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Question Bank for Written Student Assessment and EvaluationQuiz: How Much Do You Know About Anatomy?1. Which of the following is not a feature of the anatomical position:A) The body stands erect.B) The body is facing forward.C) The arms are hanging at the sides.D) The heels and feet are together.E) None of the above.Answer: E2. Your nose is _________ to your ears. Answer: medial3. Your abdomen in inferior to your thorax. Answer: true 4. Which of the following planes bisects the body into right and left halves:A) transverseB) medianC) coronalD) midsagittalE) both B and DAnswer: E5. The point at which the median, frontal, and transverse planes intersect represents the body’s _________. Answer: centre of gravity or centre of mass6. Movements that are lateral occur in the frontal plane. Answer: true7. To perform a biceps curl, you must _________ the palm and _________ the elbow.A) pronate; flexB) supinate; flexC) pronate; extendD) abduct; extendE) supinate; invertAnswer: B8. Lifting the arm away from the side of the body is an example of _________, and returning it is an example of _________. Answer: abduction; adduction9. Spongy bone is also known as cortical bone. Answer: false (Correct: cancellous)10. Bone marrow is:A) located inside the bone cavityB) yellow in childrenC) red in adultsD) typically found in short bonesE) all of the aboveAnswer: A11. The epiphyseal growth plate eventually ossifies and becomes the _________. Answer: epiphyseal line12. The gastrointestinal tract is made up of smooth muscle. Answer: true13. Which of the following is not a characteristic of skeletal muscle:A) very fatigue resistantB) under voluntary controlC) attached to boneD) can benefit from fitness trainingE) none of the aboveAnswer: A14. A muscle’s origin is also known as its _________ attachment. Answer: proximal15. In a condyloid joint, the joint surfaces are usually oval. Answer: true16. What are the characteristics of synovial joints?Answer: Each synovial joint has a joint cavity (the space between and around the articulating bones) filled with synovial fluid. The synovial fluid cushions and lubricates the joint. A joint capsule surrounds the joint space and helps provide support. The capsule is lined with a synovial membrane that secretes the lubrication fluid. The joint capsule may or may not have thickenings called intrinsic ligaments that add support. Outside the capsule and not connected to it are extrinsic ligaments that support the joint and connect the articulating bones. Some joints have special features such as articular discs, fibrocartilaginous labra and menisci, and intracapsular tendons.Multiple Choice Questions1. We study human anatomy because:A) It is a subject that binds all humans together.B) It is important to understand how our bodies are structured to perform.C) It helps us attain our full potential in sport and physical activity.D) The human body has fascinated humankind for centuries.E) All of the above.Answer: E2. Which of the following is a correct directional term to describe the relative position of the rib cage to the heart:A) inferiorB) medialC) deepD) superficialE) distalAnswer: D3. Which of the following is a correct directional term to describe the relative position of the hands to the arms:A) proximalB) anteriorC) distalD) superficialE) ventralAnswer: C4. Your brain is _________ to your feet and _________ to your skull.A) distal; proximalB) anterior; deepC) inferior; superficialD) superior; deepE) superficial; medialAnswer: D5. The plane that divides the body into right and left sections is:A) the sagittal planeB) the coronal planeC) the median planeD) the transverse planeE) both A and CAnswer: E6. The _________ plane divides the body into upper and lower sections.A) transverseB) coronalC) frontalD) medianE) none of the aboveAnswer: A7. A jumping jack takes place in the _________ plane.A) sagittal B) horizontalC) transverseD) medianE) coronalAnswer: E8. Which of the following statements about flexion is false:A) It usually occurs in the sagittal plane.B) The opposite movement is extension.C) It increases the angle between two bones at a joint.D) It can be modified at the ankle joint (e.g., plantar flexion).E) None of the above.Answer: C9. Which motion involves movement away from the midline of the body:A) abductionB) adductionC) supinationD) lateral rotationE) both A and DAnswer: E10. Which of the following is not a part