MEMORANDUM March 31, 2020 To: Brian Montgomery …


March 31, 2020

To: Brian Montgomery Assistant Secretary for Housing and Commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration, H

David Woll Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Community Planning and Development, D

Hunter Kurtz Assistant Secretary, Office of Public and Indian Housing, P

Anna M. Far?as Assistant Secretary, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, E

Seth D. Appleton Executive Vice President, Ginnie Mae, TA

Matthew Ammon Director, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, L

From: Brian T. Pattison Assistant Inspector General for Evaluation, Office of Inspector General, G

Subject: Final Report ? Overview of HUD's Housing Assistance Programs, 2019-OE-0004

Please see the attached final report on our evaluation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) housing assistance programs. Our objective is to describe HUD housing assistance programs. We identified five findings during the course of our evaluation. The report will be posted to our website within 3 days.

I appreciate the assistance you and your staff provided throughout the evaluation. Please feel free to contact Director Paul Bergstrand at (202) 402-2728 if you have any questions.

cc: Aaron Taylor, Management and Program Analyst, Office of Community Planning and Development, DOP Camille Curvan, Management Analyst, Office of Public and Indian Housing, PX Terri L. Wanzer, Management Analyst, Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, EGP Erica Johnson, Director, Internal Controls, Ginnie Mae, TSM Jeffrey W. Simpkins, Technical Assistance Specialist, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, LM

Office of Inspector General Office of Evaluation

451 7th Street SW, Washington, DC 20410 Phone (202) 708-0430, Fax (202) 401-2505

Final Report, 2019-OE-0004 March 31, 2020

Diane A. Stewart, Management Analyst, Office of Housing, HROA Vance Morris, Associate General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Housing, H Oscar Franklin, Departmental Audit Liaison, FMC


U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Office of Inspector General

Office of Evaluation

Overview of HUD's Housing Assistance Programs

Washington, DC

Program Evaluations Division Report Number: 2019-OE-0004

March 31, 2020

Executive Summary

Overview of HUD's Housing Assistance Programs

Report Number: 2019-OE-0004

March 31, 2020

Why We Did This Evaluation

Part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) mission is to create quality, affordable homes for all. To achieve this portion of its mission, HUD administers 73 housing assistance programs that promote home ownership, provide rental assistance, and support public housing. Congress, the public, and decision makers throughout government may not understand the goals of these programs, the populations they are meant to serve, and the relationship among them. This report will give useful information and promote dialogue about these programs.

We initiated this evaluation at the request of Senator Mike Enzi. During this evaluation, we reviewed HUD's housing assistance programs based on their purpose, types of assistance, and eligible participants. This report also includes the 5-year funding history for each HUD program office that administers housing assistance programs.

Results of Evaluation

Since its creation in 1965, HUD has provided affordable housings to lowincome families and individuals through its housing assistance programs. Six HUD program offices administer 73 active housing assistance programs. These offices are the Office of Housing (Housing), the Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD), the Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH), the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO), the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae), and the Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH). Of the 73 active housing assistance programs, 23 programs provide home-ownership assistance, 28 programs provide rental housing assistance, and 22 programs provide both types of housing assistance. There are no specific areas of significant program overlap across HUD's 73 active housing assistance programs.

From fiscal year (FY) 2014 to FY 2018, Congress appropriated approximately $257.90 billion to HUD's housing assistance programs. Within HUD, PIH received the most funding for housing assistance-related programs ? approximately 53 percent of all appropriated funds for the period FY 2014 to FY 2018. Ginnie Mae received the least funding ? less than 1 percent of all appropriated funds.

HUD administers six temporary housing assistance programs. There are also 21 inactive housing assistance programs. Inactive programs are programs that have not received appropriations for new commitments or grants in 5 years or received appropriations only for the renewal of existing grants or commitments.

Table of Contents

Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 Objective ...................................................................................................................... 1 Background.................................................................................................................. 1 Scope and Methodology .............................................................................................. 3

Findings........................................................................................................................... 4 HUD Administers 73 Active Housing Assistance Programs ......................................... 4 Housing's Housing Assistance Programs ................................................................. 4 Rental Housing Assistance Programs:..............................................................................5 Home-Ownership Assistance Programs: ........................................................................15 Programs Providing Both Rental and Home-Ownership Assistance: ..............................22 CPD's Housing Assistance Programs..................................................................... 23 Rental Housing Assistance Programs:............................................................................23 Home-Ownership Assistance Program:..........................................................................26 Programs Providing Both Rental and Home-Ownership Assistance: ..............................27 PIH's Housing Assistance Programs ...................................................................... 35 Rental Housing Assistance Programs:............................................................................35 Home-Ownership Assistance Programs: ........................................................................37 Programs Providing Both Rental Housing and Home-Ownership Assistance: ................38 FHEO's Housing Assistance Programs .................................................................. 44 Programs Providing Both Rental and Home-Ownership Assistance: ..............................44 Ginnie Mae's Housing Assistance Programs .......................................................... 46 Home-Ownership Assistance Programs: ........................................................................46 OLHCHH's Housing Assistance Program............................................................... 48 Program Providing Both Rental and Home-Ownership Assistance:................................48 There Are No Specific Areas of Significant Program Overlap Across HUD's 73 Active Housing Assistance Programs ................................................................................... 48 Approximately $257.90 Billion Was Appropriated to HUD Housing Assistance Programs From FY 2014 to FY 2018 ......................................................................... 48 HUD Administers Six Temporary Housing Assistance Programs .............................. 49 There Are 21 Inactive HUD Housing Assistance Programs Which No Longer Receive Appropriated Funds.................................................................................................... 51


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