HTML Style Sheet - Graceland University

HTML Mock-Up

| |Page Template |

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| or | |

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|…all style rules here… | |

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| | |

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| | |

|Validate: | |

|HTML5 | |

|CSS3 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|p |The font-size |

|{ |

|font-size: 14pt; |al=small |

|} | |


|Sans-Serif |Font Families |

|Arial, sans-serif; | |

|Helvetica, sans-serif; | |

|Gill Sans, sans-serif; | |

|Lucida, sans-serif; | |

|Helvetica Narrow, sans-serif; | |

|sans-serif; | |

|Serif | |

|Times, serif; | |

|Times New Roman, serif; | |

|Palatino, serif; | |

|Bookman, serif; | |

|New Century Schoolbook, serif; | |

|serif; | |

|Monospace | |

|Andale Mono, monospace; | |

|Courier New, monospace; | |

|Courier, monospace; | |

|Lucidatypewriter, monospace; | |

|Fixed, monospace; | |

|monospace; | |

|Cursive | |

|Comic Sans, Comic Sans MS, cursive; | |

|Zapf Chancery, cursive; | |

|Coronetscript, cursive; | |

|Florence, cursive; | |

|Parkavenue, cursive; | |

|cursive; | |

|Fantasy | |

|Impact, fantasy; | |

|Arnoldboecklin, fantasy; | |

|Oldtown, fantasy; | |

|Blippo, fantasy; | |

|Brushstroke, fantasy; | |

|fantasy; | |

|] | |

| { | |

|background-color: #E6E6FA; |Page Background |

|color: #191970; |Text Color |

|font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; |Text Font |

|} | |

|Text |Inline (somewhere in body) |

|h1 | |

|{ | |

|background:blue; |Headline background color |

|color:yellow; |Headline text color |

|} | |

|h1 |CSS border Property |

|{ | |

|border-width:2px; |If used with a BLOCK ELEMENT (e.g., h1, h2, p, div, ...), the border |

|border-style:solid; |extends to browser’s margin (or specified width) |

|border-color:#ff0000; | Heading with Border |

|} | |

| |If used with an INLINE ELEMENT (e.g., a, i, em, b, span, ...), the border |

| |closely outlines the element content |

| | This anchor tag has a border |

|h2 |Configuring Specific Sides of a Border |

|{ | |

|border-bottom-width: 2px; |Use CSS to configure a line on one or more sides of an element |

|border-bottom-style: solid; |border-bottom |

|border-bottom-color: red; |border-left |

|} |border-right |

| |border-top |

| |The CSS padding Property |

| | |

| |Configures empty space between the content of the HTML element and the |

| |border |

| |Padding is set to zero by default |

| | |

|h2 | |

|{ | |

|border:2px solid #ff0000; |Example: Without Padding |

|} | |

| | |

|h2 | |

|{ | |

|border:2px solid #ff0000; |Example: With 5px of Padding |

|padding:5px; | |

|} | |

|h2 |Use CSS to configure padding on one or more sides of an element |

|{ |padding-bottom |

|border: 2px solid #ff0000; |padding-left |

|background-color: #cccccc; |padding-right |

|padding-left: 5px; |padding-top |

|padding-bottom: 10px; | |

|padding-top: 10px; | |

|} | |

|.new |Use class selector |

|{ |It applies CSS to a certain "class" of elements on a Web page |

|color:#FF0000; |Does not associate the style to a particular tag element |

|font-style: italic; |Configure with .classname (prefixed with a dot) |

|} |The sample creates a class called “new” with red italic text. Note: the |

| |dot (.) is not part of the id’s name. |

| |To use the class above , code the following HTML: |

| | |

| | This is text is red and in italics |

|#new |id selectors in CSS |

|{ | |

|color: #FF0000; |Use id selector - Applies a CSS rule to ONE element on a Web page (unique |

|font-size:2em; |ID) |

|font-style: italic; |Configure with #idname (prefixed with #) - The sample creates an id called|

