P.S. 42 The Eltingville School

Public School 42

Family Handbook


“The Eltingville School”

[pic]follow us on Twitter @ PS 42R

Facebook:PS42RThe Eltingville School@ps42rstatenisland


380 Genesee Avenue • Staten Island, New York 10312 • (718) 984-3800 • Fax (718) 227-6358

Annex: 25 Augusta Avenue • Staten Island, New York 10312

BRIAN P. SHARKEY - Principal


Assistant Principals

Public School 42

“The Eltingville School”


[pic]follow us on Twitter @ PS 42R


Facebook: PS42RtheEltingvilleSchool@ps42statenisland

380 Genesee Avenue • Staten Island, New York 10312 • (718) 984-3800 • Fax (718) 227-6358

Annex: 25 Augusta Avenue • Staten Island, New York 10312 • (718) 984-3800

Principal Assistant Principals




Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,

Welcome to the 2018-2019 school year. P.S. 42 is a community of people who respect, appreciate and care about others. At P.S. 42, we are concerned with every aspect of our students’ academic and social development. We believe that school must provide a stable, consistent, safe and nurturing environment and therefore, every child who walks through the doors of P.S. 42 is respected, valued and understood.

This Family Handbook was prepared to provide a summary of our school’s routines and procedures. Please use it as a handy reference to become familiar with our daily events and schedules. We hope it will facilitate communication and serve as a road map to help you navigate through some of the details of the P.S. 42 community. We welcome your suggestions to make this handbook even more user-friendly and comprehensive.

During the year, you will receive separate notices, emails, and text messages informing you of timely events, learning opportunities for you and your child, and safety and health protocols. May I suggest that you establish a special place to keep this booklet, as well as the notices you receive during the school year. Also, please make our new comprehensive school website, , a “favorite” on your desktop as well as follow us on Twitter @ PS42R, Facebook:PS42R The Eltingville

School@ps42rstatenisland and Instagram/ps42r.

Learning is a partnership between you, your child, and your child’s teacher. We look forward to working together to provide our students with a strong foundation which will inspire them to become lifelong learners.

Respectfully yours,

Brian P. Sharkey


Family Handbook 2018-2019 2

Public School 42

“The Eltingville School”




Welcome/Introduction 2

Mission & Vision Statements, Instructional Focus 5

School Information 5

School Colors, Mascot 5

School Contact Information 6

NYC Schools Account 7

Arrival Procedures 7

- Breakfast 7

- Stop, Drop and Go 8

Attendance 9

Birthdays and other Celebrations 9

Calendar........................................................................... 10

Cell Phones and Electronics 10

Class Organization 10

Communication 10

- Parent/Teacher Conferences 11

- Open School Week ………………………………………... 11

- School Leadership Team 11

- School Messenger, Website, Twitter................................ 11



Dismissal Procedures 12

- Dismissal Safety 12

Emergency Contact 13

Homework 13

Homework Guidelines....................................................... 13

Lateness 13

Lost and Found 14

Lunch Schedule and Programs 14

Medication 14

Music and the Arts 14

NYC School Surveys 15

Parent Coordinator 15

Parent Teacher Association 15

Philanthropy at P.S. 42 16

Physical Education 16

Report Cards 16

School Supplies 16

School Assessment Team 16

Student Safety: Visiting School, General Response Protocol 17

Self-Sustaining Programs 17

Trips 18



We believe that every child is a unique individual who deserves a positive educational environment. Our staff delivers the highest quality of teaching methods in a nurturing atmosphere focusing on each child’s growing and changing needs. Our teachers and staff appreciate and care for all our students. In partnering with parents and students, we foster a relationship of trust and respect. We do these things with pride. A child’s bright future is our goal.


P.S. 42 envisions all our classrooms to be safe and conducive learning environments in which all students can work through problems with guidance and the necessary supports to arrive at their own true discovery and learning. The delight that characterizes the moment of when a student reaches an understanding or acknowledges the connection between their learning and its application to the world around them are Extraordinary moments in a student’s development. These accomplishments are most memorably achieved and valued when a student ventures into the territory as a result of carefully planned learning experiences that place the teacher as the facilitator of learning. As a faculty, we will emphasize the central role that the student plays in his or her own learning process, understanding that students learn best when they discern the value in learning and enjoy getting there.

Instructional Focus

If our school community reflects on our continuous collaborative professional learning with refined planning, then students will be actively engaged in standards based rigorous learning experiences as evidenced by student growth and a personal commitment to excellence that create opportunities for independent, self-regulated learners.


