Resource Matrix for Interprofessional Learning Online

Resource Matrix for Interprofessional Learning Online

Likert scaling:

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Poor |Usable |Satisfactory |Good |Excellent |

|Doesn’t achieve desired outcomes |Achieves about 25% of desired outcomes |Achieves about 50% of desired outcomes |Achieves about 75% of desired outcomes |Achieves all desired outcomes |

|Totally unsuitable |Poorly suited to the task |Somewhat suitable |Appropriate for the task |Totally suitable |

|No granulation |Little granulation |Moderate granulation |Good granulation |High level granulation |

|Interprofessional Learning Activities |Resource / web site |Likert Grade & Comment |

| | |3 |

|Networks and organisations for |ACT Health IPL web site |Poor granulation – no ability to track who uses the site, when or how, and |

|interprofessional learning – getting | |restrictive instructional design due to government / organizational |

|connected through joining online, | |requirements, but does inform users of ACT Health project. |

|accessing a variety of resources and | | |

|getting a grasp of the global nature of | | |

|this subject area. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |3 |

| |International Association for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice. |Poorly maintained site, no one person allocated to administration, however |

| | |does provide basic site for future development. |

| | |4 |

| |Nordic Interprofessional Network |Well maintained and good instructional design. |

| | |Better resources and links. |

| | |4 |

| |European Interprofessional Education Network |Despite dull appearance is full of useful links and resources. |

| | |3 |

| |Australasian Interprofessional Practice and Education Network |Having had no administration access to this site granulation is unknown, |

| | |instructional design fair, but is still in developmental stages. Lots of |

| | |potential to build on tools and teaching resources within this site. |

| | |4 |

| |Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative |Despite poor visual appeal, full of great resources and links. Canadian sites |

| | |tend to be more mature because they have been conducting interprofessional |

| | |learning for longer. |

| | |2 |

| | |Useable, but English is not its base language and often looses in translation.|

| |Japan Association for Interprofessional Education | |

| | |4 |

| |UK Centre for the Advancement of Interprofessional Education |A mature organisation reflected in this web site but is based on university |

| | |education perspective, not a health service perspective. |

| | |5 |

|Resources for interprofessional learning |Common Craft for ‘plain English’ explanations of common online tools – well worth seeing |The creators obviously know what they are doing, unlike the rest of us! I |

| |all their educational videos. |learn more in their 3 mins than I do in 3 hours of browsing the internet. |

| | |5 |

| |Google reader will collect RSS feeds from all the various site and sources into one |Fantastic idea and has been really useful to keep up to date with additions to|

| |collation. |the above network sites. Only drawback is the spam and irrelevant stuff that |

| |RSS feeds to help connect teams so they can follow and keep track of the same web sites. |creeps into your selections. |

| |When creating a collaborative web site make sure there’s an RSS feed option so that your | |

| |group can then click on it to keep getting updates and stay in the loop. Helps with | |

| |communication and making sure everyone has the required information. | |

| |Learning Object Repositories: | |

| | | |

| | |4 |

| |Multimedia Educational Resource for Online Learning and Teaching. |Some difficulties finding and downloading useful learning objects. |

| | is the Merlot health sciences portal. | |

| | | |

| | |4 |

| |Education Network Australia - site where local IPL network has a dedicated site. Allows |Despite some initial anxiety from some members is a fairly usable site. |

| |anyone to set up a group and limit membership and access. | |

| | | |

| | |3 |

| |Variety of learning objects and learning activities – some very suitable for |Again took some searching to find specific tools. |

| |interprofessional learning but needs searching for. | |

| | | |

| | |

| |dbb8e15-e7f9-5727-20e0-760bf12e4c48&qs.tq=&sort_s=RANK&she_canDisplay=checked Australian |3 |

| |Flexible Learning Framework site - a toolbox learning object repository. This includes |Tools tend to be very vocationally focused and not terribly advanced, but |

| |some potentially helpful toolboxes around workplace communication, and personal skill |great for introductory sessions. |

| |development, ethics, confidentiality, communication and conflict – all of which border on| |

| |IPL domains. | |

| | | |

| |OR | |

| | | |

| |Create your own learning object: for example you could create an interactive | |

| |multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and | |

| |gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. E.g. through a site like: |I’m not clever enough yet to try this but will have a go at some stage in the |

| | or you could get really clever and create a learning object |future. |

| |which combines video, audio, quizzes and so forth all in one using a web site such as | |

| | or | |

| | | |

| | |2 |

| |International Journal of Integrated Care |Have found this journal of limited use. |

| | |4 |

| |Journal of Interprofessional Care |Excellent journal in which I have published a few papers, still a bit too |

