Donald J. Polzella


College of Arts and Sciences

University of Dayton

Dayton, Ohio 45469-0800

Voice: (937) 229-2602 FAX: (937)229-2615

Email: < >

Web: < >


University of Michigan (Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, 1974)

Bucknell University (A.M. in Psychology, 1969)

University of Rochester (A.B. in Psychology, 1967)


2005-present: Associate Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Dayton

1984-present: Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Dayton

1977-1984: Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Dayton

1972-1977: Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Dayton


Association for Psychological Science (Charter Member)

Psychonomic Society

Sigma Xi (Past-President, University of Dayton Chapter)


American Conference of Academic Deans

Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences

Council of Graduate Schools


May 1975–August 1975:

“Memory and the Perception of Duration”

University of Dayton Research Council Summer Research Fellowship.

Principal Investigator


May 1976–August 1976:

“Cerebral Hemispheric Processes in Time Perception”

University of Dayton Research Council Summer Research Fellowship.

Principal Investigator


May 1979–August 1979:

“Course Development: Psychological Foundations of Music”

University of Dayton Fund for Educational Development Grant.

Principal Investigator


May 1980–August 1980:

“Chromesthetic Responses to the Music of J. S. Bach”

University of Dayton Research Council Summer Research Fellowship.

Principal Investigator


May 1983–September 1984:

"Research Support Directed Toward Enhancing the Overall Quality and Responsiveness of Air Force Flying Training Research."

Funded by the US Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Systems Division for additional effort on University of Dayton Research Institute Contract No. F33615-81-C-0005.

Principal Investigator


August 1985–December 1985:

"Flying Training Research Support Service."

Funded by the US Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Systems Division for additional effort on University of Dayton Research Institute Contract No. F33615-84-C-0066.

Principal Investigator


September 1985–June 1986:

“Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers: System Designers Workshop."

Funded by the US Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory for additional effort on University of Dayton Research Institute Contract No. F33615-82-C-0512.

Technical Coordinator


August 1986–August 1987:

“Multidimensional Scaling of Mental Workload and Complex Performance.”

Air Force Office of Scientific Research/Air Force Aerospace Medical Division Research Scholar Contract No. F49620-85-C-0013.

Principal Investigator


August 1987–June 1988:

“Integrated Perceptual Information for Designers: Short Course on Engineering for Man-Machine Systems."

Funded by the US Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory for additional effort on University of Dayton Research Institute Contract No. F33615-82-C-0512.

Technical Coordinator


May 1988–December 1988:

"Dimensional Analysis of Complex Performance Data."

Funded by the US Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Systems Division for University of Dayton Research Institute Contract No. F33615-86-D-0540, Task No. 07.

Principal Investigator


January 1989–December 1991:

“CSERIAC: A New DoD Information and Analysis Center for Crew System Ergonomics."

Funded by the US Department of Defense Contract No. DLA900-88-D-0393.

Technical Director, Chief Scientist


January 1993–September 1993:

“A Multimedia Course in the Psychology of the Arts.”

University of Dayton Fund for Educational Development Grant

Principal Investigator


May 1993–August 1993:

“Experiments in Multimedia Experimental Aesthetics.”

University of Dayton Research Council Summer Research Fellowship and Equipment Grant.

Principal Investigator


October 1995–July 1997:

“Center of Electronic Learning and Teaching (CELT)”

University of Dayton Initiatives in Learning Fund Grant.

Co-Principal Investigator


May 1997–August 1997:

“Images of Mary: The Effects of Style on Reactions to Marian Themes.”

University of Dayton Research Council Summer Research Fellowship and Grant-In-Aid, Forum on Catholic Intellectual Tradition Today.

Principal Investigator


July 2000–June 2002:

“University of Dayton Introductory Psychology Course Redesign.”

Pew Learning and Technology Grant Program in Course Redesign.

Co-Principal Investigator


May 2012--May 2013

“Where Do the Arts Take Us?