|} |“new” with red, large, italic text. Note: the # is not part of name. To |

| |use this id, code the following HTML (without #): |

| | |

| | This is text is red and in italics |

|p {…} - Applies to all p elements (only one element selector) |Selector Variations |

|h1,h2,h3 {…} - Applies to all h1,h2, and h3 elements (multiple elements) | |

|.note {…} - Applies to any element that has class="note" | |

|p.note {…} - Applies to any p element that has class="note" | |

|#footnotes {…} - Applies to the one element that has id="footnotes" | |

|p#footnotes {…} - Applies to whichever p element has id="footnotes" (This| |

|would be weird since there is little point in including the p) | |

|footer |CSS Contextual Selector Example |

|{ | |

|color:green; |To use this id, code the following HTML (without #): |

|} | |

| | |

| |Questions? |

| | |

| | |

| |(Key Concept—Contextual selectors help us reduce the number of classes and|

| |ids) |

|#container |Centering Page Content with CSS |

|{ | |

|margin-left: auto; | |

|margin-right: auto; | |

|width:80%; | |

|} | |

|Embedded style examples: |Margin Sizes - Margin sizes (like other size properties) can be given in |

| |units of pt, in, cm or px |

|body | |

|{ | |

|margin-top:50px; | |

|margin-bottom:50px; | |

|margin-left:100px; | |

|margin-right:100px; | |

|} | |

| | |

|Inline style examples (alternative to 3rd example above) | |

| | |

| | |

|img |Browsers automatically add a border to image links, but you can configure |

|{ |CSS to eliminate the border |

|border-style:none; | |

|} | |

|figure |Configure border & padding for an image |

|{ | |

|width: 640px; | |

|border: 1px solid #000000; | |

|padding: 5px; | |

|} | |

|figcaption |Configure a caption for an image |

|{ | |

|text-align: center; | |

|font-family: Papyrus, fantasy; | |

|} | |

|body |Configures a background-image = |

|{ | |

|background-image: url(background1.gif); | |

|} | |

|h2 { |Using background-repeat |

|background-color: #d5edb3; | |

|color: #5c743d; | |

|font-family: Georgia,Times New Roman,serif; | |

|padding-left: 30px; | |

|background-image: url(trilliumbullet.gif); | |

|background-repeat: no-repeat; | |

|} | |

|body |Multiple Background Images |

|{ | |

|background-color: #f4ffe4; | |

|color: #333333; | |

|background-image: url(trilliumgradient.png); | |

|background: url(trilliumfoot.gif) | |

|no-repeat bottom right, | |

|url(trilliumgradient.png); | |

|} | |

|h1 |Rounded Corners |

|{ |-webkit-border-radius (for Safari & Chrome) |

|-webkit-border-radius: 15px; |-moz-border-radius (for Firefox) |

|-moz-border-radius: 15px; |border-radius (W3C syntax) |

|border-radius: 15px; | |

|} | |

|#wrapper |box-shadow Property |

|{ | |

|-webkit-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #828282; | |

|-moz-box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #828282; | |

|box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px #828282; | |

|} | |

|h1 |opacity Property |

|{ background-color: #FFFFFF; |- Configure the opacity of the background color |

|opacity: 0.6; |Opacity range: |

|} |0 Completely Transparent |

| |1 Completely Opaque |

| |horizontal offset, |

| |vertical offset, blur radius, |

| |and valid color value |

|{ |Relative Positioning - Changes location of an element in relation to where|

|position: relative; |it would otherwise appear |

|left:30px; | |

|font-family:Arial,sans-serif; | |

|} | |

|{ |Absolute Positioning - Precisely specifies the location of an element |

|position: absolute; |within the browser window |

|left:200px; | |

|top:100px; | |

|font-family:Arial,sans-serif; | |

|width:300; | |

|} | |

|h1 { |float Property |

|background-color:#cccccc; | |

|padding:5px; |Elements that seem to “float" to the right or left side of the window or |

