Unleashing Human Potential: A New Form of Financing for ...

Unleashing Human Potential: A New Form of Financing for Children and Teenagers Based on Future Earnings Potential

Shervin K. Pishevar

Judd McManus

Dr. Sarah Pishevar Haynes, Ph.D. (Licensed Child Psychologist)

We propose a new form of financing that we believe has the potential to accelerate the rate and capacity of human achievement. We are building predictive models based on a child’s future earning potential based on grades, parental education, behavioral patterns and records, intelligence and standardized test scores, personality tests and activities and begin human capital loans at childhood to invest in that a chosen child’s potential. We believe that this will create a virtuous circle that will boost that child’s ultimate earnings potential and impact on their community and society at large

Human capital financing fits best at the Pre-K to the 12th grade arena. If you invest after someone is already out of college you are reducing your ROI’s compared to the ROI’s of investing in children and teenagers. The model works better since there is a complete black hole in the financing of children’s training and potential.

Now this will truly change our world as we now it. Our current system is bankrupting our youth. Financial loans come too late after most young peoples potential have been scrubbed by 12 years of reiteration and boredom. These very college loans then saddle these deflated youth with the shackles of debt that they can't really pay off with their now reduced earnings potential commiserate with their lower quality training.

Human Capital Financing will make educated bets on youth from all demographic strata starting as early as birth based on our proprietary algorithms. We will perfect the art of predictive potential earnings and achievement analysis over time and real life investments in youth. Think of how many undiscovered Mozarts and Einsteins this idea could help find and support.

Unlike ever before, individuals can now unlock the power of their future potential at an earlier age to assist them in achieving higher realized earnings over the course of a lifetime.

With longer expected life spans reaching averages into 80 and 90 years of age and beyond, increased earnings at earlier ages will lead to larger retirement accounts to support retirement eras that will begin stretching from the current decade into decades of active retirement.

Our investment program will consist of financing the optimal educational, cultural, societal training based on each child’s specific personality and profile. A child with great musical ability will for example be financed to receive the very best musical training money can buy, attend musical concerts around the world, meet great musicians, acquire the very best musical instruments. A child with great scientific capability and interest will be funded to receive additional advanced scientific training, attend scientific conferences, intern at top research labs and fund independent research. In this virtuous circle the child’s initial potential will be further magnified and their future earnings potential will be enlarged and their maximum positive societal affect will be reached. A child with uncommon athletic talent in soccer, for example, could be supported to receive advanced sports training and conditioning and tutoring as well as visiting and interacting with professional athletes and attending sports events.

Human Capital Finance Corporation’s (HCFC) business model revolves around an intricate frame agreement with the child’s parents and later the child at the age of 18 when their college education and graduate training if required will be funded by HCFC. If the child does not choose to continue the program then the parents will be obligated to pay back the loans. After the child becomes an earning adult that child’s earning potential will offset the financing. All earnings contributed back to HCFC will be the put into a pooled pension fund for all members of the program. It is assumed that the child’s earning potential will be significantly higher than the norm. The model will be a scaled percentage of earnings will be paid to HCFC for the life of that person with the percentage going from low single digits in the beginning of their career to a cap of 10%, for example, at the end of their career.

The selection step of the invented method is based on the identification of children and teenagers with skills, accomplishments, etc… that may lead them to achieve a high degree of future earnings and the estimation of those potential earnings.

After a child or teenager is selected a capital payment schedule is devised based on age and the financial requirements needed to assist the selected child or teenager to receive training, education, access to advanced equipment etc… so that they may improve their skills; thus increasing their future earnings potential.

The funds would have to be rolled out by age groups since the first graduating class of students funded by HCFC would be the first to contribute to the pooled retirement funds. This step approach would result in a shorter time to wait for the first earners. HCFC will encourage a proper work ethic by promoting opportunities for members to work jobs related to their fields of interest at the youngest legal age (usually 14 years of age) in order to make them more exposed to work and to begin contributing to their retirement funds at an earlier age so the returns on their earnings will benefit from 40 to 50 years of investment cycles. Our ultimate goal should be to give our HCFC funded clients the ability to retire at younger ages say 50 or 55 so that they may be free to dedicate time to charitable endeavors. Based on our initial financial models a pension fund for only 500,000 high achievers over a 40 year time span leads to hundreds of billions of dollars under management.

The other reality is that longer life spans into the 90s and higher is likely for our clients so the peoples retirement funds now must stretch decades rather then the current decade or so. This means HCFC will hit a bulls eye in a market most do not have the foresight to predict. High potential earners will flock to HCFC to maximize their human potential and earnings potential at earlier ages iin order to fund their decades long retirements in the 2050 to 2100 timeframe and beyond.

Are you ready to change the world? Human Capital Finance Corporation can take us there.

Note: We believe that Saatchi & Saatchi could greatly assist in launching HCFC in a proper way to the world. We would appreciate that if we are lucky and blessed enough for this idea to be chosen as a winner that this not be publicly announced until we have the benefit of Saatchi & Saatchi assisting in having a proper brand, PR and website in order to properly take in nominations for candidates from around the world for children and teenagers seeking to be funded by HCFC. We will also seek to build a Board of Directors of amazing human achievers such as Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Sergei Brin, Larry Page, Maya Angelou and a Board of Experts from different fields will be assist in identifying young achievers as well as proscribing the proper training and education for those selected.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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