| | |higher education focused to the detriment of health services based research |

| | |and commentary. |

| | |5 |

| |Health Canada, Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Patient-Centred Practice |Canada is way ahead of anywhere else in the world as far as interprofessional |

| | |collaborative practice goes and web sites like this reflect that. The |

| | |Canadians have linked IPL to their health service delivery strategy very well.|

| | |5 |

| |Monash University, Victoria, Interprofessional Learning at MUDRIH |Monash University is probably one of the most advanced education institutions |

| | |in Australia in terms of IPL and is full of innovations. They connect well to |

| | |local health service providers offering workshops and network coordination. |

| | |4 |

| |World Health Organisation Framework for Action on Interprofessional Education and |Not a particularly great web site in terms of design and accessibility but |

| |Collaborative Practice |valuable document giving a global overview of interprofessional collaboration |

| | |so is a ‘must read’ for anyone going into interprofessional learning. |

| |The latest Cochrane review on interprofessional collaboration was released on 8th July |5 |

| |2009. Five studies now meet the inclusion criteria. |Cochrane reviews are essential to keep an eye on as they tend to produce the |

| |. |hard evidence of whether interprofessional learning is having any effect in |

| | |terms of health outcomes. |

| |Educause - useful web site but somewhat higher education focused. |3 |

| | - Professional Development page most useful for resources |Some limited use and again be prepared to spend some time searching. |

| |covering mentoring, management, leadership and a team facilitation tool kit - | |

| | | |

| |A Roadmap for Co-Creating Interprofessional Models of Care (available at |5 |

| |) provides a step-by-step guide for how to |Another example of how Canada is really paving the way for the rest of the |

| |identify opportunities to enhance existing models of care delivery, and the process that |world in terms of interprofessional collaborative practice. |

| |can be followed in order to implement change. |This document uses an interprofessional acute respiratory team as an example |

| | The Toolkit also enables organizations to identify opportunities for the development of |of how collaborative care can be delivered in a health care setting. |

| |new teams and/or moving from a uni-professional to an interprofessional model. | |

|Workshop icebreakers | Ice breakers for workshops of any sort in face to |3 – some are not appropriate for an interprofessional workshop but you can |

| |face context |pick and choose. |

| | Advice and resources for online icebreakers | |

| | Also advice and |2 – not as useful as the first site. |

| |resources for online icebreakers | |

| | |

| |rstday More general teaching tips but includes icebreakers of all sorts. Has some |3 – again you can pick and choose depending upon your learning objectives. |

| |useful stuff about course development. | |

| | | |

| | |2 – a bit higher education focused but some useful tips for teaching the |

| | |existing workforce. |

| |Blogging |5 |

|Blogging for interprofessional |For a project team, ‘Blogger’ ( ) provides “Team Blogs.” |Blogging is a great way of stimulating collaboration and debate on line. It is|

|communication and collaboration |Once you have started blogging then use an RSS feed like ‘Bloglines |asynchronous and anyone can contribute anytime. Participants can comment on |

| |( ) service, to subscribe to a feed (or channel). |one another’s blogs and encourage conversations. The exercise can either be |

| | |kept ‘in house’ or left out there for anyone to join in or view the blogging. |

| | |I think this is a potentially great tool for interprofessional learning. |

| |Back channeling – keeping a chat window open throughout a learning activity for ongoing |I have been unable to use any of these tools as yet. |

|Using chat rooms or micro-blogging for |feedback through tools such as |An organisation’s filters can often block these types of tools which create |

|interprofessional collaboration |Twitter - |barriers to using them for learning. |

| |Real time chat tools available online ( or add a chat room to | |

| |a web site or ), or Twitter. | |

| |Conference presentations and keynote capture is important to those who are unable to |All Together Better Health 5, Sydney, April 2010 – these international |

|Creating video learning tools for |attend a conference. It will also increase the hits on a web site where the videos are |interprofessional conference keynotes should be available at |

|interprofessional learning |available. |soon. The audio-visual company employed by the conference provided this |

| | |service. It’s worth remembering to ask for this additional service when |

| |TweetDeck - will set up a chat and feedback screen during a |organising a conference. |

| |conference. | |

| |Echo360 – provide a ‘lecture capture’ service which only needs a |Again unable to use these tools for education at work due to IT filters and |

| |webcam / laptop to operate. |barriers. |

| |See - | |

| | | |

| | - many useful videos which can liven up any presentation. | |

| | |Limited access at work. |

| |Video streaming can also be done using software such as Ustream Producer. With this you | |

