pages: Use this option to resave all the pages on your website. You must do this when you add a new menu item.

➢ Reorder page: Use this option to change the order of pages on your website.

➢ Create a new page in position: This option lets you insert a new page at the current level.

➢ Additional options: If you have added extra modules, such as the News Editor or Events Manager links to these extras will appear in the left menu as well.

The central area has the following options:

➢ Upload file: You can browse to a file on your hard drive, and upload it to the folder that you specify on your web server. (File size limits apply.)

➢ Edit a main page: To edit a main page, simply click on the page name in the Page column. For example, click on the word “About” to edit the about page.

➢ Preview page: Click on “Preview” to preview the page in a new window, or click on the Save link to save that individual page.

➢ Go to Page: Click on “Go” to open the actual webpage in a new window.

➢ Add a sub-menu: If a main page does not have a sub-menu, you can use this option to add a sub-menu.

1 A sample website

Figure 3 shows an example where the main pages are: Home, About, Products and Links.

Figure 3: Sample Website


Each page row has an ID number:

|Page ID |Page Title |

|1: |Home |

|2: |About |

|3: |Products |

|4: |Links |

3 About Pages & Sub-Pages

A main page can have associated sub-pages. For example, under the Products link you may have several pages, with each page promoting a particular product category. Two main pages in Figure 2, About and Products, have sub-pages.

The sub-menu link is used to access sub-pages. Use the sub-menu link to add, edit, delete or re-order sub-pages.

1 Setting up a sub-menu

To add sub-pages to a main page that does not currently have a sub-page, use the Add sub-menu option at the bottom of the page. Click on the ID number, referred to as the section number, for the appropriate page. For example, 4 is the ID number for the Links page in Figure 2. To add a sub-menu to the links page, you would click on 4 in the Add sub menus to section number: line.


2 Adding a new page

You can add a new page at any level, provided you are within the account limits for your website.

To add a page, simply navigate to the section where you wish to add a page, and then use the “Create a new page in position:#” link on the left menu.

You can either click on the link (this creates a new page in the first position) or you can click in the input box and specify where you want the new page to appear in the menu (e.g. [5]). You need to click enter if you use this option.

This brings you to a page where you define the page type (a single page is a file; a page that will have sub-pages needs to be set-up as a folder), page title and filename.


Editing & Deleting Pages

Editing pages is the most common way that clients use our Website Manager. To delete a page you must first open it in Edit Page mode, and then use the Delete page button.

To open a page in Edit Page mode, click on the page name (e.g. Links) in the Page column:


1 The Edit Page interface

1 Understanding the Edit Page interface

There are three main aspects of the Edit Page interface:

1. Page properties

2. Content

3. Meta tags

2 The Edit Page Toolbar

As you change the details on this page, you can do the following:

➢ Save: this option saves your changes, but the changes will not be added to the live website until you either: a) click on Save to Website; b) use the Resave All option; or c) delete a page.

➢ Save to website: this option saves your changes and updates the live website.

➢ Preview page: this option let you preview the page you are editing.

➢ Delete entry: this option deletes the current page. You will be asked whether you want to delete the page. Be careful – you cannot restore a deleted page.

3 Sample Edit Page: Content

When you edit a page there are two main windows that you work in: the edit content window and the edit page properties window.

Here is a sample Edit Content screen:


Tip: To add a single line break you need to hit Shift-Enter.

A note about moving between pages: To move between pages, use the text-based links at the top of the page, under “you are here”. To return to the main page at any time, click on the Edit a Static Page link. In this example, if you click on About you would be taken to the menu listing for the about section.

4 Sample Edit Page: Properties

Here is a sample Edit Properties screen:


The properties listed under Standard Data will always be there. Properties under Page Specific Information change depending on the template that is chosen. Here is an overview of some of the main elements:

Page title: This is used on every page, so does not need to be included in the content.

Path: This is the filename, and is defined when you create a new page.

Use Template: To change the look and feel of the inner pages, choose an appropriate template from this list.

In Menu: When checked, the page will appear in the menu.

Menu text: By default this is the page title. However you can shorten it, as long menu names are often unwieldy.

Menu graphic name & size: This only applies to main pages, where we have used graphics for the menu items. These are already set.

Meta tags: This is extra information that is added to the page to help the search engines index the site. You can create an use site-wide defaults, or you can choose to use a custom meta tag that you define in the Title, Keywords and Description fields.

Important Fundamentals

Using the manager is relatively easy, but there are a few basics to understand before you get started.

1. Every page has a file name. The file name must use alphanumeric characters without spaces. Spaces and unusual characters, such as @#$)%(^*&, cannot be used. Common file names include: index.html, about.html, products.html, about_us.html, our_products.html, etceteras.

2. The file name is part of the path. There are billions of web pages online, and many use standard file names (ie. about.html). Your computer differentiates these files by looking at the full path – which is the web address – for the file. The path includes the web server name (i.e. ,, etc.) as well as the name of any folders that the file is stored in. So, if a company with the domain saved a file called “about.html” in a folder called “who_we_are”, the full path to the file would be: “”.

3. The full path to each file must be unique. You can have two files that are called index.html*, but they must be saved in different folders. For example, a typical website would have the following link for the homepage: “”. You may also then use the file name index.html as the main page for your products section: “”. While the file name is used twice, the full path to each webpage is unique.

4. Once a page is created, use Resave All to update all pages. In the website manager we have made it possible for you to save work in progress without having the changes take effect on the live website until you either use the Save to Website or the Resave All option. Save to Website will overwrite an existing page, while the Resave All option resaves all pages on the website. If you add or delete a page, you will need to use the Resave All option to ensure that all references to the page are updated.

5. Do not use the delete button to delete information in the edit content window. Using the delete button will remove the entire page from the database.

6. Pop-up blockers can cause problems with the Website Manager. To make the task of editing pages easier there are several instances where a new page loads in a pop-up window. When you want to override the pop-ups for a single page you can hold down the Control (CTRL) key as you click on Save from the main screen or Save to Web for individual pages. You can change your settings to allow pop-ups for all pages in the Website Manager by going to Tools > Internet Options > Security > Trusted Sites. Warning; if you are not familiar with the security risks associated with this please get assistance for this step.

*Note: it is common practice to use the file name index.html for the main page of each section of your website.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Why does one page (staff) keep showing up as a different page (hiring) when I click on the staff link in the menu?

A: Each page must have a unique path. If two pages have the same path, then the second file will simply overwrite the first file when pages are saved. Check the path for both files (in the website manager you will find the page at the bottom of the page for each file), and if you find that the same path (or file name) is used twice, change one of both path names to something unique. Remember to resave all when you are done!

Q: I put a link to another page into a block of text, but the link goes to a page that is not found. What is wrong?

A: Adding this type of link (inline links) is tricky. Capitalization must match exactly, for example a link to Pages.html won’t work if the path is actually pages.html. To link to another page on your website, you do not need to insert the - this is done for you automatically! However, you do need to include sub-folders. For example, if the full path to the file is: “”, then you need to use the path: “our_products/product1.html” in the link tag.

Problems also happen when the path contains a space or reserved character (the web browser does not allow certain characters to be used). Common reserved characters are those that other than standards letters and numbers, for example $ % & etceteras. Use only numbers and characters, without spaces, as your file name when adding new pages.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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