TELEPHONE: (718) 984-3800 FAX NUMBER: (718) 227-6358

SCHOOL COLORS: Blue and Gold

SCHOOL MASCOT: Eltingville Dalmatian

Some history . . . why the Eltingville Dalmatian? During the 1997-1998 school year,

a contest was held to select a mascot. After students submitted mascot names and drawings, student G.O. officers narrowed down the field to three. Finally, a school wide student vote made the final choice. He’s been with us ever since!


Official School Hours

8:15 A.M. – 2:35 P.M.

Breakfast is served in both buildings

at 7:55 – 8:15 A.M.

Morning Care Hours

6:25A.M. – 7:55A.M.

After School / S.T.A.R. Hour

2:35 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.



Main Building Telephone 718-984-3800

Annex Telephone 718-984-3800

School Fax Number 718-227-6358

Parent Coordinator, Denise Sarno 718-984-3800 ext.7100


Custodian Office 718-984-3800 ext.1121

P.T.A. Office 718-966-9522

School Nurse Main Building 718-227-8087

School Nurse Annex 718-966-8265

School Assessment Team 718-356-2614

School Aides 718-984-3800 ext. 1021


Mr. Brian P. Sharkey, bsharke@schools.

Assistant Principals

Ms. Deborah S. Appello, DAppell@schools.

Mrs. Rose M. Garcia, RGarcia38@schools.

Mrs. Aileen A. Dulski, ADulski@schools.


NYC Schools Account: To retain your child’s school data; such as – attendance and state assessments

You play an important role in your child’s academic success. NYC Schools Account is a new online system for parents to access key information about your child's progress in school. With NYC Schools Account, you will be able to view your child's attendance, grades and contact information on a computer, phone or tablet. NYC Schools Account provides you with academic information about your child and your child’s school that enables you to be an informed and active partner in your child’s education.

Please use NYC Schools Account to initiate discussions with your children and their teachers about school performance. Use it to prepare for conversations with teachers, especially before your Parent/Teacher Conferences to facilitate a more focused discussion on your child’s strengths and instructional needs.

You can visit mystudent.nyc to create your account or contact our Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Sarno who will be happy to assist you in creating your account.


[pic]Breakfast starts at 7:55 A.M. in the cafeteria of the Main and Annex buildings. All students are welcome to participate in the breakfast program. Please note that the breakfast program is free for all students. For school menus visit schoolfoods.nyc

Teachers pick up their students at 8:15 promptly. Please manage your morning routines to ensure a prompt arrival to P.S. 42. Official school start time is 8:15 A.M. Students are marked late at 8:20 A.M.

AM Arrival Procedures:

• Pre-kindergarten students enter through their exterior classroom doors.

• Kindergarten students enter through the main building on Genesee Avenue, and are escorted directly to the auditorium.

• Grades 3, 4 and 5 enter through the main building on Genesee Avenue and go directly to their line-up areas outside their classrooms.

• Grades 1 and 2 walks though the schoolyard entering the Annex back door and go to their designated area outside their classrooms and student cafeteria.

Bus riders are greeted by members of our school staff on Augusta Avenue and escorted to their morning line-up areas.


STOP, DROP and GO: If you drive your child to school,

please take advantage of our “Stop, Drop and Go” morning

procedure. Parent volunteers and staff wait by the main door

on Genesee Avenue to safely direct your child

(Annex or Main Building) to his/her morning line-up location. This practice helps us keep traffic flowing and most importantly, ensures a safe arrival for our students. We have two lanes on Genesee Avenue: one for through traffic, and a drop-off lane. Please follow the line of cars pulling up to the schoolyard as far as possible, in order to make room for the row of cars behind you. Please speak with the PTA or Parent Coordinator if you can volunteer for our Stop, Drop and Go; we need your help.

When using Stop, Drop and Go please:

• DO NOT get out of your car.

• DO NOT double-park your car. Traffic violations will be issued by NYPD.

• AS SOON as your child exits your car, please drive off.

➢ Remember . . . to cut pollution, NYC has an anti-idling law; limiting the amount of time a car may idle around schools.

➢ Smoking on school grounds is NOT permitted.

➢ Parent volunteers are always needed and welcomed. Please contact Denise Sarno, Parent Coordinator.