of the axial skeleton:A) atlasB) scapulaC) hyoid boneD) rib cageE) lacrimal boneAnswer: B11. The C2 vertebra (the axis) is:A) an irregular boneB) a short boneC) a long boneD) a flat boneE) a sesamoid boneAnswer: A12. The patella is:A) a sesamoid boneB) a knee boneC) a flat boneD) both A and BE) both B and CAnswer: D13. Which bones protect underlying organs and provide areas for muscle attachment?A) sesamoidB) longC) flatD) irregularE) shortAnswer: C14. Cortical bone:A) is highly porousB) has a honeycomb structureC) is very flexibleD) is largely found in long bonesE) both B and DAnswer: D15. Cancellous bone:A) is also known as spongy boneB) is highly porousC) is a good shock absorberD) is more flexible than cortical boneE) all of the aboveAnswer: E16. Which of the following is not a major component of bone:A) calcium carbonateB) calcium phosphateC) collagenD) waterE) none of the aboveAnswer: E17. Which of the following statements about bones is false:A. The periosteum covers most of a long bone’s surface.B) The epiphyseal line allows long bones to lengthen.C) The shaft of a long bone is called the diaphysis.D) Bone gets its flexibility from collagen.E) The end of a long bone is called the epiphysis.Answer: B18. Which of the following statements about muscle types is false:A) Cardiac muscle is very fatigue resistant.B) Smooth muscle forms the walls of blood vessels and body organs.C) The contraction of skeletal muscle is initiated by motor neurons and is usually under voluntary control.D) Like smooth muscle, the contractile activity of cardiac muscle can be graduated.E) Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are both under involuntary control.Answer: D19. The attachment closer to the centre of the body is the muscle’s _________ (also known as its _________ attachment).A) origin; distalB) insertion; proximalC) insertion; medialD) origin; proximalE) insertion; distalAnswer: D20. Which of the following statements about joint types is true:A) Fibrous and cartilaginous joints are the most mobile.B) Synovial joints are supported by extrinsic ligaments.C) Fibrous joints are the most common in the body.D) Synovial joints absorb shock and are slightly movable.E) The pubic symphysis is an example of a fibrous joint.Answer: B21. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a synovial joint:A) a joint capsuleB) a synovial membraneC) extrinsic ligamentsD) synovial fluidE) none of the aboveAnswer: E22. A joint with one convex articulating surface and one concave articulating surface is a _________ joint.A) hingeB) planeC) knuckleD) condyloidE) A, C, and DAnswer: E23. The carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is a _________ joint.A) pivotB) saddleC) knuckleD) ginglymusE) condyloidAnswer: B24. Another name for the knuckle joint is the _________ joint.A) pivotB) saddleC) hingeD) ginglymusE) condyloidAnswer: E25. Which joint allows the most movement?A) ginglymusB) saddleC) ball and socketD) condyloidE) pivotAnswer: CFill in the Blank Questions1. The study of the structures that make up the human body, and how those structuresrelate to each other, is called human _________. Answer: anatomy2. In a _________ approach to the study of the human body, a _________ is followed throughout its entirety in the body. Answer: systemic; system3. Human anatomy is always described in relation to the _________, in which the body is erect and facing forward, with the palms of the hands facing _________. Answer: anatomical position; forward4. Your skin lies _________ to your muscles. Answer: superficial5. When describing a blood vessel, the term _________ means toward the origin. Answer: proximal6. Another word for posterior is _________. Answer: dorsal7. A person lying face down is said to be in a _________ position. Answer: prone8. The transverse plane is also known as the _________ plane. Answer: horizontal9. The frontal plane is any vertical plane dividing the body into _________ and _________ sections. Answer: anterior; posterior10. A forward roll occurs in the _________ plane. Answer: sagittal11. Moving the palm so it faces downward is known as _________; moving the palm so it faces upward is known as _________. Answer: pronation; supination12. Flexion–extension movements combined with abduction–adduction movements produce a cone of movement known as _________. Answer: circumduction13. The skull, vertebrae, ribs, and sternum make up the _________ skeleton. Answer: axial14. The femur is