Geography - First term Grade 6 - Minister of Education

Recovery Plan of Missed Subject Content (2022)

Geography - First term Grade 6

Department of Social Sciences Faculty of Languages, Humanities and Social Sciences

National Institute of Education



Competency level



Collects and

presents information

about one's school

and its immediate


(Recovery Plan for Learning Lost ? 2022) - Grade 6

(This plan is prepared to conduct the teaching learning process within 09 periods in the first term of grade 6)

Learning outcomes

Subject content

Activity number of the teacher

s guide

Topic and the number of the lesson

of the text book

Grade 6 Learning outcomes and lessons of the first term

Number of the periods

? Name the hierarchical position of the administrative division School and the Immediate

6.1 Lesson No. 1


where the school is situated.


The school

? Mark the location of the school on a model map of Sri

and its


? Identifying the nature of the


? Draws the plan of the land where school is located.

immediate surrounding of the school.


? Prepares a table showing the distances and direction with respect to a few important, selected locations in relation to the school.

? Identifying the direction. (Identifying the direction of selected places in the immediate surrounding of the school)

6.1.2 Describes the nature of the weather of the immediate environs of the school.

? Defines weather. ? Names aspects of weather. ? Measures temperature using a thermometer and notes them. ? Measures rainfall using a rain gauge and notes them. ? Express the direction of the wind using a wind-vane and

notes them. ? Maintains a note on cloud cover by observing the sky. ? Express information regarding special weather phenomena. ? Presents statements regarding the daily weather in the area

around the school.

? Weather of the school surrounding. (Prepare a collection of student activities based on the data collected about the weather in the immediate surrounding)



Competency level

Learning outcomes

Subject content

Activity number of the teacher

s guide

Topic and the number of the lesson

of the text book

Number of the periods

Total 09



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