
Dear National Honor Society Candidate,

Membership in the National Honor Society is based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The Half Moon Chapter of the National Honor Society at Hendrick Hudson High School sets the academic criterion for juniors at a cumulative (5 semester) average of 90.0. Your average has met or exceeded that criterion.

Students who have met that academic requirement have the opportunity to be considered for membership. If you are interested in being considered for membership, you must provide additional information about the other three criteria. The leadership criterion examines the leadership positions and roles that you have had in the high school and in the community. In demonstrating leadership, students should show initiative, a positive attitude, and successfully hold positions of responsibility in the school or other community activities. Service activities are the things you have done on behalf of others, without any compensation. These volunteer experiences can be done individually or as part of a group to help others. This does not include paid employment, or activities you must participate in to fulfill membership in another organization. The National Honor Society Handbook defines a person of character as someone who demonstrates the following qualities: respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship.

Characteristics that fulfill the above requirements include, but are not limited to:

1. Good character:

• Showing respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship

• The willing acceptance of criticism

• Regularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others and unwillingness to profit from the mistakes of others

• Manifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, and other school regulations

• Demonstrates powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studies

• Upholding the principles of morality and ethics at all times

2. Leadership:

• Proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestions

• Demonstrating initiative in promoting school ideals

• Contributing ideas that improve civic life at the school

• Exercising a positive influence on peers

• Delegating responsibilities

• Inspiring positive behavior in others

• Successfully holding a school office

• Leadership in the classroom

• Being responsible

3. Service:

• Volunteering and providing dependable assistance to others

• Working well with others and being willing to take on a difficult task

• Cheerfully rendering any requested service to the school

• Representing the class in inter-class and inter-scholastic competition

• Doing committee and staff work without complaint

• Participating in activities outside of the school, such as Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, or voluntary services for the elderly or disabled

If you are interested in being considered for membership in the National Honor Society, you must write and submit an essay (maximum of 500 words) that addresses your qualifications in all of the areas mentioned above. The essay must include the reasons why you feel you are qualified to enter the National Honor Society. Be sure to explain your activities fully and with great detail. Remember, the committee members may not know you, so you should show yourself in the most positive light possible. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU TAKE THE TIME TO ADDRESS ALL OF THE MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS HIGHLIGHTED IN THIS LETTER. PLEASE BE SPECIFIC AND COMPLETE IN ADDRESSING YOUR QUALIFICATIONS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR MEMBERSHIP IN THE NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY. THE COMMITTEE WILL CAREFULLY EVALUATE EACH ESSAY, SO THE MORE YOU WRITE ABOUT YOUR QUALIFICATIONS, AND THE MORE SPECIFIC YOU CAN BE, THE BETTER. In addition, to the essay, you must submit the signatures of three individuals who know you and can recommend you to the Faculty Selection Committee on the attached form. Finally, the requirement of good character is essential for membership. Therefore, no student who, during high school, has had OSS for any number of days, or who has served more than three days ISS, will be considered for membership in the NHS, regardless of their GPA.

The completed signature form, along with your essay, must be submitted to me by MONDAY, APRIL 1. A five-member Faculty Committee will review this information and membership decisions will be made shortly. Remember, membership in the National Honor Society is a privilege, not a right. If you have any questions concerning this process, please see me. This letter will also be available on my school web-site homepage. Good luck!

Christine Guadagno

Advisor, National

Honor Society Room 226



Student Signature:

I understand that submitting the required information does not guarantee selection to the National Honor Society and that the information submitted is accurate.

_____________________________________________ _____________________

Student Signature Date

I have read the information provided by my son/daughter and can verify that the information is true, accurate, and complete.

_____________________________________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date

I can recommend the above student for admittance into the National Honor Society.

_________________________________ ________________________________

Name Signature

_________________________________ ________________________________

Name Signature

_________________________________ _________________________________

Name Signature


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