Tutorial 05: Working with Web Tables


1. Each table in a Web page follows a basic structure consisting of the table element and a collection of table columns nested in the table element.


2. The item shown in the figure above is a Web table.


3. The item shown in the figure above is a Web table.

4. A Web table consists of a table element and a collection of table rows.

5. The number of columns in a Web table is determined by the maximum number of cells within each row.

8. By default, tables will display without borders in a browser.

9. Alignment values of “left” or “right” place a table caption below the table to the left or right.

10. Only one caption is allowed per Web table.

11. By default, the caption appears directly above the table when creating a table caption.

12. The table header, table body, and table footer may all contain a different number of columns.


1. Which of the following is a Web table feature you can control?

|a. |You can include shaded borders |

|b. |You can control the size of individual table cells |

|c. |You can create cells that span several columns |

|d. |All of the above |

2. Which of the following can not be marked with an HTML table element?

|a. |table header |c. |table row |

|b. |table column |d. |table caption |

3. Tables are considered ____ elements.

|a. |block-level |c. |high-level |

|b. |low-level |d. |inline-level |

4. Enter ____ tags to identify text to be table headers.

|a. | and |c. | and |

|b. | and |d. | and |

5. Text formatted with the tag is displayed in a(n) ____ font.

|a. |italicized |c. |underlined |

|b. |boldface |d. |colored |

6. Each row of a table is indicated using a two-sided ____ tag.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

7. Data cells in a Web table are displayed using a ____ tag.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

8. Within a table row, a two-sided ____ tag indicates the presence of individual table cells.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

9. The number of columns is determined by how many ____ are inserted within each row, according to the original HTML specifications.

|a. |cells |c. |headers |

|b. |columns |d. |indices |

10. If you have four tags in each table row, that table has ____ columns.

|a. |two |c. |four |

|b. |three |d. |six |

11. By default, most table borders are displayed in two shades of ____ that create a three-dimensional effect.

|a. |white |c. |gray |

|b. |black |d. |blue |

12. In the tag, an alignment value of ____ places the caption below the table.

|a. |below |c. |under |

|b. |bottom |d. |beneath |

13. In the tag, an alignment value of ____ places the caption above the table.

|a. |above |c. |top |

|b. |over |d. |central |

14. HTML allows you to identify the different parts of your table using the ____ tags.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. |All of the above |

15. The table header, table body, and table footer must all contain the same number of ____.

|a. |columns |c. |rows |

|b. |styles |d. |indices |

16. You reference columns individually using the ____ element.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

17. The ____ attribute can be used to specify the number of columns a colgroup references.

|a. |id |c. |span |

|b. |div |d. |class |

18. Preformatted text is displayed by the browser in a ____ font.

|a. |decorative |c. |serif |

|b. |sans-serif |d. |monospace |

19. A ____ table contains only text, evenly spaced on the Web page in rows and columns.

|a. |columnar text |c. |preformatted text |

|b. |row-based |d. |graphical |

20. You can use the ____ tag to display preformatted text.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

21. Preformatted text is displayed by the browser in a ____ in which each letter takes up the same amount of space.

|a. |monospace text box |c. |cell spacing text box |

|b. |monospace font |d. |cell spacing font |

22. Text formatted with the ____ tag retains any white space you want to display on your Web page.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

23. The ____ attribute controls the amount of space inserted between table cells.

|a. |cell padding |c. |cell spacing |

|b. |cellbetween |d. |cellborder |

24. The default cell spacing value is ____ pixel(s).

|a. |1 |c. |4 |

|b. |2 |d. |5 |

25. Cell padding value is expressible in ____.

|a. |pixels |c. |em |

|b. |cm |d. |All of the above |

26. To control the space between the table text and the cell borders, add the ____ attribute to the table tag.

|a. |cell spacing |c. |cellborder |

|b. |cellbetween |d. |cell padding |

27. A ____ cell occupies more than one row or column in a table.

|a. |breadth |c. |spanning |

|b. |full |d. |columnar |

28. There is no HTML element or CSS style for rounded corners, but you can simulate the effect using ____ and a Web table.

