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Chapter 4 Study Guide: Ocean ZonesMultiple ChoiceIdentify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.____1.Which of the following does NOT make studying the ocean floor difficult?a.The ocean consists of salt water rather than fresh.b.The deep ocean is in total darkness.c.The water in the deep ocean is extremely cold.d.There is tremendous pressure in the deep ocean.____2.Sea-floor spreading occurs in places where two plates area.converging.b.diverging.c.motionless.d.breaking the surface.____3.Which of the following organisms is an example of nekton?a.lobsterb.dolphinc.clamd.sea star____4.As ocean water in a tide pool warms and evaporates, the remaining water becomesa.cooler.b.saltier.c.calmer.d.darker.____5.Coastal wetlands that feature short, gnarled trees with arching prop roots are calleda.mangrove forests.b.kelp forests.c.salt marshes.d.tide pools.____6.Under which set of conditions would there be more giant kelps in a kelp forest?a.more sea urchins and fewer sea sea ottersc.more sea otters and fewer sea urchinsd.fewer gray whales____7.The organisms that form the base of most open-ocean food webs organisms that live around hydrothermal vents are supported from sunlight.b.nutrients washed from the made by algae.d.chemical nutrients from Earth’s interior.____9.Most of the world’s major fisheries are found neara.hydrothermal vents.b.seamounts.c.coasts.d.abyssal plains.____10.The richest deposits of oil and natural gas are often locateda.on the continental the deep the intertidal zone.d.inside trenches.____11.Which of the following features of the ocean floor forms where two plates diverge?a.seamountb.trenchc.abyssal plaind.mid-ocean ridge____12.In what zone are hydrothermal vents located?a.deep zoneb.surface zonec.neritic zoned.intertidal zone____13.Free-swimming animals that can move throughout the water column are calleda.algae.b.nekton.c.benthos.d.plankton.____14.Kelp forests grow in thea.intertidal zone.b.neritic zone.c.deep zone.d.surface zone.____15.The area that stretches from the highest high-tide line on land out to the point on the continental shelf exposed by the lowest low tide is called thea.intertidal zone.b.neritic zone.c.estuary zone.d.deep zone.Modified True/FalseIndicate whether the statement is true or false. If false, change the identified word or phrase to make the statement true.____16.A trench forms on the ocean floor where two plates diverge. _____________________________17.Coral reefs are found in cold, neritic waters. _____________________________18.The neritic zone is the part of the ocean located above the continental shelf. _____________________________19.An area where heated water rises through cracks in the ocean floor is called a hydrothermal vent. _____________________________20.Most ocean pollution is related to natural activities. _________________________Short AnswerUse the diagram to answer each question.21.Which letter identifies the continental shelf?22.What is the feature labeled D and how does it form?23.Identify feature E and explain how it formed.24.Which feature is part of the underwater mountain range that winds through Earth’s oceans?Use the diagram to answer each question.25.Put the three parts of the diagram (X, Y, and Z) in the order in which they occur.26.Which letter(s) identify a sinking island?27.Which letter(s) point to coral reefs?28.What conditions are necessary for coral reefs to form? Where are these conditions found?Essay29.Explain how a mid-ocean ridge forms.30.Explain why mangrove trees are important to their coastal habitats.31.Explain why life is abundant in the surface zone but scarce in the deep zone32.Why is it important to limit the number of fish obtained from fisheries?33.Describe at least two different causes of ocean pollution.Chapter 4 Study Guide: Ocean ZonesAnswer SectionMULTIPLE CHOICE1.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.1.12.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.1.33.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.2.24.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.3.15.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.3.26.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.4.27.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.2.28.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.4.39.ANS:CPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.5.110.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:H.4.5.211.ANS:DPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.1.212.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.4.313.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:H.4.2.214.ANS:BPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:H.4.4.215.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.2.1MODIFIED TRUE/FALSE16.ANS:F, convergePTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.1.317.ANS:F, warmPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:H.4.4.218.ANS:TPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.4.119.ANS:TPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.4.320.ANS:F, humanPTS:1DIF:L1OBJ:H.4.5.3SHORT ANSWER21.ANS:APTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.1.222.ANS:Mid-ocean ridge; it forms when new magma squeezes up between diverging plates.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.1.223.ANS:Feature E is a volcanic island that formed on the ocean floor as layers of lava erupted, cooled, and hardened until the island rose above the ocean’s surface.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.1.224.ANS:D, the mid-ocean ridgePTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.1.225.ANS:Y, then Z, then XPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.4.226.ANS:C and FPTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.4.227.ANS:B, D, GPTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.4.228.ANS:Coral reefs require warm water and sunlight for the algae in the tissues of the coral animals. These conditions are found in shallow, tropical waters, usually in the neritic zone.PTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.4.2ESSAY29.ANS:A mid-ocean ridge forms along a plate boundary where two plates diverge. As the plates move apart, magma flows onto the surface and hardens, forming a ridge.PTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.1.330.ANS:Mangroves are short, gnarled trees that grow in the brackish waters of coastal Florida. Their strongly anchored roots can withstand hurricanes, so they are able to break the action of winds and waves and prevent shore erosion. They also trap sediment, providing a nutrient-rich environment for other organisms.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.3.231.ANS:The surface zone extends as far as sunlight reaches below the surface. The surface zone provides abundant food because algae make food from sunlight and form the basis of a well-developed food web. The deep zone is dark and cold and receives little or no sunlight. Finding food in the deep zone is difficult, and animals must be good hunters to survive. Life is more plentiful in the deep zone only around hydrothermal vents, where organisms obtain chemical nutrients released by the vents.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.4.332.ANS:Fish are harvested only from certain areas, where they exist in limited numbers. Although fish are a renewable resource, the supply can be depleted if they are caught faster than they can reproduce. Overfishing, or harvesting an unlimited number of fish, could cause the supply of this resource to become depleted.PTS:1DIF:L3OBJ:H.4.5.133.ANS:Although some ocean pollution is due to natural causes, most ocean pollution is caused by human activities. A natural cause of ocean pollution is heavy rain. Heavy rain might create a surge of fresh water that pollutes the ocean by lowering its salinity, which can kill ocean animals. Human activities that cause ocean pollution include the dumping of sewage, chemicals, and trash into coastal waters. Also, the chemicals humans use on fields and in roads sometimes run off into the ocean. Damaged oil tankers and drilling platforms also pollute the ocean.PTS:1DIF:L2OBJ:H.4.5.3 ................

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