1 - Mrs. Cupp's English Classes

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Reading Schedule

The following is a schedule for the reading of Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Reading days: January 31st, and Feb. 3-7, 2014

Chapters 4-9- Due Monday, Feb. 10th

Chapters 10-16- Due Wednesday, Feb. 19th

Chapters 17-21- Due Monday, Feb. 24th

Chapters 22-28- Due Monday, March 3rd

Chapters 29-31- Due Monday, March 10th

Mrs. Cupp will teach the rest

** NOTICE: due dates may change

1. Class Discussion: Discussions should not merely be plot summary. Some plot discussion may be necessary; however, your discussion should actually be a class discussion. You should prepare three questions over your section that will promote student interaction. Students should not be able to answer these questions in one word answers or with a yes/no answers.

2. Themes: In your group lead discussion along with the discussion questions, you will also need to discuss how your section develops prominent themes from the book. The following are themes that are found throughout the novel. You are responsible for tracing these themes in your section. Please provide one specific example of these themes to the class (include page numbers/and or chapters). During your presentation, read the quotes from the book and tell how they illustrate their respective themes.

1. civilization versus natural life

2. honor and acting in a way to earn honor

3. mockery of religion

4. superstition/money

5. “river” smarts versus education

3. Finally, you will uncover figurative language examples in the novel. Please add these to your class discussion. Please provide a minimum of three different examples with page numbers for this requirement. Choose the figurative language examples from the following: allusion, paradox, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, simile, pun, metonymy, or synecdoche. (Include page numbers/and or chapters. Tell the type of figurative language. Read the passage from the book, and tell how the passage illustrates the figurative language.)

These presentations should not be under 20 minutes, as you should be making a thorough discussion and presentation out of your chapter.

In summary, remember that the following items are expected from your group.

1. Discuss the section thoroughly. (Avoid most plot summary.) Present at least three great discussion questions that will lead to class interaction. 2. Trace the above themes through your section. 3. Discuss other literary devices or issues in the novel.

Do not research the information to discuss during your presentation. These presentations should come from your knowledge and your reading. Do not present something that someone else has already said. Be creative. Make the class want to listen to you. Using research will result in no credit for the assignment.

The Adventures of Huck Finn Teaching Rubric

Domain #1 (12 points)

Three thought-provoking questions (minimum) are asked. ______

Domain #2 (10 points)

Questions are used to enhance the class discussion. Classmates are involved. ______

Domain #3 (16 points)

One different examples of the five themes are provided from the section with reference page and/or chapter.


1. civilization versus natural life

2. honor and acting in a way to earn honor

3. mockery of religion

4. superstition/money

5. “river smarts” versus education

Domain #4 (12 points)

Three different figurative language examples with page numbers of are ______


Domain #5 (10 points)

Major plot summary is avoided and only used when necessary for the discussion. ______

Domain #6 (10 points)

The presentation is organized and coherent. Students speak loudly and at a pace that can be understood. Students stand attentively and quietly while others in the group are presenting. ______

Domain #7 (10 points)

A handout of major points including theme and thought-provoking questions is provided to the class. Handouts and any power point presentations should be emailed to Ms. Cupp two days prior for copying/review. jcupp@cartersville.k12.ga.us Failure to send handouts for copying will result in the student having to provide copies for the entire class, but it will not result in a lowered grade.


Domain #8 (20 points)

Student(s) are quiet and respectful while others (the presenters and classmates are talking). Students are not distracting when another presentation is occurring. Students participate in the class discussions of other groups.


Total ____________

100 Points Available

No research. Research will cause the student to receive no credit for the project.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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