an example of a _________ bone. Answer: long15. The vertebrae are examples of _________ bones. Answer: irregular16. Bones that are more _________ have a smaller proportion of calcium phosphate and carbonate and greater non-mineralized tissue. Answer: porous17. Bone can be classified into two general categories: _________ bone and _________ bone. Answer: cortical; spongy or cancellous18. _________ bone is largely found in long bones (such as the bones of the arms and legs). Answer: Cortical19. The term ossify means to _________. Answer: harden20. The shaft of a long bone is called the _________. Answer: diaphysis21. A _________ is the point of connection between two or more bones. Answer: joint22. In synovial joints, bone ends are covered with smooth hyaline _________. Answer: cartilage23. The greatest amount of movement is seen at _________ joints. Answer: synovial24. Another name for the hinge joint is the _________ joint. Answer: ginglymus25. The shoulder is a _________ joint. Answer: ball and socket True or False Questions1. A systemic approach to human anatomy combines the various systems involved in a particular part of the body. Answer: false (Correct: regional)2. In the anatomical position, the feet are parallel to each other. Answer: true3. Your nose is lateral to your eyes. Answer: false (Correct: medial)4. A person lying on his or her back is prone. Answer: false (Correct: supine)5. The term ventral is interchangeable with the term anterior. Answer: true6. The term distal means farther from the surface of the body. Answer: false (Correct: deep) 7. The term lateral means farther from the median plane. Answer: true8. Directional terms are based on the assumption that the body is in the prone position. Answer: false (Correct: anatomical)9. The transverse plane is any plane at right angles to both the sagittal and frontal planes. Answer: true10. The frontal plane is also known as the horizontal plane. Answer: false (Correct: coronal)11. Cycling and running occur in the sagittal plane. Answer: true 12. In general, extension increases the angle between two bones. Answer: true13. Movement toward the midline of the body in the frontal plane is known as adduction. Answer: true14. Ankle sprains are usually the result of eversion of the joint. Answer: false (Correct: inversion)15. When you are standing on your toes, the ankle joint is in plantar flexion. Answer: true16. The pectoral and pelvic girdles are part of the axial skeleton. Answer: false (Correct: appendicular skeleton)17. The bones of the skull are classified as flat. Answer: true18. Irregular bones are found in the wrist and ankle. Answer: false (Correct: Short)19. Typically, long bones have a marrow cavity filled with red marrow in children and yellow marrow in adults. Answer: true; true20. The end of a long bone is called the diaphysis. Answer: false (Correct: epiphysis)21. During growth, the epiphyseal growth plate ossifies. Answer: false (Correct: When growth ceases)22. When subjected to regular physical activity and habitual loads, bones tend to become denser. Answer: true23. A muscle’s insertion is the more proximal attachment (farther from the body). Answer: false (Correct: distal); true24. The stability and integrity of joints are maintained by strands of connective tissue called tendons. Answer: false (Correct: ligaments)25. Pivot or gliding joints permit movement in the wrist. Answer: false (Correct: Plane)Other Types of Questions1. Match the following planes and directional terms with their corresponding definitions.TermAnswerDefinitionFrontal planeCA) A plane dividing the body into upper and lower sectionsSuperficialIB) Nearer to the feetMedian planeGC) A plane dividing the body into anterior and posterior sectionsLateralDD) Farther from the median plane ProximalHE) Nearer to the headSagittal planeLF) Farther from the surface of the bodyCoronal planeCG) A plane dividing the body into equal right and left halvesDeepFH) Nearer to the trunkDistalKI) Nearer to the surface of the bodyTransverse planeAJ) Nearer to the median planeInferiorBK) Farther from the trunkMedialJL) A plane dividing the body into unequal right and left sectionsSuperiorEHorizontal planeAMidsagittal planeG2. Match the following joint movements with their corresponding definitions.MovementAnswerDefinitionAbductionKA) A cone of movement that occurs when flexion–extension movements are combined with abduction–adduction movementsFlexionHB) Increases the angle