132397530480JP TARAVELLA HIGH SCHOOL00JP TARAVELLA HIGH SCHOOLCourse Title:Chemistry I Honors Course LocationRoom 516Required Text:Florida Holt MODERN CHEMISTRY?2009; Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Austin, TXElectronic Resources:The textbook is available through My personal website for my students: cowmeadow.The website is essential to keeping up with what is going on in class if absent. It also often offers hints to what will be covered on tests, and homework strategies. In addition we will be using the text message service remind101. Instructor’s Name:David CowmeadowContact Information:School Phone Extension: 494-3105 Email: david.cowmeadow@davecowmeadow@gmailAvailability:I am available to the students after school for extra help by request. Parents; email 24-7 or through guidance appointment, for a face-to-face meeting.Instructor’s BioI have my undergraduate degree in Science Education with a specialization In Chemistry from The Florida State University. I have been teaching for 19 years, and in that time, I have taught; Honors, General, and AP Chem. I have taught at JP Taravella High School my entire career. In addition to teaching I currently coach part-time with the Coral Springs Swim Club and am a certified ASCA Level 3 coach. I was born and raised in the Fort Lauderdale Beach Area.Calendar DescriptionChemistry I Honors: will provide students with an opportunity to study the composition, properties and changes associated with matter. Topics will include but not be limited to: heat, changes of matter, atomic structure, bonding, the periodic tables, formulas, equations, mole concept, gas laws, reactions, solutions, equilibrium systems, and oxidation reduction reactions. Laboratory activities that include the use of the scientific method, measurement, laboratory apparatus, and safety are an integral part of this courseStudent OutcomesThe topics that will be covered in Chemistry are: Matter & Measurement, Atomic Model & Structure, Nuclear Chemistry, Periodicity & Bonding, Reactions & Equations, Stoichiometry, States of Matter, Acids & Bases, Reaction Energy & Kinetics, Chemistry & Unifying Themes.Weighting of AssignmentsChemistry I HonorsClasswork - 15% Homework - 10%Labs/Lab Write ups - 25%Assessments - 40%Student Professionalism-10%Grading ScaleThe grading scale is in accordance with the School Board of Broward County90 - 100 = A87 - 89 = B+80 - 86 = B77 - 79 = C+70 - 76 = C67 - 69 = D+60 - 66 = D59 or below = FAttendanceAll students will follow the guidelines set forth by Broward County Public Schools, the Code of Student Conduct Handbook, and J.P. Taravella’s attendance policy. Assignments:All worked missed due to an absence must be made up. You have two days for each day of absence to make up the work. Homework/Classwork WILL NOT be accepted LATE, it will be considered a zero grade.Cell phones Prior to the start of class, please turn your cell phones and/or pagers off, to avoid unnecessary classroom disruptions and earning a detention.Course Materials:A three ring 1 INCH binder, composition/bound notebook, a scientific calculator {preferably a TI-30XA}, lab work folder, graph paper, index cards, and additional household lab supplies throughout the year.Academic HonestyOn my honor as student at JPT I have neither given nor received aid on this quiz/test/lab. - Cheating is considered either giving or receiving of information, when work should have been done independentlyLate WorkHomework/Classwork WILL NOT be accepted LATE, it will be considered a zero.Seat Work/HWHomework is collected randomly (when you least expect it), the day after it is assigned, unless changed by the instructor. If absent when work is due, work is due when student returns to class. AssignmentsQuizzes: Announced and unannounced quizzes may be given. Tests: Given at the end of major concepts. Test dates are announced and placed on the board generally 1 week prior to the test. Test must be made up, 1-2 days after the test, make up can generally be done during school hours, after that, arrangements must be made. If student is out the review day (day before the test) or the test day – it is expected that students make up the test the day they return. No extra time is granted. Labs or make-up assignment for lab must be completed on Friday after school.--------------------------------------------------------------please cut/remove -------------------------------------------------------------I have read and understand all of the policies and expectations of Mr. Cowmeadow's Chemistry classPeriod:________________Date:________________Student Name______________________________ Student Signature________________________Parent Signature_____________________ ................

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