Children’s brain book assignment - AP PSYCHOLOGY



Due ___________

Goal: Write and illustrate an original book to teach third graders about the structure and function of the human brain.


The book should be 8-16 pages long and include both text and illustrations on each page. The book must show and describe the main functions of the following areas of the brain. You must also give one or more examples of the type of thought, emotion, or behavior for which each structure or area is responsible.

Frontal lobe Temporal lobe

Parietal lobe Occipital lobe

Cerebellum Sensory Cortex

Broca’s Area Wernicke’s area

Thalamus Hippocampus

Hypothalamus Amygdala

Motor Cortex Medulla

Association Areas One other area or structure you choose

Keep the explanations and examples simple enough that a smart 3rd grader would understand them and be able to explain them to a friend after reading your book. Descriptions and examples must be in your own words. You may not copy from books, the internet, or each other.

Illustrations must be original and may be created in any medium and style you like. For examples, you may use pen, paint, collage, photographs you take etc. You may not photocopy from books or print out images from the internet.

Text may be hand written or word-processed, but it must look professional and be readable (I recommend typed.)

Scoring: Total points: 60 (assessment points) – see rubric on the back



Descriptions & Examples


Originality and creativity

This may be done with a partner but that person must be from your class period. May also be done independently.

Grading Rubric: Children’s Brain Book

| |4 (15 points) |3 (13 points) |2 (11 points) |1 (9 points) |0 (8 points) |

|Illustrations |-All illustrations are |-all illustrations are |-missing 1-3 illustrations|-missing several |- more than half are |

| |original |present |-pictures may or may not |illustrations |missing |

| |-Pictures help strengthen |-created thoughtfully |be related to term | |-pictures are not |

| |readers understanding of |-in color | | |created but rather copy |

| |concept | | | |& pasted from a source |

|Descriptions & Examples |-all descriptions and |-all descriptions and |- Missing a combination of|-Several descriptions or |-more than half missing |

| |examples are present |examples are present |descriptions or examples |examples are missing. |-text is not in your own|

| |-language is simple, direct |-16 descriptions |for every term |- Descriptions appear |words |

| |and put into one’s own words |-16 apps/examples | |copied directly from | |

| |-easy to identify terms being| | |textbook | |

| |discussed | | | | |

|Organization |-Fluid organization |- organization shows clear |- limited inconsistencies |- somewhat confusing to |- Illogical organization|

|& Neatness |-all terms are easily |planning | |navigate through mini-book|- missing several pieces|

| |identified and put together |-all terms are easily | |-looks rushed and/or | |

| |in a way strengthens readers |identified | |sloppy | |

| |understanding |-writing is easy to read | | | |

| | |-identifiable pattern in | | | |

| | |presentation of info | | | |

|Originality & Creativity|- Thought put into addressing|-ideas are unique, although |- Student’s idea is both |-mostly mimics ideas |-boring to look at and |

| |the intended audience |somewhat traditional. |traditional and |borrowed from others and |read |

| |-ideas are highly innovative,|-Personality of student is |predictable |reflects minimal original |-work does not hold |

| |unusual and novel |reflected in the ideas. |-Some to little evidence |thought. |attention |

| |-ideas display inventiveness,| |of personality is noted | | |

| |often with unexpected or | | | | |

| |surprise twists | | | | |

| |-personality is highly | | | | |

| |reflected | | | | |

| |-grabs the audience | | | | |

|Notes | | |

| | |Total |

| | | |

| | |Out of 60 |

| | | |

| | | |


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