between two bones at a jointDorsiflexionIC) Movement of the palm to face downwardSupinationGD) Movement toward the midline of the body in the frontal planeExtensionBE) Movement of the sole of the foot outward, away from the median plane of the bodyInversionLF) Movement of the ankle so that the dorsal surface of the foot moves inferiorlyAdductionDG) Movement of the palm to face upwardPronationCH) Reduces the angle between two bones at a jointExternal rotationMI) Movement of the ankle so that the dorsal surface of the foot moves superiorlyPlantar flexionFJ) Rotation of a bone along its longitudinal axis toward the median planeEversionEK) Movement away from the midline of the body in the frontal planeCircumductionAL) Movement of the sole of the foot toward the median plane of the bodyInternal rotationJM) Rotation of a bone along its longitudinal axis away from the median plane3. Identify whether the following bones belong to the axial skeleton (AX) or the appendicular skeleton (APP)AnswerJaw bone_________AXPelvis_________APPCollarbone_________APPThoracic vertebrae_________AXRibs_________AXForearm bones_________ APPSternum_________AXShoulder blade_________APP4. Bones are classified into two general categories based on what characteristic? Identify these two types of bone, describe their individual properties, and indicate where they are generally found.Answer: Bone is classified into two general categories according to its degree of porosity. Bone that has low porosity is called cortical bone. It is less flexible and can resist greater stress. In contrast, spongy or cancellous bone has a relatively high porosity with more non-mineralized tissue. Spongy bone has a characteristic honeycomb structure and provides more flexibility. Cortical bone is largely found in long bones (such as the bones of the arms and legs), which are required to be stronger to resist greater stress, while spongy bone is found where shock absorption and a better ability to change shape are important (e.g., vertebrae).5. What are the four major components of bone?Answer: The four major components of bone are calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, collagen, and water.6. Cardiac muscle has characteristics of both skeletal and smooth muscle. For each characteristic, circle whether cardiac muscle is like smooth or skeletal muscle.Answers are in italics.CharacteristicSmooth MuscleSkeletal MuscleContractile activitySame contraction forceGraduated contraction forceFatigue resistanceHighLowNeural activationInvoluntaryVoluntary7. Label the following diagram of a synovial joint.8. In synovial joints, how is friction between articulating bone surfaces reduced? Answer: The ends of the bones that form synovial joints are covered with smooth hyaline cartilage, which reduces friction between the articulating bone surfaces. Synovial fluid lubricates the joint and the cartilage to further reduce friction.9. Match the following synovial joints with their corresponding characteristics. The joints can be matched with more than one characteristic.JointAnswerCharacteristicSaddle jointD & FA) Both bone surfaces are nearly flatGinglymus jointH & JB) The shoulder joint is an exampleElbow jointHC) Joint surfaces are usually oval (one convex and one concave), with movement in more than one planeKnuckle jointCD) Same movement as at condyloid joint but with greater range of motionHinge jointH & JE) The bones in the wrist are an exampleBall and socket jointB & I F) The bones are set together as in sitting on a horsePivot jointG & KG) The radioulnar joint is an examplePlane jointA & EH) A joint with one articulating surface that is convex and another that is concave, with movement in one plane onlyCarpometacarpal joint (thumb)D & FI) A joint with a rounded bone fitted into a cuplike receptacleCondyloid jointCJ) The interphalangeal joints of the fingers are examplesGliding jointA & EK) A joint in which one bone rotates around one axisHip jointI10. The knee and the jaw are difficult to classify because their structure allows them to function as more than one type of joint. Research the following synovial joints to determine their primary joint classification (e.g., pivot, saddle).Answers are in italics.JointPrimary ClassificationKnee jointHingeSternoclavicular jointSaddleRadiocarpal joint (wrist)CondyloidTalocrural joint (ankle)HingeTemporomandibular joint (jaw)Hinge ................

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