|a. |form elements |c. |padding |

|b. |preformatted text |d. |background images |

29. Spanning cells are created by inserting a ____ attribute in a or tag.

|a. |rowspan or colspan |c. |cellspan or rowspan |

|b. |spanrow or spancol |d. |tdspan or trspan |

30. To create a cell that spans two columns in a table, you enter the tag as ____.

|a. |“2”> |c. |“2”> |

|b. | |d. | |

31. To create a cell that spans two rows in a table, you enter the tag as ____.

|a. |“2”> |c. | |

|b. |“2”> |d. | |

32. To create a cell that spans two rows and two columns at the same time, you enter the tag as ____.

|a. | |c. | |

|b. | |d. | |

33. One tip for the effective use of tables is to use cell ____ to keep the table content from appearing too crowded.

|a. |padding |c. |kerning |

|b. |tracking |d. |spanning |

34. The ____ attribute allows you to determine which sides of the table will have borders.

|a. |rules |c. |frame |

|b. |box |d. |rhs |

35. Which of the following is a table frame type?

|a. |beneath |c. |top |

|b. |below |d. |center |

36. Which of the following is a table frame type?

|a. |void |c. |vsides |

|b. |rhs |d. |All of the above |

37. With the frame value ____, a border is drawn around all four sides of the table.

|a. |box |c. |4sides |

|b. |asides |d. |all |

40. With the frame value ____, a border is drawn on the top and bottom sides of the table.

|a. |rhs |c. |vsides |

|b. |lhs |d. |hsides |

41. With the frame value ____, a border is drawn only on the left-hand side of the table.

|a. |lhs |c. |left |

|b. |rhs |d. |vside |

42. With the frame value ____, a border is drawn only on the right-hand side of the table.

|a. |lhs |c. |right |

|b. |rhs |d. |hside |

43. With the frame value ____, a border is drawn on the left and right sides of the table.

|a. |lrhs |c. |vsides |

|b. |hsides |d. |both |

44. With the frame value ____, no border is drawn around the table.

|a. |null |c. |no |

|b. |none |d. |void |

51. The ____ attribute lets you control how the internal table gridlines are drawn.

|a. |rules |c. |gridlines |

|b. |grid |d. |lines |

52. Given the syntax , which of the following is a value for type?

|a. |top |c. |bottom |

|b. |all |d. |All of the above |

53. By default, cell text is placed ____.

|a. |in the middle of the cell, aligned with the cell’s right edge |

|b. |in the middle of the cell, aligned with the cell’s left edge |

|c. |at the bottom of the cell, aligned with the cell’s right edge |

|d. |at the bottom of the cell, aligned with the cell’s left edge |

64. Columns and column groups accept only four styles: border, background, ____, and visibility.

|a. |color |c. |width |

|b. |height |d. |font-family |

67. ____ can be inaccessible to users with disabilities.

|a. |Tables |c. |Borders |

|b. |Spans |d. |Stacks |

68. When nesting div containers, a ____ element may sometimes obstruct a ____ element.

|a. |lower, higher |c. |higher, lower |

|b. |larger, smaller |d. |smaller, larger |

69. When creating a rounded border using div containers, you should use ____ positioning.

|a. |absolute |c. |z-index |

|b. |static |d. |relative |

70. Styles for creating a rounded rectangle are part of ____.

|a. |CSS1 |c. |CSS2 |

|b. |CSS3 |d. |CSS4 |

Case-Based Critical Thinking Questions

Case 5-1

Crystal is trying to build a table to display her inventory of items she sells in her online boutique. She wants to display the picture, name, quantity in stock, and price for each item.

71. How many columns would Crystal's table need to have as a minimum?

|a. |2 |c. |4 |

|b. |3 |d. |5 |

72. Crystal would like to have borders just on the top and bottom, which style would do that?

|a. |frame="rhs" |c. |frame="lhs" |

|b. |frame="hsides" |d. |frame="vsides" |

73. Crystal would also like her header row to be blue. How would she accomplish that using a style?

|a. |color="blue" |c. |header-color: blue |

|b. |background-color: blue |d. |thead-color: blue |


Identify the letter of the choice that best matches the phrase or definition.

|a. |preformatted text |g. |spanning |

|b. |Web |h. |cell spacing |

|c. |separate |i. |caption-side |

|d. |collapse |j. |div |

|e. |frame |k. |center |

|f. |rules |l. |left |

1. Displayed by the browser in a monospace font

2. Style value that causes borders to be combined

3. Style value that makes it so you can only apply borders to the table itself or to table cells

4. Type of cell that occupies more than one row or column in a table

5. Attribute that allows you to determine which sides of a table will have borders

6. The amount of space between table cells

7. Attribute that lets you control how table gridlines are drawn

8. Style that determines where the title of a table is displayed

9. The default alignment of a table heading

10. The default alignment of a table cell

11. Can be used to create a rounded box

12. Table type that can include background colors


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