National Endowment for the Arts Grant No. 2012NEAORA

Co-Principal Investigator




University of Dayton Research Institute Award for Meritorious Research


University of Dayton College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Teacher Award


University of Dayton Chapter of Sigma Xi George B. Noland Research Award


University of Dayton Raymond A. Roesch Endowed Chair in the Social Sciences


Introductory Psychology (undergraduate)

Psycholinguistics (undergraduate)

Cognitive Psychology (undergraduate)

Psychology of Consciousness (undergraduate)

Psychology of the Arts (undergraduate)

Psychological Tests and Measurements (undergraduate)

History and Systems (undergraduate and graduate)

Experimental Psychology (undergraduate and graduate)

Learning and Memory (undergraduate and graduate)

Perception (undergraduate and graduate)

Statistics (undergraduate and graduate)

Man-Machine Systems (graduate)

Special Topics in Human Factors (graduate)

Psychology of Music (Department of Music)


Paper and poster sessions presented at scholarly meetings:

Polzella, D. J., & Rohrman, N. L. (1969, April). Psychological aspects of transitive verbs. Paper presented at the meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Rohrman, N. L., Polzella, D. J., & Ackart, L. A. (1969, November). The psychological status of some syntactic and semantic markers. Paper presented at the meeting of the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics, Gainesville, FL.

Polzella, D. J., & Martin, E. (1971, May). Methodological remarks on determining subjective phrase structure. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Detroit, MI.

Martin, E., & Polzella, D. J. (1971, November). Stimulus recoding in transfer learning. Paper presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, St. Louis, MO.

Polzella, D. J., Glenberg, A. M., & Chocinsky, R. C. (1973, May). Free recall of paired associates. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Polzella, D. J., & Chocinsky, R. C. (1974, May). Free-recall: a levels-of-processing interpretation. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Polzella, D. J., Popp, R. J., & Hinsman, M. C. (1975, September). ESP? Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Polzella, D. J., Hinsman, M. C., & DaPolito, F. (1976, May). Cerebral asymmetry in the perception of duration. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Gouse, A. S., & Polzella, D. J. (1977, August). A mathematical paradigm for ESP research and some negative results. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.

Gouse, A. S., Polzella, D. J., Biers, D. W., & Bower, S. M. (1978, September). Memory as a function of perceived duration in retention intervals. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario.

Polzella, D. J., Bower, S. M., & Gouse, A. S. (1979, September). Manipulating apparent duration with simultaneous effects on memory. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, NY.

Kuna, A. M., Polzella, D. J., Biers, D. W., & DaPolito, F. (1981, April). Hemispheric specialization for musically-induced color imagery. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Detroit, MI.

Polzella, D. J., & Biers, D. W. (1983, May). Validating chromesthetic responses by measuring the correspondence between independent judgments of color names and musical excerpts. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (A preliminary version of this paper was presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Philadelphia, PA, November 1981)

Polzella, D. J., & Bower, S. M. (1984, November). Individual differences in immediate foreperiod effects on simple reaction time. Paper presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, San Antonio, TX.

Kirschner, M. J., & Polzella, D. J. (1986, May). A multidimensional scaling analysis of the perceived similarity of DSM-III disorders. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Ramsey, E. G., & Polzella, D. J. (1986, November). Analysis of the effects of foreperiod on simple reaction time. Paper presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, LA.

Baker, R. C., Polzella, D. J., DaPolito, F., & Biers, D. (1987, May). Multidimensional scaling of musical triads. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Polzella, D. J., & Widman, D. A. (1989, August). Physical and psychological dimensions of color harmony. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA.

Polzella, D.J., & Licht, D. M. (1990, May). Case studies in ergonomic information analysis. Paper presented at the 5th Midcentral Ergonomics Society, Dayton, OH.

Licht, D. M., Polzella, D. J., & Boff, K. R. (1990, August). Human factors, ergonomics, and human factors engineering: an analysis of definitions. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA.

Polzella, D. J., & Reid, G. B. (1991, May). A comparison of two statistical approaches to complex performance measurement. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Chifala, W. M., & Polzella, D. J. (1992, August). Odor and flavor classification of the same stimuli. Poster session presented at the centennial meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Polzella, D. J., & Hassen, J. L. (1994, May). Aesthetic preferences for color/music combinations. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Sacher, J. A., Fine, M. A., & Polzella, D. J. (1995, May). Predictors of romantic relationship quality. Paper presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Polzella, D. J., & Bower, S. M. (1995, June). The effects of modulated input channels on simple reaction time. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, New York, NY.

