Anatomy and Physiology Semester I Exam

Anatomy and Physiology Semester I Exam

“Study Guide”

Dr. Altstiel, Room 107


1. What is the structure that consists of one or more epithelial cells that produces or secretes a product, such as sweat called?

2. What is the most widely distributed connective tissue in the body?

3. Cells that are fitted tightly together, forming a continuous layer or sheet define what type of tissue?

4. What is an elongated epithelial cell is called?

5. What is the type of muscle that is stratified and involuntary called?

6. What kind of connective tissue is rich in cells that store fat?

7. What are large nucleated cells in bone tissue that dissolve and remove bony substances called?

8. What function do calcium salts provide?

9. Tissue that contains collagen fibers in bundles distributed in all directions throughout the tissue is known as what type of dense tissue?

10. What is the advantage of being multicellular?

11. What is the largest organ of the body?

12. What type of tissue is found in the walls of arteries and lungs?

13. Which system can be described as various tissues and organs that coordinate their activities, performing a specialized set of functions?

14. Which system consists of skin and the structures derived from it?

15. Which system has ductless glands that release hormones and aides in regulating metabolic activities?

16. Which system returns excess fluid to the blood and defends against disease?

17. Which system helps regulate blood chemistry?

18. What is the most abundant tissue of the body?

19. What type of tissue consists of many layers?

20. What is the large opening in the occipital bone through which the brain stem extends to join the spinal cord called?

21. Which processes are part of the temporal bone?

22. There are ____ pairs of false ribs.

23. The largest bone of the body is the ___________________.

24. ____ fused bones form the sacrum.

25. Which vertebra is the most superior?

26. What is the most inferior portion of the vertebral column called?

27. What articulates with the scapula and manubrium?

28. List activities that represent anatomical studies.

29. How is physiology generally studied?

30. What is the structural and functional unit of life?

31. List the proper order of the organization of life from small to large?

32. Which two organ systems bear a major responsibility of ensuring homeostasis of the internal environment?

33. Which organs make up the circulatory system?

34. Which organs make up the the nervous system?

35. What does the term homeostasis mean?

36. List the elements of physiological control systems.

37. Define a negative feedback system.

38. The glossopharyngeal nerve carries information from blood pressure receptors to control centers in the brain stem. What type of pathway does this describe?

39. Define the anatomical position.

40. The term “sagittal section of the brain” describes the brain being cut how?

41. If you wanted to separate the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity, which type of section could be used?

42. Which ventral cavity subdivision has no bony protection?

43. Define the directional term, distal.

44. Define the directional term, lateral.

45. Define the directional term, anterior.

46. Name the nine abdominal regions.

47. Which abdominal regions is superior to the umbilical region?

48. What organ system rids the body of nitrogen-containing wastes and regulates the composition of blood?

49. What organ system includes the pancreas, adrenal and thyroid glands?

50. What organ system responds to environmental changes by transmitting electrical impulses?

51. What organ system provides an external “envelope” that protects underlying organs?

52. What organ system breaks down ingested food into its building blocks?

53. What organ system removes carbon dioxide from the blood while adding oxygen to the blood?

54. What organ system enables you to grin, frown, run, and carry books?

55. What organ system is basically a transportation system; includes the heart and blood vessels?

56. What organ system allows the production of offspring?

57. What is the smallest unit capable of life by itself?

58. What are the primary lipids found in the plasma membrane?

59. A person drinks a six-pack of beer and has to make several trips to the bathroom. This increase in urination reflects an increase in what membrane transport process occurring in the kidneys?

60. What does osmosis involve?

61. Describes the process of diffusion.

62. What is the solute-pumping variety of active transport accomplished by?

63. Microvilli are likely to be found in cells specialized for __________________.

64. Define phagocytosis and pinocytosis.

65. Which organelles in a cell consume oxygen?

66. What makes up the Cytoskeleton?

67. What coded information dictates the structure of a protein molecule?

68. If DNA has a sequence AGA, what will a segment of messenger RNA synthesized on it be?

69. What role do proteins in the plasma membrane serve?

70. Small molecules can pass between adjacent cells if they are connected by _____________________.

71. Define a tissue.

72. An epithelium has several layers. The top layer is composed of flattened cells, whereas the basal layer is composed of columnar cells. What would you name this tissue?

73. Define each gland type and give examples for each: (a) an endocrine gland or (b) an exocrine gland.

74. What makes up a cell’s extracellular matrix?

75. The muscle type forming the muscular heart is called?

76. Each daughter cell resulting from mitotic division has ______ as many chromosomes as the mother cell.

77. The coiled form of DNA-containing nuclear material is called?

78. The most abundant form of cartilage in the human body is called?

79. The type of epithelial tissue that is a single layer of elongated cells and often has goblet cells associated with them is called?

80. Cells that form cartilage are called?

81. The type of epithelial tissue that contains a top layer of flattened cells and layers of cells below is called?

82. Scavenger cells that are involved in Phagocytosis are called?

83. Mature cartilage cells are called?

84. What is the most common connective tissue?

85. What is the normal number of human chromosomes?

86. Where are mucous membranes located?

87. The most external skin region is composed of what type of tissue?

88. Epidermal cells that are actively mitotic and replace the superficial cells that continually rub off are called?

89. What is skin color determined by?

90. Define dermis. What sorts of things are made from the dermis of cows?

91. Define the function of the skin.

92. List the epidermal derivatives.

93. What parts of the body contains smooth muscle?

94. What is the name of the membrane that surrounds individual muscle fibers?

95. What is the primary function of skeletal muscle?

96. Which areas of the sarcomere become shorter during contraction?

97. What is acetylcholine?

98. The sites where the motor nerve impulse is transmitted from the nerve endings to the skeletal muscle cell membranes are called?

99. What does a motor unit consists of?

100. A muscle’s least moveable point of skeletal attachment is its _____________.

101. The muscle’s more moveable point of skeletal attachment is its ____________________.

102. What is the shaft of a long bone properly called?

103. A bone that has essentially the same width, length, and height is most likely a (an) ________________.

104. A fracture in which the bone ends penetrate soft tissue is called?

105. Which bones are connected by the frontal suture?

106. Which bone allows the spinal cord to pass?

107. Which bone of the axial skeleton does the pectoral girdle attach?

108. Which pelvic girdle bone articulates with the axial skeleton?

109. Where is the anterior attachment site of the ribs?

110. The spinal cord passes through a large opening in the skull called the ________________.

111. List the bones of the skull that are unpaired.

112. The inferior-most part of the sternum is the _________________.

113. Why are the floating ribs named such?

114. Which bones make up the knee joint?

115. How many bones make up the human skeleton?

116. Muscle tissue that is voluntary.

117. What is the name of the connective tissue that surrounds an individual muscle cell?

118. What is a sarcomere?

119. Place fascicles, fibers, myofibrils, and myofilaments in proper order from largest to smallest.

120. What does a motor unit consist of?

121. What is acetylcholine?

122. Explain what happens during a muscle contraction concerning actin and myosin.

123. What is muscle tone?

124. What muscles produces horizontal wrinkle on the forehead?

125. While seated, which muscle is used in crossing one leg over the other?

126. When flexing the forearm, which muscle acts as an antagonist?

127. What muscle would need to be paralyzed to be unable to flex the thigh?

128. What muscles are involved in abducting the arm?

129. What muscle would need to be paralyzed to be unable to flex the knee?

130. What muscles are involved in inversion at the ankle joint?


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