Best of the Best Part two - The SOLIDWORKS Blog

Best of the Best Part two.

By: Richard Williams 12/07/05

To all my readers out there, Part two, of my “Best of the Best” will follow the same basic format that I have used before to describe some fantastic “give away items”. Anything that I write about and suggest as a download, I have tried out myself. I’m not an expert with their use and I have no affiliation to those that make it available on their web sites. If there ever is an exception to that, I will mention it when it occurs. It is just my hope that when I spend the time to find things for you, you can use them in your daily work. Many of you cannot spend the time on your company computers to surf the web, so I do it for you, saving you many hours. I also want to dedicate this article to my late friend Mr. Joe Greco, who died one year ago today. A man I admired and respected and who took me under his wing for guidance. I owe him much. Thank you Joe,

Anyone that missed Part One can get in touch with me through Connect Press and I will gladly send it to you.

1. I want to start off, with one more conversion software with a top notch vendor behind it. Haestad Methods, is a premium web site, dealing in softwares for those that work on water from rain, snow, storm run off, sewer placement, sizing, culvert piping and many other facets of providing a safe means of water control. The site below can be used to get to the free conversion program they give out. Goto:


2. Here is another tool for your toolbox. Very simple easy to use screen capture program. Nothing difficult to use here but do make all your preference choices before time, under the file menu at top left. That way the little program knows where and how you want to store your screen captures. Goto:


3. Here we have another screen capture tool with more sophistication but there is a small license fee to pay if you want it around on your desktop. This could be used more for professional documents you want to compose, although all the others I have told you about can do basically the same things. There are many other free trial downloads here also. Goto:


4. Here is one I like a lot. Its another screen shot program but it has a really nice interface that you can set up before you use it. In fact it is your first screen that appears. This one is a real “freebie” for you. Try this one out at;


5. Here is a calculator for Chemical Engineers and don’t ask me how to use it. This thing is loaded with all kinds of good things that I don’t know what they are, but you know you just have to get this one. It’s a real gem of a find. Goto:


This one can also be found at the same web site above. Use your cursor to drag the mercury higher and lower to see what state the elements are in at different temperatures. Really cool stuff. I wish they had these aids when I went to school, I might have even taken Chemistry because of it. When I came to be, there were only 48 states and 96 elements. I understand there are more now. It’s free to all so get it for yourself or a student.


6. Now for you electronic guys, here is a PCBoard Layout screen with knowledge base built in and all the tools you need for a completed board. Then all you do is tell the provider of the program how many to make for you. That’s simple, huh? How about this for you hobbyists out there? This is some pretty good stuff if you know how to use it. Goto:


Hey, while you are there at this web site above, go get the Schematic Drawing Board too.

You cannot beat these prices. If there is something better than free, please let me know.


7. While you are using this article to go get the things I found for you guys and gals, check this web site out. A really decent 3D CAD software called FelixCAD 5 LT. You cannot beat free and this one is really impressive with all it can do for you. Goto:


8. Now, here is an advanced-converter that you can have around on your desktop. What is different here is that the software tells you what country standard is in use. Nice to have handy access to, as we truly move towards a world economy. Try out the other things to. Goto:


9. This site has some graphing software and other tools for your toolbox. Handy to have if you are making up presentations where you need to show a graph. It can stay right on your desktop. A screen shot of one of them is below so go get it at, Goto:


10. Here is something I really think is nice. With this utility program you can send your files to others for limited amounts of time and then they self destruct. I don’t know how this works but it really is cool. Send your PDF’s of Document files, for minutes, hours, days or months and know that they will die off, at a predetermined time that you pick before sending. There are many different file formats for the full version of nearly $1400 dollars, reduced price of $1000 dollars right now but you do have a choice of either of two formats free. I was not able to give the full version a try but I did test this out by sending something to myself. Goto:


11. With everything that I have found out there, there are times when it is just better to list the web sites for you to go look at yourself. The following trusted sites are highly recommended to you for most reference searches you might want to do.

This site gives away a lot of free textures.

Here are many free web site online calculators.

Just lots of free technical information & free stuff.

I would say the most comprehensive online conversions.

12. The following listed sites are ones that can provide many sources of information to you and your projects team members. Information from the engineering sites and other technical sites are what I believe to be some of the very best out there in cyberland. Good luck and have a, Happy Holiday Season. Enjoy.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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