Franko, W., & Polzella, D. J. (1996, June). Effects of music on the perception of paintings. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.

Brake, G. L., Polzella, D. J., & Kozar, R. (1996, October). ArtWare: Macintosh multimedia software for aesthetics research. Paper presented at the meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology, Chicago, IL.

Polzella, D. J., Fine, M. A., & Fowler, S. A. (1997, May). Evaluation of a family literacy program. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington DC.

Polzella, D. J., Roten, J. G., & Parker, C. W. (1998, May). Images of Mary: effects of style and content on reactions to Marian art. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Washington, DC.

Available: < >

Polzella, D. J. (1999, June). Sex differences in reactions to paintings. Poster session presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Society, Denver, CO.

Graetz, K., Polzella, D. J., & Elvers, G. C. (2001, October). Introductory psychology online: Solutions for delivering high enrollment, collaborative e-learning courses. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of EDUCAUSE, Indianapolis, IN.

Graetz, K., Polzella, D. J., & Elvers, G. C. (2002, October). Facilitating effective peer mentoring in online courses. Poster session presented at the Annual Meeting of EDUCAUSE, Atlanta, GA.

Tepe, K., Polzella, D., & Elvers, G. (2003, November). The perception of harmony in combinations of blinking visual stimuli. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, B.C.

Benedum, R., & Polzella, D. (2004, November). Did I dream that aria?: Music, psychology, and Freud. Paper presented at the 47th National Conference of the College Music Society. San Francisco: CA.

Polzella, D. J., & Schoeling, S. (2004, November). Effects of familiar background music on working memory and motor tracking. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Minneapolis, MN.

Angel, L. A., Polzella, D. J., & Elvers, G. C. (2005, November). Effects of background music on spatial and linguistic processing. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Toronto, ON.

Polzella, D. J., & Benedum, R. P. (2006, September). The “Mozart effect”: Musicological and scientific perspectives. Poster session presented at the 49th National Conference of the College Music Society. San Antonio, TX.

Angel, L. A., Polzella, D. J., & Elvers, G. C. (2008, April). The effects of background music on cognitive task performance. Poster session presented at the University of Montana Graduate Student and Faculty Research Conference. Missoula, MT.

Benedum, R., & Polzella, D. (2011, November). Grant writing for music faculty. Workshop presented at the American Musicological Society Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. (Previous versions of this workshop were presented at the annual meetings of the American Musicological Society in 2009; the College Music Society in 2007, 2009, and 2010; and the National Association of Schools of Music in 2008.)

Invited Addresses:

Polzella, D. J. (1975, January). So-called ESP. Ohio University Psychology Department Colloquium. Athens, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (1976, March). ESP: Fact or artifact? Miami University Psychology Department Colloquium. Oxford, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (1979, December). Statistics in psychical research. Dayton Chapter of the American Statistical Association. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (1981, March). A critical approach to parapsychology. Indiana State University Psychology Department Colloquium. Terre Haute, IN.

Polzella, D. J. (1981, March). Debunking psychic phenomena. Dayton Chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J., & Hubbard, D. C. (1987, March). Instructional capabilities of USAF flight simulators. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 13th annual minisymposium, Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (1989, March). Integrated maintenance information system (IMIS): human factors guidelines for designing the human-computer interface. Integrated Maintenance Information System Prototyping Workshop II, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (1989, September). Establishment and management of the AGARD standardized tests for research with environmental stressors (STRES) battery data base. NATO Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) Aerospace Medical Panel Working Group 12, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches de Medecine Aerospatiale, Paris, FRANCE.

Polzella, D. J. (1989, November). CSERIAC: gateway to crew system ergonomics technologies. Department of Defense Human Factors Engineering Technical Advisory Group, Killeen, TX.

Polzella, D. J. (1991, June). The nature of human factors. In P. Fischer (Moderator), Human factors information. Symposium conducted at the Special Libraries Association 82nd Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.