Please Note: Augusta Avenue is officially closed during school hours and is ONLY open to School Buses. This is most important during our arrival and afternoon dismissal. NYPD enforces this traffic law throughout the school year. No cars are allowed to travel on Augusta Avenue during school times. For student safety purposes and the welfare of our student body, please obey all traffic laws at all times.



Daily school attendance is essential for a successful school year. Teachers take attendance and record it each day. Your child’s attendance and punctuality record become official school documents. Students are marked late at 8:20 A.M.

If your child is going to be absent for three or more days, please call the school. When your child returns to school after any absence, he/she should have a note from you (or a medical professional) indicating the reason for the absence. Teachers will keep notes on file for the entire year. Teachers will post all homework assignments on their class page, at .

To encourage positive attendance habits, each month we recognize one class that has the highest rate of student attendance.

Law mandates school attendance for children ages 6-12. Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled when school is not in session. Vacations should be planned in conjunction with the official school calendar. Signing children out of school early is discouraged. As per Chancellor’s Regulation: 90% attendance is required for promotion.

After School Programs: If your child is enrolled in any after school program at P.S. 42 (S.T.A.R., After-School Center, etc.), a note must be sent to your child’s teacher if your child will not attend on a particular day.


We will continue our tradition on making birthday’s special for our students. Teachers will discuss protocols for classroom celebrations during September’s Back to School Night.

There are many students with food allergies throughout our grades. Your classroom teacher will share all necessary information to ensure a safe environment for all children. Therefore, please be mindful and discuss any and all food items with your classroom teacher.



NYC DOE CALENDER [pic]Please refer to our school website for continuous calendar updates as well as the Department of Education’s website schools.. Always check your child’s backpack for the latest notices and timely news about dates and activities.


Please refer to our cell phone policy. The cell phone policy letter will be back packed and can be found on our website.


Class placements are thoughtfully made to meet the learning styles and abilities of all students. In the 2018-2019 school budget allocation, P.S. 42 will continue to provide I.C.T (Integrated Collaborative Teaching), 12:1, and 12:1:1 learning environments. We have three full day Pre-K programs. Additionally, we have Gifted & Talented classes in Kindergarten, First, Second, Third and Fourth Grade.


We firmly believe that student progress and success depends on establishing and maintaining excellent home/school communication. Therefore, please contact your child's teacher at any time throughout the school year and be sure to utilize Tuesday Afternoons; as they are a dedicated time for Parent/Teacher Communication. Contact your classroom teacher for more details and appointments.


This opportunity allows parents and guardians to individually review students’ progress and instructional goals. Afternoon and evening appointments are available to accommodate schedules. Check our website for upcoming dates. Also, Tuesday afternoons are Parent Engagement time. Please utilize this time to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child’s academics.


Open School Week

We encourage families to visit during open school week

and tour their child’s class to observe what is taking place.

Dates to be announced.

*Please visit our website for more information.

Family Engagement Dates will be held on:

• Thursday, September 13, 2018 two sessions from 5:15pm-6:15pm and 6:30pm–7:30pm

Parents and Guardians are invited to your child’s classroom where you will meet your child’s teacher who will provide you with instructional goals, standards and curriculum for the year. Teachers will discuss homework, class page and contact through social media. Please visit our website for more information.

• Wednesday, May 15, 2019 – Information will be forthcoming

Frequently, it may be necessary for parents/guardians and teachers to confer. In such cases, a written note should be sent to the teacher, which may be followed up by a phone call, letter or conference. If you have an emergency message for your child or need to speak to a teacher, please call our General Office and our secretaries will be happy to assist you. If you wish to discuss an issue, please contact the Parent Coordinator to arrange a meeting time.

School Leadership Team: This panel which is composed of teachers, parents/guardians and administrators, who meets monthly to discuss school policy and practices. All interested community members are invited to visit and observe. Evidence of the accomplishments of the School Leadership Team can be seen in various school beautification projects, grant writing, and student achievement.

School Messenger System: [pic]This automatic telephone system enables us to make calls, send texts and emails to homes regarding student absences, special school events, and school closings. *The importance of having the correct contact information is vital to our ongoing communication with you, our parents/guardians.


School Website/Social Media: Please make this site one of your favorites.

The Home Page has important dates and events at a glance. There are links to sites for students, parents/guardians, teachers, Department of Education and much more. In addition, every notice or memo that is sent home via your child’s backpack, is also posted on our website for your reference. Check the School Calendar on our website for dates of upcoming events.