|color: #000000; |an element within it are often configured using the float property. |

|} | |

|p { | |

|font-family:Arial,sans-serif; | |

|} | |

|#yls { | |

|float: right; | |

|margin: 0 0 5px 5px; | |

|border: solid; | |

|} | |

| |Navigation links in an Unordered List |

| | |

|Home | |

|Menu | |

|Directions | |

|Contact | |

| | |

| | |

|#leftcolumn ul { list-style-type: none; } |CSS removes the list marker and underline |

|#leftcolumn a { text-decoration: none; } | |

| |Navigation links in an Unordered List |

| | |

|Home | |

|Menu | |

|Directions | |

|Contact | |

| | |

| | |

|HTML Attribute |CSS Property |

|.shadow |The box-shadow property can specify one or more drop shadows. The |

|{ |components of each shadow are interpreted as follows: |

|box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px 6px #ccc; |Required: The first length is the horizontal offset of the shadow. A |

|} |positive value draws a shadow that is offset to the right of the box, a |

| |negative length to the left. |

| |Required: The second length is the vertical offset. A positive value |

| |offsets the shadow down, a negative one up. |

| |Optional: The third length is a blur distance. Negative values are not |

| |allowed. If the blur value is zero, the shadow's edge is sharp. Otherwise,|

| |the larger the value, the more the shadow's edge is blurred. |

| |Optional: The fourth length is a spread distance. Positive values cause |

| |the shadow shape to expand in all directions by the specified radius. |

| |Negative values cause the shadow shape to contract. |

| |Optional: The color is the color of the shadow. |

| |Optional: An inset keyword, if present, changes the drop shadow from an |

| |outer shadow (one that shadows the box onto the canvas, as if it were |

| |lifted above the canvas) to an inner shadow (one that shadows the canvas |

| |onto the box, as if the box were cut out of the canvas and shifted behind |

| |it) |

|background-image1 |Background image (left is default) |

|{ | |

|background-position:top center | |

|} | |

|background-image2 | |

|{ | |

|background-position:top right | |

|} | |

|Pseudo-class |Purpose |

|:first-of-type |Applies to the first element of the specified type |

|:first-child |Applies to the first child of an element (CSS2 selector) |

|:last-of-type |Applies to the last element of the specified type |

|:last-child |Applies to the last child of an element |

|:nth-of-type(n) |Applies to the “nth” element of the specified type |

| |Values: an integer number, odd, or even |

|tr: nth-of-type(even) { |To Zebra Stripe a Table |

|background-color: #eaeaea; | |

|} | |

|#nav ul { list-style-type: none;} |CSS that removes the list marker and underline, adds padding, and |

|#nav a { text-decoration: none; |configures items for inline display (horizontal) |

|padding-right: 10px; } | |

|#nav li { display: inline; } | |

|#nav ul { list-style-type: none;} | |

|#nav a { text-decoration: none; | |

|padding-right: 10px; } | |

|#nav li { display: inline; }- horizontal display | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|background-color: #8FA5CE; |Gradients |

|background-image: |a smooth blending of shades from one color to another |

|-webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#FFFFFF), |Use the background-image property |

|to(#8FA5CE)); |linear-gradient() |

|background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #FFFFFF, #8FA5CE); |radial-gradient() |

|filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient | |

|(startColorstr=#FFFFFFFF, endColorstr=#FF8FA5CE); | |

|linear-gradient(#FFFFFF, #8FA5CE); | |

|body |CSS background-image Property |

|{ | |

|background-image: url(background1.gif); | |

|} | |

|h2 { |Using background-repeat |

|background-color: #d5edb3; | |

|color: #5c743d; | |

|font-family: Georgia,Times New Roman,serif; | |

|padding-left: 30px; | |

|background-image: url(trilliumbullet.gif); | |

|background-repeat: no-repeat; | |

|} | |

|body { |CSS3 Multiple Background Images |

|background-color: #f4ffe4; | |

|color: #333333; | |

|background-image: url(trilliumgradient.png); | |

|background: url(trilliumfoot.gif) | |

|no-repeat bottom right, | |

|url(trilliumgradient.png); | |

|} | |

|#yls { |float Property |

|float: right; | |

|margin: 0 0 5px 5px; | |

|border: solid; | |

|} | |

|a:link {color:#000066;} |Pseudo-classes and the anchor element - and more than just the color can |