Polzella, D. J., & Kettering, K. (1997, February). Freud and Klimt. University of Dayton First Tuesday Public Lecture in the Arts and Humanities. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D.J. (1999, October). Vienna, Freud, and Mahler. University of Dayton First Tuesday Public Lecture in the Arts and Humanities. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J., & Reynolds, P. (1999, November). Mahler’s Symphony #2. Dayton Philharmonic Pre-Concert Lecture. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2000, February). Sensing a divine presence: Apparitions as psychological phenomena. University of Dayton Lecture Series and Film Festival “Of Mary in Film,” Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2001, March). Exploring the psychology of art. Plenary address at the University of Dayton Chapter of Sigma Xi Initiation and Awards Banquet. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D.J., Graetz, K., & Elvers, G. C. (2001, June). Introductory psychology online: technology and faculty work. Associated New American Colleges Woodrow Wilson Summer Institute. Ithaca College, NY.

Polzella, D. J., Graetz, K., & Elvers, G.C. (2001, December). Introductory psychology online. Pew Grant Program Conference on State-of-the-art Learning Environments. Orlando, FL.

Polzella, D. J. (2002, May). Introductory psychology online: lessons learned. Capstone Training Day for Florida Community College Online Professor Certificate Program. Jacksonville, FL.

Polzella, D. J. (2002, June). Freud and the arts in Vienna. College Music Society Workshop: Vienna and its Musical Traditions. Vienna, AUSTRIA.

Polzella, D. J., Elvers, G. C., & Graetz, K. (2003, June). Redesigning introductory psychology. Teaching, Learning, and Technology Summer Institute. Seton Hall University, NJ.

Polzella, D. J. (2003, June). Character development in Mozart’s Magic Flute. National Endowment for the Humanities Institute: Mozart’s German Operas in Context. Vienna, AUSTRIA.

Polzella, D. J. (2003, June). The Mozart effect: Fact or fancy? National Endowment for the Humanities Institute: Mozart’s German Operas in Context. Vienna, AUSTRIA.

Polzella, D. J. (2003, November). Psychology and visual illusions. Sinclair College PsychTalk Presentation. Dayton, OH

Polzella, D. J., Elvers, G. C., & Graetz, K. (2004, January). Using technology to address learning style issues. 26th Annual Institute for the Teaching of Psychology. St. Petersburg Beach, FL.

Polzella, D. J. (2004, February). The mathematical muse of Jean-Philippe Rameau. University of Dayton 11th Annual Humanities Symposium. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2004, March). Is there really a “Mozart effect”? University of Dayton Department of Psychology collquium. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J., Elvers, G. C., & Graetz, K. (2004, May). Designing and implementing an online introductory psychology course. The Ohio State University Office of Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR). Columbus, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2005, February). The notion of genius: Psychological perspectives. University of Dayton 12th Annual Humanities Symposium. Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2005, May). Course redesign in Ohio: University of Dayton. Ohio Board of Regents Conference on Transforming Higher Education. Columbus, OH.

Polzella, D. (2006, March). Reflections on the “Mozart effect.” Symposium on Mozart: His Life and Music in Context. The Inn at Honey Run Executive Conference Center, Millersburg, OH.

Polzella, D., & Benedum, R. (2006, March). Mozart and the idea of genius. Symposium on Mozart: His Life and Music in Context. The Inn at Honey Run Executive Conference Center, Millersburg, OH.

Polzella, D. (2006, April). Reflections on the “Mozart effect.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra “Take Notes”Lecture. Schuster Center, Dayton, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2006, July). Mozart and his “effect.” National Endowment for the Humanities Institute: Mozart’s Worlds. Vienna, AUSTRIA.

Polzella, D. J. (2007, March). Pavlov and the history of psychology. Symposium on Russian Masterworks: From Tchaikovsky to Stravinsky. The Inn at Honey Run Executive Conference Center, Millersburg, OH.

Polzella, D. J. (2007, March). Stravinsky’s “Le Sacre du Printemps.” Symposium on Russian Masterworks: From Tchaikovsky to Stravinsky. The Inn at Honey Run Executive Conference Center, Millersburg, OH.

Technical Reports:

Polzella, D. J. (1972). Remembering the functional sentence (Tech Rep. No. 39). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Human Performance Center.

Polzella, D. J. (1974). The effect of sleep-deprivation on short-term memory (Tech. Rep. No. 47). Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, Human Performance Center.

