|C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E |

P e r s o n a l D a t a

Full Name : Erwin Kaddy

Place and Date of Birth : Jakarta, 26th January 1979

Gender : Male

Religion : Christian

Marital Status : Married

Nationality & Citizenship : Indonesian

Contact Address : Taman Kebon Jeruk Intercon Q6 no. 2

Jakarta Barat 11630 Indonesia

Telp/cell phone : +62 816 93 99 98 / +62 21 5846038

Email : erwinkaddy@

Hobby : Computer and internet, reading, swimming,

making friends/networking, playing chess

10 T h i n g s A b o u t M e

1. I love writing codes.

2. I’m detail-oriented.

3. I’m a fast learner and I love learning new technologies that makes creating websites easy, fast and fun.

4. I have learnt many computer languages, although these days I'm comfortable with PHP and leaning toward Ruby.

5. I’m discipline, very well-organized and very committed.

6. I’m creative and sometimes can be workaholic.

7. I know in-depth all the ins and outs of website development, from PSD to HTML5+CSS3, security audit - create secure websites that are not easily hacked, Search Engine Optimization to get high rank in google search, multi language support and scalability in mind (site optimization to make lightning fast page loading with huge traffic), and even effective marketing, based on my experiences to help start up companies kick start their initial projects.

8. I have experiences working in multinational companies and working with high profile clients.

9. I like to solve problems.

10. I’m highly responsible and self motivated.

F o r m a l E d u c a t i o n

2002 – 2003 University of Indonesia - Information Technology

1997 – 2001 Institute of Technology Bandung - Civil Engineering

1994 – 1997 Canisius College

1991 – 1994 Santo Markus Junior High School

T r a i n i n g / C o u r s e s / S e m i n a r

7th Habits of Highly Effective People Seminar, 2005

Who Moved My Cheese Seminar, 2005

A Week Journalism Seminar, Canisius College, 1995

English Course, LIA, 1995-1998

English Course, BBC, 1989-1994

English Course, Private Teacher, 1987-1989

Computer Course, Widyaloka, 1989 and 2002

O r g a n i z a t i o n / C o m m i t t e e E x p e r i e n c e s

Secretary, Group Studies of Economy and Stock Exchange Market Association, Institute of Technology Bandung, 1999-2001.

Treasurer, Graduation Day Organizing Committee for Civil Engineering Student Association, Institute of Technology Bandung, 1999.

Treasurer, Freshmen Orientation Committee for Civil Engineering Student Association, Institute of Technology Bandung, 1999.

Head of Chess Student Association, Institute of Technology Bandung, 1999-2000.

Member of Chess Student Association, Institute of Technology Bandung, 1998-1999.

Treasurer, Civil Engineering Student Association, Institute of Technology Bandung, 1997-2001.

Table Officer, Canisius College Cup, 1996.

Tutor, Freshmen Orientation Committee in Canisius College, 1996-1997.

Head of External Relationship Division, Canichess Tournament in Canisius College, 1996.

Head of External Relationship Division, Canisius Science Contest III in Canisius College, 1996.

Book Keeper, Canisius College Library, 1995-1997.

Head of Security Division, Canisius Science Contest II in Canisius College, 1995.

P r o f e s s i o n a l E x p e r i e n c e s

Website Developer, 2007 - recently, responsible for:

- Websites development and maintenance for clients.

HSBC (a large multinational banking firm), Senior Assistant Manager, Marketing and Business Coordination for Corporate Banking, 2006 - 2007, responsible for:

- Managing intranet development for HSBC Indonesia Corporate Banking.

- Managing CRMS (Customer Relationship Management System) roll out.

- Managing 2G Project (development of Public Website revamp and Secured Website feature enhancement for HSBC Indonesia –

(a start up DotCom company providing online advertising media for properties transaction in Indonesia region), Co-Founder, 2005 - 2006, responsible for:

- Defining company directions and targets

- Researching the market to identify Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats in the online advertising media business area

- Managing programmer teams, as well as designing and implementing (programming/coding) website as point of contact with our customers

- Planning and directing marketing strategies to marketing teams

- Negotiating contracts with clients

- Analysing visitors’ behaviour based on visitors’ hit rate.

Citibank, NA (a large multinational banking firm), Assistant Manager, Database Marketing and Analytics Department, 2004 - 2005, responsible for:

- Generating monthly MIS Report, used by Regional to support Marketing Strategy Analysists.

- Conducting market segmentation analysists to support monthly Marketing Campaign, with focus on Credit Line Management.

- Providing daily and monthly sales tracking report as well as other useful information for Marketing Department.

- Ensuring Continuous Process Improvement on DBMA as support for Marketing Programs.

KPMG (one of Big Four accounting firm world-wide), Consultant, IS Department, 2003-2004, responsible for:

- Developing Oracle applications.

- Customizing Cognos Consolidation/Finance Report (PowerPlay) for KPMG’s client.

A c h i e v e m e n t / H o n o r / A w a r d

Cum Laude Graduate in University of Indonesia, 2003

Cum Laude Graduate in Institute of Technology Bandung, 2001

Cum Laude Graduate in Canisius College, 1997

The Best Graduate with flying-colors in Santo Markus Junior High School, 1994

1st rank of Canichess Tournament, 1996

3rd rank of Canichess Tournament, 1995

1st rank of District Mathematics Competitions, 1994

2nd rank of District Mathematics Competitions, 1993

1st rank of District English Competitions, 1993

1st rank of Computer Skill Tournament for Elementary Student, 1993

S k i l l s

Mastering Ms Office Packages, Autocad and Visio

Mastering Rational Unified Process software development methodology

Mastering project management process and estimation

Mastering Web Development (PHP, MYSQL, Jquery, etc), Adobe Photoshop and Macromedia Flash

Mastering short hand writing in stenography and typing 70 wpm

P o r t f o l i o

and many more...

To see my back-end admin example:

login: admin

pass: 1234

T e c h n o l o g i e s

- PHP - CodeIgniter - Flash ActionScript

- MySQL - Laravel - Objective-C

- Javascript - Yii - C++

- Jquery - Symphony + Doctrine - ASP

- AJAX - Cake - Visual Basic

- JSON - Zend - Java

- CoffeeScript - Ruby on Rails - Java Beans

- AngularJs - Django (Phyton)

- NodeJs using Express - Bootstrap

- CSS3 - Wordpress

- SASS - Facebook, Twitter, Google API

- XML - Paypal, Clickbank, Sermepa, Finnet Pay API


- Git / Tortoise SVN

- Memcached / APC

- Amazon Web Services, Windows Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Heroku


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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