All payments for trips, Morning Care, STAR and After School Center will be done through our website. You can contact teachers through the class page, find homework, trip information, and so much more. Please visit the class page often. Please follow us on twitter, where we often post our schools celebrations, events and latest happenings. Follow us at Twitter@PS42R, Facebook:PS42R The Eltingville School@ps42rstatenisland and Instagram/ps42r.

Parents/Guardians will be notified in advance if changes to the official school day or hours occur due to conferences, workshops, or half-day dismissals. All changes will be posted on the P.S. 42 website and a letter will be sent home accordingly to allow for any necessary arrangements and adjustments.



We have found that certain procedures help us make P.S. 42 a safer environment for our students and alleviate unnecessary traffic problems. To ensure a safe dismissal:

▪ Please do not obstruct areas where children are being dismissed.

▪ Please park legally. Do not double park, or park in restricted areas.

▪ Children should be met and escorted to a legally parked car, and should not enter the street to get into a car.

▪ In compliance with New York City Ordinance, there is No Smoking permitted on school grounds.

▪ Remember . . . to cut pollution, NYC is enforcing an anti-idling law, limiting the amount of time a car may idle around schools.

▪ For the safety of all children, no dogs are permitted on school grounds.

During afternoon dismissal, there is no stopping, no parking and no standing on the school side of Genesee Avenue.

During afternoon dismissal, Augusta Avenue is open ONLY to school buses. Please note that the street is officially closed to cars during school hours.

NYPD enforces this traffic law throughout the school

year. No cars are allowed to travel on Augusta Avenue

during school times.

DISMISSAL: 2:35 P.M. daily.

Bus Riders are escorted to the Main Building Auditorium or Annex lunchroom where staff members take attendance and guide children to their buses. Walkers are dismissed from assigned exit doors. Your child's teacher will inform you of the dismissal door for the class.

Please do not request the release of your child prior to the regular dismissal time, unless it is an emergency. When returning from accompanying your child on a class trip, or visiting school for an activity, your child must remain with the class until dismissal. Taking children out of school before the official dismissal time is disruptive to your child’s education, as well as to the other children in the class.


Children will not be released to anyone not documented on the Emergency Home Contact Card. Instructions for releasing students cannot be done by telephone. If you wish to change your child’s daily schedule (i.e. your bus child will be a walker, someone other than yourself is picking up your child, etc.), you must write a note to the teacher indicating what change you want and specify the date the change will occur.

Any child who is not bus eligible will not be permitted to ride a school bus at dismissal.

In case of an emergency and you need to pick up your child before regular dismissal, please present I.D. at the School Safety Agent’s desk. You will be directed to the General Office, where you will complete the “sign-out” procedure. Students will be released only to those persons listed on the Emergency Contact Card. All persons listed on the Emergency Card must be over 18 years old.



Parents/Guardians are required to supply two completed up-to-date Emergency Information Cards, which are kept on file in our school. If any of your home contact information changes, please notify the school immediately in writing. Please understand the importance of keeping this information current.

Should your child become ill at school and have to be picked up, you or your emergency contact person(s) will be contacted. Students will be released only to those persons listed on the Emergency Contact Card. All persons listed on the Emergency Card must be over 18 years old.

*The importance of having the correct contact information is vital to our ongoing communication with you, our parents/guardians.


Homework will be assigned daily. When you meet with your child’s teacher for Curriculum Conferences, you will receive more information about individual grade assignments and policies. Our school website, has a Student Link, loaded with many activities to provide academic enrichment and reinforcement. Each class will have a class page on our website full of information, homework and the latest happenings in the class.

Homework Guidelines/Tips: In the event your child is out sick, let him/her stay home to rest and recuperate. Please visit the class page for homework assignments or contact your teacher through email/social media. Missing assignments, due to absence, should be made up.

WHO? - All P.S. 42 students are expected to complete daily assignments at home.

WHY? - Homework supplements and reinforces what is learned during the school day. It encourages students to think and learn independently. The quality and consistent completion of homework is reflected in the cumulative grades at report card time.

WHAT? - Homework assignments may take many forms . . . It may be math, writing, reading, study/review, or research and independent study.

WHERE? - A quiet place is essential, away from distractions so that your child may focus and concentrate.

WHEN? - Homework should be done when your child is rested and ready to approach the task at hand. In order to maintain the integrity and continuity of the instructional program, homework may be assigned on weekends and during the holiday and seasonal recesses from school.