Polzella, D. J. (1983). Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase I - Tactical Air Command) (AFHRL-TR-83-22). Williams Air Force Base, AZ: Operations Training Division, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory.

Polzella, D. J. (1985). Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase II - Air Training Command, Military Airlift Command, and Strategic Air Command) (AFHRL-TR-85-48). Williams Air Force Base, AZ: Operations Training Division, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory.

Polzella, D. J., & Hubbard, D. C. (1985). Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase III - electronic warfare trainers) (AFHRL-TR-85-49). Williams Air Force Base, AZ: Operations Training Division, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory.

Polzella, D. J., Hubbard, D. C., Brown, J. E., & McLean, H. C. (1987). Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase IV–summary report) (AFHRL-TR-87-21). Williams Air Force Base, AZ: Operations Training Division, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory.

Polzella, D.J. (1989). Dimensional analysis of complex performance data (UDR-TR-89-04). Dayton, OH: University of Dayton Research Institute.

Licht, D. M., Polzella, D. J., & Boff, K. R. (1989). Human factors, ergonomics, and human factors engineering: an analysis of definitions (CSERIAC-89-01). Wright-Patterson AFB, OH: Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center.

Polzella, D. J. (1991). Data exchange management. In E. Farmer (Ed.), Human performance assessment methods (pp. 1-2) (AGARD-AG-308, Addendum). Neuilly sur Seine, FRANCE: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development.

Polzella, D. J., & Fine, M. A. (1994). A manual for conducting Even Start program evaluations. Columbus, OH: Ohio State Department of Education, Division of Vocational and Adult Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 384 779)

Conference Proceedings:

Polzella, D. J., Kuna, A. M., Biers, D. W., & DaPolito, F. (1982). Hemispheric specialization for musically-induced color imagery. In P. E. Sink (Ed.), Proceedings of the Research Symposium on the Psychology and Acoustics of Music 1982 (pp. 39–47). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas.

Polzella, D. J. (1983). Utility and utilization of advanced instructional features in aircrew training devices: Phase I - Tactical Air Command. Proceedings of the IEEE 1983 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, 2, 1108–1115.

Biers, D. W., Bower, S. M., DaPolito, F., & Polzella, D. J. (1986). The assessment of software usability [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Association for Computing Machinery Computer Science Conference, 409.

Hubbard, D. C., & Polzella, D. J. (1986). Utility and utilization of advanced instructional features in Air Force electronic warfare trainers. Proceedings of the 1986 Air Force Conference on Technology in Training and Education (TITE), IV, 82–103.

Polzella, D. J., & Hubbard, D. C. (1986). Utility and utilization of aircrew training device advanced instructional features. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 30th Annual Meeting, 1, 139–143.

Polzella, D. J., & Reid, G. R. (1987). Multidimensional scaling analysis of simulated air combat maneuvering performance data. In R. S. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (pp. 683–689). Columbus, OH: Department of Aviation, The Ohio State University.

Polzella, D. J., Masline, P. J., Amell, J. R., Perez, W. A., & Ramsey, E. G. (1987). The development of a spatial orientation task for inclusion in the criterion task set (CTS). Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting, 1, 394–397.

Polzella, D. J., & Reid, G. R. (1987). A multidimensional scaling analysis of subjective workload assessment technique (SWAT) ratings of the criterion task set (CTS). Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 31st Annual Meeting, 1, 398–401.

Biers, D. W., Polzella, D. P., & McInerney, P. (1988). A physical measure of subjective workload. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 32nd Annual Meeting, 2, 1131–1135.

Polzella, D. J., & Reid, G. B. (1989). Multidimensional scaling analysis of simulated air combat maneuvering performance data II: a follow-on study. In R. S. Jensen (Ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, 2, 920–925. Columbus, OH: Department of Aviation, The Ohio State University.

Boff, K. R., Polzella, D. J., & Morton, K. (1990). Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center: a gateway for technology transfer. In R. W. Harrison (Ed.), Proceedings of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Technology Transfer Society, 277–282. Indianapolis, IN: The Technology Transfer Society.

Polzella, D. J., Gravelle, M. D., & Klauer, K. M. (1992). Perceived effectiveness of danger signs: a multivariate analysis. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting, 2, 931–934.