|a:visited {color:#003366;} |be changed (font style, size, background image, and most anything) |

|a:focus {color:#FF0000;} | |

|a:hover {color:#0099CC;} | |

|a:active {color:#FF0000;} | |


| |hgroup element |

| | |

|Lighthouse Island Bistro | |

|the best coffee on the coast | |

| | |

| | |

| |Elative Link |

|Contact | |

| | |

| |Opening a Link |

|Yahoo! |in a New Browser Window |

| | |

|{ |Placing background image – default is left |

|background-position:top center/right | |

|} | |

|Left-column navigation |Three Column Layout |

|float: left; width:150px; |[pic] |

|Right-column content | |

|float: right; width: 200px; | |

|Center column | |

|No float/width – uses remaining available width that’s unused by the | |

|floating columns | |

|margin: 0 210px 0 160px; | |

|Footer – clears the float | |

|clear: both; | |


| |Line Break |

|Heading Level 1 |The Heading Elements |

|Heading Level 2 | |

|Heading Level 3 | |

|Heading Level 4 | |

|Heading Level 5 | |

|Heading Level 6 | |

| …paragraph goes here… |The Paragraph Element |

| | |

| Sentence1. Sentence2. …more sentences… | |

|Last sentence. | |

| | |

| |The blockquote |

|…text goes here… | |

| | |

|Text |div element - Configures a structural block area or “division” on a web |

| |page with empty space above and below. |

| |HTML Unordered List - Displays itemized information with bullet points. |

|Item 1 | |

|Item 2 | |

|Item 3 | |

|Item 4 | |

| … | |

| | |

| |HTML Ordered List –Numbered List |

|Item 1 | |

|Item 2 | |

|Item 3 | |

|Item 4 | |

| … | |

| | |

| |HTML Description List - Useful to display a list of terms and definitions |

|Question |or a list of FAQ and answers. Each term/phrase starts on a new line. Each |

|Answer |description (following the term) is indented |

|Question | |

|Answer | |

|Question | |

|Answer | |

| | |

|Yahoo |Absolute link - Link to other Web sites |

|Home |Relative link - Link to pages on your own site |

| |Email Links |

|me@ | |

| |Inline (somewhere in body) |

|Useful for Windows, Mac, Other, and Generic choices: |The font-family Property |

|font-family: Arial, Geneva, Helvetica, sans-serif | |

|font-family: Times New Roman, Times, serif | |

|font-family: Courier New, Courier, fixed, monospace | |

|font-family: Comic Sans, Comic Sans MS, cursive | |

|Margin:0 auto 0 auto |Margins |

| | |

|Top left bottom right | |

| |Configures a horizontal line |

|.name | |

|#name | Text (Applies a CSS rule to ONE element on a Web page) |

|background-color |Some common CSS properties (see table 3.1) |

|color | |

|line-height | |

|margin | |

|text-align | |

|text-decoration | |

|width | |

|font-weight - Configures the boldness of text | |

|font-style - Configures text to an italic style | |

|font-size - Configures the size of text | |

|font-family - Configures the default typefaces of text | |

| |HTML Image Element |

| | |

| |src attribute – identifies the file name of the graphic |

| |alt attribute – Configures alternate text content (description) |

| |height attribute – sets the height of the graphic in pixels |

| |width attribute – sets the width of the graphic in pixels |

| | |

| |Required: Configure the alt attribute |

| |Alternate text to convey meaning/intent of the image |

| |Don’t use the file name of the image (non-descriptive) |

| |Use alt="" for purely decorative images (no text) |

| |Image Links |

| ................

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