An Introduction to the Human

 An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach

Launched in September 2004, the Human Development and Capability Association (HDCA) promotes research from many disciplines on key problems related to poverty, justice and well-being. Frances Stewart is the current president of HDCA. Amartya Sen was the Founding President of HDCA 2004?2006; Martha Nussbaum was President of HDCA 2006?2008.


HDCA promotes high quality research in the interconnected areas of human development and capability. It is concerned with research in these areas across a broad range of topics where the human development and capability approaches have made and can make significant contributions, including the quality of life, poverty, justice, gender, development and environment inter alia. It further works in all disciplines ? such as economics, philosophy, political theory, sociology and development studies ? where such research is, or may be, pursued. While primarily an academic body, the Association brings together those involved in academic work with practitioners who are involved in, or interested in, the application of research from the fields of human development and capability to the problems they face.

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities

The Journal of Human Development and Capabilities is the peer reviewed journal of the Association. It publishes original works in economics, philosophy, social sciences and other disciplines that expand concepts, measurement tools and policy alternatives from the perspective of the human development and capability approach. It provides a forum for an open exchange of ideas among a broad spectrum of policy makers, economists and academics. Human development is becoming a school of thought and the Journal acts as a conduit for members and critics of this school.


The Association holds an annual conference, supports training activities, facilitates thematic groups on specific topics, and provides a forum in which collaborative research can emerge. It maintains a website which provides, among others: a comprehensive collection of bibliographic resources on the capability approach; tri-annual bulletins on core concepts and applications of the approach; information on thematic groups and their activities; video and teaching materials on subjects related to the capability approach, unpublished manuscripts, etc.


An Introduction to the Human Development and

Capability Approach

Freedom and Agency

Edited by S?verine Deneulin with Lila Shahani

London ? Sterling, VA International Development Research Centre

Ottawa ? Cairo ? Dakar ? Montevideo ? Nairobi ? New Delhi ? Singapore

First published by Earthscan in the UK and USA in 2009 Copyright ? Human Development and Capability Association, 2009

All royalties from the sale of this book will be donated to the Human Development and Capability Association.

All rights reserved ISBN: HB 978-1-84407-805-9

PB 978-1-84407-806-6

IDRC publishes an e-book version of An Introduction to the Human Development and Capability Approach (ISBN 978-1-55250-470-3)

For further information, please contact: International Development Research Centre PO Box 8500 Ottawa, ON K1G 3H9 Canada Email: Web:

Typeset by FiSH Books Cover design by Susanne Harris Cover images: Girls in Cajamarca, Peru ? Maritza Paredes. Wase Friday market, central Nigeria ? Adam Higazi. Harvest season in Mekhong Delta, Vietnam ? Zarni Maung. Students listening to a lecture by Amartya Sen at the Sheldonian Theatre, Oxford, UK. ? Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI).

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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data An introduction to the human development and capability approach : freedom and agency / edited by S?verine Deneulin with Lila Shahani. ? 1st ed.

p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-84407-805-9 ? ISBN 978-1-84407-806-6 (pbk.) 1. Social psychology. 2. Human behavior. I. Deneuline, S?verine, 1974? II. Shahani, Lila. HM1033.I595 2009 302?dc22


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