Polzella, D. J., & Brake, G. L. (1994). A multimedia course in the psychology of the arts. In S. B. Hartog & J. R. Levine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 377 774)

Elvers, G., & Polzella, D. J. (2000). Distance perception: A comparison of in-class and distance-learning psychology of perception classes. In G. Indenbaum & J. R. Levine (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Teaching of Psychology. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 450 632)

Benedum, R., & Polzella, D. (2005). Did I dream that aria?: Music, psychology, and Freud. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. (ISSN# 1541-5899, pp. 308-309)

Gowda, R. G., & Polzella, D. J. (2006). Comparison of selected survey instruments for software team communication research. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering (ICGSE 2006). IEEE Computer Society Press.


Polzella, D. J. (1974). Comment on J. E. Orme's "Precognition and Time." Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 47, 528.

Polzella, D. J. (1978). Review of Anxieties, phobias and fears by S. Kahn. AAAS Science Books and Films, 13, 67.

Polzella, D. J. (1979). Review of Development of the adult by Harper and Row Media Department. AAAS Science Books and Films, 14, 234.

Polzella, D. J. (1979). Review of Natural sleep by P. Goldberg and D. Kaufman. AAAS Science Books and Films, 15, 93.

Polzella, D. J. (1979). Review of Sleep and dreams by R. Lindsay. AAAS Science Books and Films, 15, 99.

Polzella, D. J. (1980). Review of Working with dreams by M. Ullman and N. Zimmerman. AAAS Science Books and Films, 15, 248–249.

Polzella, D. J. (1981). Review of The psychology of the psychic by D. Marks and R. Kammann. AAAS Science Books and Films, 16, 180–181.


Rohrman, N. L., & Polzella, D. J. (1968). Recall of subject nominalizations. Psychonomic Science, 12, 376.

Rohrman, N. L., Polzella, D. J., & Ackart, L. A. (1970). The psychological status of some syntactic and semantic markers. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 2, 267–278.

Polzella, D. J., & Rohrman, N. L. (1970). Psychological aspects of transitive verbs. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 9, 537–540.

Polzella, D. J., & Martin, E. (1973). Stimulus encoding in A-B, A-D transfer. American Journal of Psychology, 86, 589–600.

Reardon, E., DaPolito, F., & Polzella, D. J. (1974). Associative organization in recognition memory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 38, 1123–1126.

Polzella, D. J. (1975). Effects of sleep-deprivation on short-term recognition memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 104, 194–200.

Reardon, E., Polzella, D. J., & Brown, T. V. (1975). Reexamination of trace storage in free recall. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 41, 383–393.

Tibbetts, P., Polzella, D. J., Noland, G., Cothern, C. R., & Staub, A. E. (1976). A critique of the 1975 American Association for the Advancement of Science report on scientific freedom and responsibility. Man-Environment Systems, 6, 212–223.

Polzella, D. J., DaPolito, F., & Hinsman, M. C. (1977). Cerebral asymmetry in time perception. Perception & Psychophysics, 21, 187–192.

Polzella, D. J., & Gouse, A. S. (1978). PSYCHIC: a BASIC game to test ESP as d'. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 10, 426–428.

Polzella, D. J. (1978). Effect of sleep deprivation on response threshold for signal detectability parameter, beta. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 47, 1189–1190.

Koch, S. A., Polzella, D. J., & DaPolito, F. (1980). Cerebral asymmetry in the perceived duration of colored stimuli. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 50, 1239–1246.

Polzella, D. J., & Kuna, A. (1981). Chromesthetic responses to the music of G. F. Handel. In E. Klinger (Ed.), Imagery: concepts, results, and applications (pp. 165–173). New York, NY: Plenum Publishing Corp.

Polzella, D. J., & Bower, S. M. (1982). BIRAND: a BASIC program to generate and test random binary sequences. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation, 14, 51.

Polzella, D. J., Bower, S. M., & Gouse, A. S. (1982). Manipulating apparent duration with simultaneous effects on memory. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 20, 175–177.

Polzella, D. J., Kuna, A. M., Biers, D. W., & DaPolito, F. (1983). Hemispheric asymmetry in musically-induced color imagery. Psychomusicology, 2, 64–72.

