PDF Body Systems Project/5th Grade Science

Body Systems Project/5th Grade Science Due Date: _________________


1. The project must be in the form of a book, 8.5 x 11.

2. The cover will have the students name, teachers name, homeroom, and due date.

3. Table of Contents

4. Introduction Page: Tells what the book is about and gives a brief description of each body system.

5. A hand drawn diagram of the human body for: the digestive system, the respiratory system, the circulatory system, and in the end the excretory system. The diagram will include the anatomical features important to each system. Use a number system and a key to name.

6. An essay on each body system will be on the corresponding page. Each essay will include an introductory paragraph, a concluding paragraph, and at least three more paragraphs that explain, in detail, how the system works and the parts that make up the system. Note taking will be done in class, but the writing portion should be done at home. The writing should be done in the student's own words using vocabulary we learn in class. Do not copy from a book or Internet. This is called plagiarism and it is illegal.

7. Typing or neat printing/cursive is acceptable for the writing portion.

8. Students will present their books to the class on the due date. At that time they will show their books to their classmates and give a brief description of each body system and its function. (2-3 minutes) Extra credit could be given if a student would like to prepare a PowerPoint presentation to go along with their oral presentation.

9. This project will be graded for Overall Science Content/Accuracy as well as Neatness/Art (drawings), Oral Language, and Effort.

10. Late projects will be marked down and cannot receive a grade higher than a "C" or "2".

Body Systems Book


Create a book that goes through the various body systems that are in your Science book. Each chapter will consist of a body system and an explanation of the system on the opposite page. The explanation of the system needs to be in paragraph/essay format and needs to describe how the system works using all of the words listed in each of the work banks below. This project requires you to put in a great amount of effort and you must research the various systems in order to write an essay. This project is worth 150 points for science, writing and nonfiction reading!


Drawing of the System (with all parts labeled)


In paragraph /essay format please describe how the system works including all of the

words from the word banks below

Digestive System Word Bank:





small instestine


large intestine

esophagus colon



Respiratory System Word Bank:

Lungs alveoli bronchi


Diaphragm capillary


larynx mouth

inhale nose

Excretory System Word Bank:


kidneys bladder


ureters urine

Circulatory System Work Bank:

Vein capillary

artery heart

Left atrium right atrium aorta

left ventricle

right ventricle


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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