Students arriving after 8:20 A.M. are marked late and must obtain a late pass from the School Safety Agent at the front desk in each building. Please note that when lateness is reported, it becomes an official part of your child’s permanent school record. Make it a point to review your NYC School Account (see page 7), which gives you data on your child’s attendance and lateness. Remember, lateness interrupts the class’s morning routines.



Our students are so busy during the day that sometimes they forget their hats, scarves and even books or lunch bags. We understand how important these items are to families, and so we have placed a “Lost and Found” bin in each student cafeteria. When students report missing items, please encourage them to ask for assistance in checking the Lost and Found bins.


Bringing lunch from home: Please reinforce the value of good nutrition and healthy eating habits. Outside fast food is not permitted to be brought into our students’ cafeterias.

Lunch Forms are sent home early in September. It is imperative that each family completes a form whether or not you are applying for school lunch. You can access this form at or .

Hot Lunch: The Department of Education now offers Free Lunch for all students. Breakfast and lunch menus can be found on DOE website



Your child may be entitled to special accommodations in school under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act and various state and city laws. These laws protect the rights of students with special health needs who might have difficulty attending school or participating in regular school activities without support services or reasonable accommodations being provided. For example, students with asthma, seizure disorders, etc. should contact the school nurse.

Students are not permitted to self-medicate. Teachers are not permitted to administer any medication. If a situation exists or arises where students must take medication during school hours, please notify our school nurse. Appropriate arrangements will be made to ensure your child’s safety and continued good health while at school.

There is a School Nurse station in the Main and Annex buildings.


P.S. 42 is proud and fortunate to include the Arts in our students’ programs. We have a band program for 4th and 5th graders. Students are tested in Grade 4 for band placement. Supported by the Department of Education and our own P.T.A., we are able to purchase (and repair) instruments for our young musicians. Their concerts are proof of our program’s success. In the 2018-2019 school year, we will continue our band program and will also have a dedicated music program for all of our students, Grades K-5.We also are fortunate to have theater and visual arts classes. Each year the PS 42 Players put on a great production. When visiting PS 42, look for the great art works of our students.



Each spring, the Department of Education distributes NYC School Surveys, which give parents and teachers the opportunity to give feedback on our school.

The results provide valuable information that we use for school improvement. When you consider what we can do when we focus our suggestions and work together, you can understand how much we value your input and response. Our goal is to achieve 100% response participation and 100% parent satisfaction!


Our P.S. 42 Parent Coordinator, Mrs. Sarno, has helped create a warm environment where everyone feels welcomed and respected. Mrs. Sarno’s goal is to support the entire P.S. 42 community while advocating for our parents/guardians and students. Whether she is providing information to parents/guardians, hosting a workshop or overseeing our charitable activities, Mrs. Sarno’s mission is to brighten the future of our children and support our families through this process. Please call or email her at any time with questions or concerns. Telephone: (718) 984-3800, ext.7100 or (718) 605-0672; email DSarno2@schools.


Parents/guardians and teachers work collaboratively to create an enriched educational environment, to promote family participation and to provide resources to benefit the school community. Many activities are sponsored by the P.T.A., such as special assembly programs, drinks and snacks for Field Days, Candy Grahams, Holiday Fairs and the Carnival, just to name a few.

P.T.A. meetings are held monthly, alternating between morning and evening meetings, with informational programs in effective parenting, curriculum overviews and other relevant topics.

Look in the PTA section of our website to find the latest information regarding meetings, minute’s, fundraisers, and events. The PTA is always looking for volunteers to work on a number tasks and events. The P.T.A. Office telephone number is: 718-966-9522 or 31r042PTA@schools..

Please support our P.T.A. Hope to see you at meetings.

2018-2019 P.T.A. Officers

President: Danielle Napoli Treasurer: Nicole Frustaci

1st Vice President: Jessica Wechsler 2nd Vice President: Rosanna Gottlieb

Recording Secretary: Diane Sileno Schoenfeld Corresponding Secretary: Toniann Goscinski



Throughout the school year, we welcome and encourage student philanthropic activities and experiences by setting wonderful examples in our school community. We support a number of community organizations: Staten Island Giving Circle, March of Dimes WonderWalk for Healthy Babies, Bread of Life, Project Home Front for our troops and Holiday Food and Toy Drives.


Every student at P.S. 42 is scheduled for a Physical Education class. Our Physical Education program provides students with the opportunities to develop fine and gross motor skills. These activities also increase coordination, collaboration and move to provide a healthy spirit of cooperation and teamwork. Please check with your child’s teacher to find out the day the class goes to gym, and be sure your child is dressed appropriately.


