1 - College of Charleston

Test 2 – Web Design Student Name: ______________________________________________ Score ______________ PART 2. Multiple Choice (3 points each) The _______ element comprises a unit of content that is self-contained, such as an image, along with one option figcaption element. photo figure picture image A(n) _______ is a smaller version of a larger image, and is often linked to that larger image?iconthumbnailfaviconwireframeChoose the item that creates an image link to the school.htm page when the school.gif graphic is clicked.<a href="school.html" src="school.gif" alt="school"></a><a href="school.html"><img src="school.gif" alt="school"></a><img src="school.gif" href="school.htm" alt="school">none of the aboveThe CSS Box Model has 4 parts. What is the area between the padding and margin called?ContentWhite spaceBorderDivUse the ___________ property to resize or scale the background image.background-imagebackground-clipbackground-originbackground-sizeWhich of the following is an example of a descendant selector used to configure a list within an id called menu?#menu ulul .menumenu #li#menu, ulWhich declaration is needed to display horizontal navigation with an unordered list? display: inline; display: inherit; display: block; display: none; Select the three most common methods of organizing websites.horizontal, vertical, and diagonalhierarchical, linear, and randomaccessible, readable, maintainablenone of the aboveSet list-style-type to the value ______ to hide the display of the list markers on an ordered list.no-displaynonehideinvisibleUse _______ positioning to configure the location of an element to remain the same and to not move even when the web page is scrolled.absolutestaticrelativefixedWhich attribute below can be applied to an anchor tag to open a link in a new browser window?targetwindowrelmediaThe _______ pseudo-class configures the styles that will apply when the mouse is on a hyperlink.hoverclickactiveoverWhich acronym refers to visual design principles as opposed to accessibility principles? CRAPDISCPOURROLEA __________color scheme consists of two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel.tetradicanalogouscomplementarytriadicWhat does the “a” represent in rgba() accessibility alphaancestor none of the above Part 2. Diagram, code and short answers (4 points) (BE SURE to WRITE CLEARLY and use the EXACT SYNTAX. Partial credit is unlikely.)Write the following two comments. - an HTML comment that says “End of first column” - a CSS comment that says “This color is temporary” <!--End of first column-->/*This color is temporary*/What is the reason for the CSS clear property?Clear a floatWrite the CSS code to do the following to the “anchors” of a “class” called submenu:- remove the underlines - change the font color to #006400- configure as bold text.submenu a {text-decoration: none; color: #006400font-weight: bold; }What is the meaning of each parameter in the box-shadow property?box-shadow: 2px 3px 5px #000000; 2px means: x or horiz offset3px means: y or vert offset 5px means: blur #000000 means: color Bonus: 4 points Code the CSS to configure a graphic named circle.jpg to display once in the background of <h1> elements.h1 { background-image: url(circle.jpg);Background-repeat: no-repeat;}PART 3. Discussion Questions (10 points each) Write and number all answers on the lines below: Briefly describe two of the debugging techniques mentioned in Chapter 6.Images can take a toll on your website’s performance. Please discuss the main reason for image optimization and two of the methods for optimizing an image.Name and describe one of the four principles of POUR (WCAG 2.0).What does the acronym CRAP stand for with respect to design? Simply list the words represented by the acronym.Page 278-9Page 143Page 209Page 207 ................

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