Module 1 | Introduction to MOSAIC - Heatherburnett

Module 1 Introduction

Module 1 | Introduction to MOSAIC

MOSAIC is a web-based application built specifically for the federal Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) supplemental nutrition program with cooperation between Texas, New Mexico, and Louisiana, to meet the needs of all three states. MOSAIC is based on Microsoft Dynamics 365, a customer relationship management (CRM) application that enables Users to track and serve customers, increase productivity, and manage inventory. You can access MOSAIC from any computing device (computer or tablet) that has a web browser with internet connectivity and your login credentials.

Microsoft Internet Explorer is the preferred web browser. Each Clinic has web browser preferences and browser settings, such as allowing pop-up windows, so check with your Clinic manager to confirm the right web browser settings.

When you first open MOSAIC, it will feel familiar like a web site, but it is more powerful and user-friendly than older software. Information is organized a little differently from the way past systems organized data and enabled User interaction. Instead of using paperwork, tabbing to different fields, or tracking down the right screen, MOSAIC's intuitive interface features seamless transitions between relevant data fields, and you can use a mouse to click though the site and select data points.

MOSAIC allows you to customize the look and feel of your main pages to best fit the requirements of your job. And regardless of your position on the Clinic staff, information can be input by multiple Users at the same time, enabling real-time updates to data.

Tip MOSAIC allows for multiple Users to input information to the same record at the same time.


Module 1 Introduction

1.1 MOSAIC Login User Email and Password

User access to MOSAIC is determined at the Director level. Each User must first be officially added to the system, and then login credentials can be assigned. Each Clinic/Local Area defines how User emails and passwords are structured. You should receive an email with this information before you log in to MOSAIC.

How to: Log In to MOSAIC

1. Open Internet Explorer. 2. Enter the MOSAIC URL in the address bar: .


3. On the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Login page, enter your User Email. 4. Click Next.

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Note The URL used for logging in during Training is used in Training only.

5. Enter your Password. 6. Click Sign in.

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How to: Bookmark the MOSAIC URL

When you return to your Clinic, you will access MOSAIC with this URL: . You will want to save it for easy access.

1. In Internet Explorer, click the Favorites icon ( ). 2. Click Add to favorites.



Module 1 Introduction

3. In the Add a Favorite window, enter the Name for the URL you are saving. Or you can copy and paste the URL in this text box.

4. Select the Create in folder. Or keep the URL in the default Favorites folder.

5. Click Add.




How to: Log Out of MOSAIC

1. On the Navigation Bar, click Your Name next to the User Avatar.

2. Click Sign out.


Tip To preserve the security of client information, remember to Sign out of MOSAIC or lock your system whenever you step away from your computing device.



Module 1 Introduction


Navigation Bar

Understanding the MOSAIC Interface

Main Page Overview

Home Returns you to the Home page

Main Menu


Create New Creates a New Participant or Activity

Recently Viewed

Global Search

Advanced Find


Sign Out

Opens the MOSAIC Support Portal


Action Toolbar

Dashboard and Views

Tip Information in MOSAIC is accessed via menus, dashboards, and views.

The MOSAIC dashboard offers standard web site functionality that allows you to point and click with your mouse, hover over icons for tool tips, and scroll menus and pages with ease. The Navigation Bar at the top of the page is a consistent navigational tool to help guide you through the WIC Program workflow.

The MOSAIC dashboard serves as the Home page. From the dashboard, you can access Families, Participants, specific points of Certification and Issuance, Appointments, Inventory, and Reports. Dashboards represent an at-a-glance look at relevant information.

The way information is arranged in MOSAIC is based on existing processes, such as viewing and inputting Family data, Participant data, certifying Families, issuing EBT Cards, scheduling Appointments, and running reports.


Module 1 Introduction

Navigation Bar

Main Menu, Work Areas, and Entities

MOSAIC organizes information on the Main Menu by grouping data into seven work areas that contain entities, which are groups of information based on functionality in the WIC Program workflow. Due to Security Role permissions, not all entities will be enabled for all Users. The seven work areas are Certifications, Issuance, Inventory, Master Data, General Settings, System Settings, and Help Center.

Main Menu

Work Areas

Certifications Certifications is the first point of data collection that leads to certifying applicants in the WIC Program. In this work area, you can point to Families, Participants, Certifications, and the list of Activities that you are involved in as part of your Security Role. Reports and Signed Documents are also housed in Certifications.

Tip Work areas help define the WIC Program and Clinic workflow by grouping data into entities based on functionality.


Issuance Issuance contains entities that are associated with the procedures for issuing benefits to a certified Family in the WIC Program.


Module 1 Introduction

Inventory The Inventory work area contains information about items that are inventoried at your Clinic, including EBT Cards, Breast Pumps, and Formula. You can also view the Vendors associated with your state's WIC Program, as well as view orders associated with your Clinic, a Family, or a Participant.

Master Data Master Data contains the backend data that MOSAIC uses to process forms, such as Food Package Codes, Risk Codes, and Income Guidelines. Master Data functions are only accessible for certain State-level Security Roles.


General Settings The General Settings work area contains additional entities that focus on backend system processing, such as Health Assessments, Issuance Details, and other Clientrelated data, such as Proofs of Identity and Residence.

Module 1 Introduction


Module 1 Introduction

System Settings System Settings is a feature of Microsoft and includes administrative CRM functions.

Help Center The Help Center work area connects you to the Microsoft CRM Help Center.



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