Report cards are distributed in November, March and June to students in Grades Kindergarten - 5. Pre- Kindergarten students receive Progress Reports. Final Report Cards, issued in June, include information about promotion and future classes.

Our teachers are always available to discuss your child’s instructional program and learning goals.


Children should always attend school with necessary materials for learning. Detailed supply lists are distributed by each grade with report cards in June. Kindergarten families receive supply lists in the mail during the summer. Supply lists can also be found on our school website, .

Please use a permanent marker to write your child’s name on all supplies, including book bags, lunch boxes and all items of clothing.

If you have any questions or need assistance with school supplies, please contact your child's teacher or our Parent Coordinator.


Our school assessment team is here to support you and your child. Our team consists of a school psychologist, a social worker, an IEP teacher and a family worker. S.A.T. works closely with our families and teachers to ensure that your child receives the services he/she needs to be successful academically and socially. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s IEP, our team is here to assist and guide you through the IEP process.


Self-Sustaining Programs

Morning Care, S.T.A.R. (Latchkey), After School Programs, Summer Fun Camp

Our self-sustaining Morning Care program and S.T.A.R. after-care program are available to all

P.S. 42 students, Pre-K through Grade 5 each full day that school is in session. Payments for these programs will only be done through our school website. This will make it easier to pay for these programs as well as other school activities. These programs are staffed by our teachers

and para- professionals. Morning Care is available at 6:25am and S.T.A.R. runs from dismissal until 6:00 P.M. Students complete homework, participate in arts and crafts, sports, computers and more. Applications for Morning Care and S.T.A.R. can be found on our website, along with payment procedures. During the year, you will also receive information about our self-sustaining After-School Programs and Summer Fun Camp.


VISITING THE SCHOOL: Visitors should enter and leave the buildings through the main doors on Genesee Avenue (Main Building) or Augusta Avenue (Annex). Visitors must sign in at the School Safety Agent’s desk and present photo identification. An official pass will be issued, indicating the visitor’s destination. The pass you are issued only affords you access to the designated location. For the safety of pupils and staff, any school personnel may ask you for this pass. Visitors may not go to any classroom during the school day, without the Principal’s permission. Visitors should not be in the buildings without authorization. To ensure the safety and security of our children and our school building, all visitors must follow these procedures.


The New York City Department of Education is committed to ensuring that our schools are safe, secure, and orderly environments in which teaching takes place each day. A safe and supportive school depends upon the efforts of all members of the school community – teachers, students, administrators, parents, counselors, social workers, safety personnel, related service providers, cafeteria workers, custodians, and bus staff – to treat one another with mutual respect.

Included in this document is the Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities, which promotes responsible student behavior and an atmosphere of dignity and respect by establishing guidelines to help students as they strive to become productive citizens in a diverse society.

Visit DOE website .

SMOKE-FREE CAMPUS: Please remember that P.S. 42 is a Smoke-Free campus. Respect this rule as you leave the building and remain on school grounds.

GENERAL RESPONSE PROTOCOL: P.S. 42 was one of the first schools in N.Y.C. to introduce G.R.P. (General Response Protocol). This initiative focuses on being alert and responsive to all safety concerns, both internal and external. Faculty, staff and students have been trained in practices to respond to fire drills, intruder alerts, building evacuation as well as hard and soft lockdowns. P.S. 42 was selected for the G.R.P. pilot program in 2011-2012 and we will deepen our work this year, along with other N.Y.C. schools.



Trips are part of instruction and are an extension of the grade’s curriculum. Prior to any school-planned field trip, a note is sent home describing the trip and explaining the activities and fees involved. The note includes a permission slip, which must be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the teacher in a timely fashion. As per Chancellor’s Regulations, each student must have the signed permission slip on file before he/she can leave the building.

All trip money will be paid only through our school website, .

Please be advised that only the parents/guardians selected by the teacher may accompany the class on a school trip. Siblings may not accompany adult chaperones.

School Nurse: Students requiring nursing services on trips must have documentation and paperwork on file with our school nurses. In the event that a school nurse is unavailable, a parent/guardian may be asked to accompany the student.

























2nd Lunch Period:

12:50 – 1:40 P.M. (Per. 6)

1st Lunch Period:

11:55 – 12:45 P.M. (Per. 5)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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