| |can produce your own | |

| |Podcasts (system to distribute multimedia files). | |

| |You can also capture audio and power points and combine them into a single file through |No access at work. |

| |sites such as | |

| | | |

| | |This sort of visual presentation is a lot more engaging and dynamic; however |

| | |limits are put on the use and innovation around these tools by systems |

| | |management within organisations. |

| |Online discussion forums – good examples can be found on the Australian Flexible Learning|5 |

|Discussion boards for interprofessional |Framework. There are many useful tools on line and courses already developed. |Have already mentioned this site but is worth mentioning again specifically |

|learning | This |for discussion boards. Similar to blogging this affords an opportunity for |

| |particular link is around online discussion forums. Also assessment ideas are available |collaborative discussion, for example based around a single case study. |

| |from this site. |There can be as much control over access as required. |

| |If a participant in a group project is particularly challenged by technology and needs |5 |

|Group collaboration over document |one-to-one help through a process there’s a useful tool called YuuGuu – |This worked well despite organisational filters and was easy to download and |

|creation. | which allows you to share the screen with another computer. |use. |

|Collaborative writing of anything. | | |

| |WikiTree is an example of a WiKi tool, often used for online collaboration – |1 |

| | |This tool was not user friendly and created barriers for participants. |

| | | |

| |Another example of a collaborative writing tool is Zoho – |4 |

| | |Zoho was much easier to use and participants were able to access this despite |

| |Other collaborative writing tools include - |work filters. |

| | or or | |

| | |I have not tried all of these but all offer opportunities to create documents |

| | |despite geographical distances between collaborators. |

| | - this site offers a tool for creating ‘word clouds’. It |5 |

|Collaborative visual concept creation & |indicates which words are most often used in a set of text. |This tool is very user friendly. I have used this as a visual method of |

|brainstorming | |presenting results – although it’s not very ‘scientific’ or ‘rigorous’ it is a|

| | |visually appealing way of representing text. |

| | gives nice visual representation of a concept and can be created | |

| |collaboratively, e.g. the components of a particular patient’s management, all the |5 |

| |various roles / skills of the health workers who will be involved. Mind mapping as a |Another useful visual tool which can be used to map out a process, a document |

| |collaborative learning event. Backed up by additional resources: |or a system and help in the planning process. This tool again allows |

| |How to do a Mindmap - |collaboration with selected participants. |

| |Mindmap images - | |

| |Mindmap Software - | |

| |Other possible brainstorming tools for a group to use: ‘Compendium’ | |

| | by the Open University. Various tools| |

| |are available through this site and offer some great examples of global communities | |

| |creating mind maps and having discussions in a visual format. And ‘Free Mind’ | |

| | produces very similar visuals to| |

| |Mind Meister. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Interesting and engaging ways of encouraging collaboration with groups of |

| | |people. |

| |Potential to link to registration requirements and accreditation criteria. These could |I haven’t had an opportunity to fully explore the potential of digital |

|Digital Portfolios |potentially provide a comprehensive record of ongoing professional development and life |portfolios but they are certainly worth further consideration for health |

| |long learning. |worker education. |

| |Digital learning portfolios are a potential tool for health workers to map and record | |

| |their continuing professional development and thus help with career progression. An |These would fit well with current portfolios which are used as an assessment |

| |example is ‘Mahara’ – |item to encourage reflective practice. |

| |Or the Educause web site - | |

| |There are currently several projects committed to developing ‘Virtual Learning |I have been unable to access this tool or participate in the creation of a |

|Simulation for interprofessional learning |Environments’ (MUVE). This seems to be linked to the development and rising interest in |virtual learning environment, but there is huge potential for |

| |Simulated Learning Environments. Each tool could be designed to support the other in many|interprofessional learning in this field. |

| |cases. | |

| |An example can be found at : ‘Open Simulator’ |This seems to be the cutting edge of online learning at the moment where game |

| |which allows you to develop your environment using the technologies you feel work best so|creation is merging with online education. |

| |it offers adaptable software. ‘Avatars’ can be controlled, moved and interact in a | |

| |‘region’ which is the learning environment you have created. |However it appears to be expensive business requiring dedicated funding. |

| |Whenever a site or online learning tool is created the author needs to bear in mind |When I am ready and able to create a web site or online learning tool I will |

|Checking instructional design standards |whether the instructional design reaches the standards suggested by WCAG – Web Content |remember to use these useful tools to check standards and accessibility. |

|for any tool developed |Accessibility Guidelines. These help in the design process and will ensure that the | |

| |learning tool created serves its purpose. Check lists and tools to judge instructional | |

| |design can be found at sites such as: | |

| | | |


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