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Fruta verde (Spanish Edition) PDF

Fruta verde (Spanish Edition) by Enrique Serna

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Fruta verde (Spanish Edition) PDF

Fruta verde (Spanish Edition) by Enrique Serna Fruta verde explora la intimidad de tres personajes atra?dos y enfrentados por el v?rtigo de lo prohibido: Germ?n Lugo, un joven aspirante a escritor, resentido por la traici?n de una novia ingrata; el dramaturgo homosexual Mauro Llamas, dispuesto a valerse de todos los ardides l?citos e il?citos para seducirlo; y Paula Recillas, la madre de Germ?n, una ama de casa divorciada, cuyo rigor moral se tambalea ante las insinuaciones er?ticas de un guapo adolescente (See below for description in English).

La malicia de Mauro, la ingenua rebeld?a de Germ?n y los escr?pulos de Paula, quien observa con angustia la telara?a tendida a su hijo, mientras resiste un asedio igualmente perturbador, se entrelazan en un preciso mecanismo de relojer?a literaria, regido por la est?tica del bolero, que oscila entre el humor y la eleg?a, entre la comedia y la evocaci?n nost?lgica.

Description in English: Green fruit explores the intimacy of three characters attracted and confronted by the vertigo of the forbidden: Herman Lugo, a young aspiring writer, resented by the betrayal of a thankless girlfriend; the gay playwright writer Mauro Llamas, willing to avail himself of all legal and illegal wiles to seduce him; and Paula Recillas, Herman's mother, a divorced housewife, whose moral rigor staggers to the erotic overtones of a handsome teenager. Mauro's malice, Herman's naive rebellion and Paula's scruples.

Who watches anxiously the spider web outstretched over her son, while resisting an equally disturbing siege, they intertwine in a precise mechanism of literary watchmaking, governed by the aesthetics of the boot polisher, who oscillates between humor and elegy, between comedy and nostalgic evocation.

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