Introduction To Human Studies


Introduction To Human Studies

Wendy Smith

Room 403 Ext. 2272


Course Description

Introduction to Human Studies is a foundational course for students interested in becoming a public advocate, social worker, dietician, nutritionist, counselor, or community volunteer. This course covers the human needs, overview of social services, career investigation, mental health, and communication. Artifacts will be created for inclusion in a portfolio, which will continue to build throughout the program of study.

Topics Covered In This Class

• Human Needs / Human Growth

• Families and Family Stresses

• Overview of Human & Social Services

• Careers

• Mental and Social Health

• Communication Skills

• Dating and Marriage

• Home Buying/Renting

• Finances

Human Services Pathway

Introduction to Human Studies

Lifespan Development

Family Studies

Supplies Needed For This Class

• Spiral notebook for note taking

• 3 ring notebook

• Flash drive

• Paper

• Pencils/Pens

• Colored pencil and markers are provided, but you may want to purchase your own.

Grading and Classroom Procedures

37.5% Work Skills, Homework, and Class Assignments

37.5% Tests, Projects

25% Final Exam

Grading Scale:

A 93-100

B 85-92

C 75-84

D 70-74

F 69 and below


You will need to keep a spiral notebook for notes. You will be graded for each section of notes that are taken in class. Notes will be counted late if they are not complete at the end of the lesson that day.

Daily Work

All daily assignments need to be completed in a timely manner. For each day a student is late turning in an assignment, 10 points will be subtracted from the grade. If you find you need more time then you may take it home for homework.


A collection of student work will need to be submitted at the end of the semester. I will let you know in detail what needs to be placed in your portfolio. This portfolio will be used throughout the program of study.

School and Classroom Procedures

• Always be on time. You will be marked tardy in power school if you are late to class.


On the 4th, 5th, and 6th Tardy, the student will receive a 1-hour detention.

On the 7th, 8th, & 9th tardy, the students will serve a day of ISS for each tardy.

On the 10th tardy to school and every tardy thereafter, the student will serve 1-day of ISS and lose their parking privilege for a week.

• Students will be allowed to use their cell phones or electronic devices in non-instructional areas before school, during lunch, in the hallways during class change, after school, or at teacher discretion within the classroom. Cell phones and devices must remain on silent mode at all times so that no audible ring tones or noises are heard. Listening to music in non-instructional areas is allowed, but limited to the use with ear buds only. Over the ear or on the ear headphones are not allowed.

• Only one person at a time will be allowed to leave class. You must take the red pass with you when you leave. You will not be allowed to leave the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of class.

• Please follow the dress code guidelines in the student handbook. Any student out of dress code will be asked to change or go to the front office to take care of the issue.


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