The CAP Agency assists and empowers people to achieve ...

The CAP Agency assists and empowers people to achieve social and economic well-being by providing services in partnership with our communities. Board of Directors MeetingJanuary 8, 20196:30 – 8:30 pmSavage City Hall - 6000 McColl DriveMeeting MinutesShared Governance Training 6:30pmPreambleA. Call to Order B. Welcome and Introductions Molly (Finance) and Dennis (HR) introduced themselves. Sandy also introduced herself, she is up for approval as a new Board member tonight.C. Determination of a Quorum Board Members Present – Bev Higdem, John Green, Nate Bostrom, Courtney Johnson, Chris Hansen, Betty Potasnak, Gayle Degler, Mike Beard Board Members Absent – Mike Mayer, Rhonda Nau, Ron Ceminsky, Lillian Somuah, Lawrence Kamara, James Latiker Staff Present – Dennis Bebus, Jackie Lara, Jeremy Casper, Eric Gentry, Molly Tellijohn. Joe Vaughan, Laura Gilkey, Jennifer Baker (minutes)D. Amendments to Agenda E. Public Comment 3. Consent AgendaBoard Action Requested: To review and approve Consent Agenda ItemsMoved by Gayle, seconded by Courtney. Motion carried. Item # A. Board Meeting Agenda – January 8, 20192AB. Board Meeting Minutes – December 11, 20182BC. Head Start 1. Prenatal-to-Five Monthly Report2C14. Action itemsA. Review and Approve Minnesota TEFAP Site Distribution Agreement February 1, 2019 – September 30, 2021 Jackie explained that this is a renewal of an agreement which includes a no-barrier policy for our food shelf. This means that a distribution site must provide food while requiring the least possible number of barriers to those in need of the food.Moved by John, seconded by Betty. Motion carried.4AB. Review and Approve Scott County and Crisis Nursery and Continuum of Care Services ContractThis contract is for the $6500 Crisis Nursery and $4000 for Continuum of Care from Scott County. This contract will be reviewed over the coming year with the new Scott County Administrator to determine if it is still the best way to proceed moving forward and if there are ways the partnership could be enhanced.Moved by Courtney, seconded by Chris. Motion carried.4BC. Financial Reports VISA Card Summaries – Dec 2018 Head Start, AgencyMoved by Gayle, seconded by John. Motion carried.4CD. Review and approve Sandy Wood for Board membershipSandy has been recommended by the executive committee. She is a recent member of Policy Council and is looking forward to continuing her work with CAP.Moved by Nate, seconded by Courtney. Motion carried.4D 5. Updates and DiscussionA. Head Start – Laura GilkeySeveral grants are in process and should be hearing back about these in early spring. B. Communications Update – Jennifer BakerHope for the Holidays was very successful, helped 600 some clients through adopt-a-family and toy distribution. Adopt a senior was extremely successful. We received over 700 gifts for this program. We were able to give gifts to all of our senior dining clients, as well as SNAP and Chore clients. Extras will be given out to food shelf clients. The seniors were so grateful and we had a wonderful response from the community. The Give Where You Live Campaign wraps up at the end of January. Jennifer will be sending out an email blast to donors to remind them and ask for donations.Jennifer will be on vacation Jan 11-24 and will be on maternity leave in July when her 1st baby arrives!C. Board Committee Updates1. Executive Committee – Bev Higdem – 12/11/18 minutes attached2. Finance Committee – John Green 12/11/18 minutes attached3. Governance Committee – Nate BostromThe committee will be reviewing the organization standards, bylaws, and the onboarding process. A report will be coming to the executive committee in February. 4. Strategic Implementation Committee – Chris Hansen 12/11/18 minutes attachedD. CAP Connections UpdatesJoe shared that we have been blessed with new business partners in the past month. One was an unsolicited gift of $25,000 for our senior nutrition program. Amazon also gave us a $10,000 gift in December.4C14C24C4E. Executive Director Report - Joe Vaughan 1. Calendar Review Jackie shared that the WIC financial audit was completed January 4th and it was a clear audit with no findings. The Hy-vee partnership has rolled out at 5 of our senior nutrition sites (with Eagan and Lakeville Hy-vee stores.) Clients are loving the food. Joe gave an update on the CHDO forms that were signed by board members last month. Due to the makeup of our board we qualify for this partnership. There will be ongoing updates as this partnership moves forward, but it is an exciting new opportunity.Joe and Michelle Franke (Housing) will be attending the Community Action National Management and Leadership conference Jan 15-18.Jennifer asked about the federal shutdown as it relates to CAP programs. Housing is still able to access HUD funds. WIC could be affected, we will have to wait and see. There may be an increase in food assistance needs due to the shutdown.4E1F. Board Chair Report –Bev HigdemBev attended the holiday party and highly suggests going to any employee event that you can. They are fun, and it is great to hear how employees are feeling and thinking about CAP and our work.G. Other Business H. Adjournment 8:26pmMoved by Sandy, seconded by Gayle. Motion carried.Note: Next Board meeting will be held Tuesday, February 12 from 6:30-8:00pm at the Shakopee office ................

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