HUD's Energy Action Plan and Multifamily Housing

嚜澦UD*s Energy Action Plan

And Multifamily Housing

Energy Efficiency and

Conservation at HUD:

Implementing the President*s

National Energy Policy


National Energy Policy:

※Conservation and

energy efficiency are

crucial components of a

national energy plan.

Greater energy

efficiency helps the

United States reduce

the likelihood of energy

shortages, emissions

and the volatility of

energy prices.§

May 2001



President George W. Bush:

※#We need to be more self

reliant and self-sufficient. It

is in our nation*s national

interest that we develop

more energy supplies at

home... It is in out national

interest that we conserve

more. It is in our national

interest that we modernize

the energy infrastructure of


October 26, 2001


Secretary Mel Martinez

※Improving the energy efficiency

of the nation*s housing stock is

an important part of our efforts.

As one of the largest housing

expenses after mortgage

payments, the rapid rise of

energy costs is making things

difficult for both renters and


June 11, 2001


B u ild in g s acco u n t fo r o ver o n e th ird

(36% ) o f all en erg y u sed in th e U .S .

T ra n sp o rtatio n


(B tu s)

In d u stry


R e sid e n tia l

B u ild in g s


C o m m e rcia l

B u ild in g s


Energy Use in HUD-assisted


? Americans spend $131 billion each year on

household energy

? HUD spends some $4 billion each year on

energy 每 almost 15% of entire budget


Directly through operating grants or utility


? Almost 5 million HUD-assisted renters and



5% of all households


Approximately 5 Million Units

? Public Housing

z 1.2 million units

z HOPE VI - 6,000 units/year

? Rental Assistance

z Section 8 vouchers 每 1.8 million units

z Assisted Multifamily 每 1.6 million units

? Homeownership

z FHA single family mortgages 每 1 million/year



10 percent new construction

800 new multifamily mortgages/year 每 2.7 million

new units

5 Million Units 每 Cont.

? Block Grants 每 CDBG and HOME

z 174,000 units rehabbed/each year

z 13,000 new construction/each year.

? Senior Housing

z 3,500 Section 202 units 每 300,000 units

z 5,000 units/year

? New construction

z HOPE VI 每 approx. 6,000 units/year

z Senior Housing 每 6,000-9,000 units/year

z CDBG and HOME 每 13,000 new units

z FHA single family 每 100,000 new


Significant Potential Savings

in Public Housing

? Approximately $1.1 billion on energy in

public housing alone

? Potential savings - $165 million per year

? $20 to $40 per every public housing


Charge to Task Force from

Deputy Secretary Jackson

? Improve energy efficiency and conservation

in HUD-assisted rental housing.

? Expand the use of Energy Efficient Mortgages,

consistent with sound underwriting principles.

? Provide technical assistance on energy

issues to nonprofits and faith-based


? Research and development of new energy

efficient technologies.



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