Polzella, D. J., & Biers, D. W. (1987). Chromesthetic responses to music: replication and extension. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 65, 439–443.

Polzella, D. J., & Reid, G. B. (1989). Multidimensional scaling analysis of simulated air combat maneuvering performance data. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 60, 141–144.

Polzella, D. J., Ramsey, E. G., & Bower, S. M. (1989). The effects of brief variable foreperiods on simple reaction time. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 27, 467–469.

Polzella, D. J., & Montgomery, D. A. (1993). Dimensions of color harmony. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 31, 423–425.

Chifala, W. M., & Polzella, D. J. (1995). Smell and taste classification of the same stimuli. Journal of General Psychology, 122, 287–294.

Brake, G. L., Polzella, D. J., & Kozar, R. (1997). ArtWare: Macintosh multimedia software for aesthetics research. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 29, 237–240.

Polzella, D. J., & Hassen, J. L. (1997). Aesthetic preferences for color/music combinations. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 85, 960–962.

Limbert, W. M., & Polzella, D. J. (1998). Effects of music on the perception of paintings. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 16, 33–39.

Johnson, E. C., Fine, M. A., Polzella, D. J., & Graetz, K. (2000). The relationship between intrapersonal cognitive discrepancies and relationship satisfaction. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 15, 331-352.

Polzella, D. J. (2000). Differences in reactions to paintings by male and female college students. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 91, 251–258.

Elvers, G. C., Polzella, D. J., & Graetz, K. (2003). Procrastination in online courses: Performance and attitudinal differences. Teaching of Psychology, 30, 159-162.

Polzella, D. J., Hammar, S. H., & Hinkle, C. W. (2005). The effect of color on viewers’ ratings of paintings. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 23, 153–163.

Polzella, D. (2006). In M. Elmore (Ed.), RCL: Resources for college libraries, 2007 (Vol. 5: Science and Technology). Chicago: American Library Association; New Providence, NJ: R. R. Bowker LLC.

Angel, L. A., Polzella, D. J., & Elvers, G. C. (2010). Background music and cognitive performance. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 110, 1059-1064.

Polzella, D. (2012, November 21). Psychology handbooks. Against the Grain, 24(5), 86-88.

Electronic Media

Polzella, D. J., & Bower, S. M. (1981). BIRAND [BASIC computer software]. Dayton, OH: Authors.

Polzella, D. J. (1982). PSYCHIC (Version 2.0) [BASIC computer software]. Dayton, OH: Author.

Polzella, D. J. (1988). Simple Reaction Timer (Version 2.0) [65XX computer software]. Dayton, OH: Author.

Polzella, D. J. (1992). Reaction Time Modulator (Version 2.0) [65XX computer software]. Dayton, OH: Author.

Polzella, D. J. (1996). Mary, images and people: a Marian art survey [on-line].

Available: < >

Brake, G. L., Kozar, R., & Polzella, D. (1997). ArtWare (Version 3.0) [HyperCard computer software]. Dayton, OH: Authors.

Elvers, G., & Polzella, D.J. (1999). History of psychology web site [on-line].

Available: < >

Editorial and Consulting:

Consulting Editor for Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 1971, 10; 1972, 11.

Consulting Editor for Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc., May 1974. [H. S. Cairns & C. E. Cairns' A Cognitive View of Language.]

Consulting Editor for Cummings Publishing Company, Inc./Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, February 1978. [M. R. Denny & R. H. Davis' Approaching the Study of Human Behavior.]

Legal Consultant for Great American Insurance Company, April 1990. [Expert opinion on trademark infringement.]

Consulting Editor for Special Issue of Safety Science: Warnings and Risk Communication, 1993, 16.

Consulting Editor for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, February 1994. [D. Hothersall's History of psychology 3/e.]

Consulting Editor for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, May 1994. [L. Benjamin's History of psychology: original sources and contemporary research 2/e.]

Archival Researcher for Charles Scribner’s Sons, May 1994. [A. Keiler’s Marian Anderson: A singer’s journey.]

Consulting Editor for the journal Family Relations, October 1994.

Consulting Editor for Brown & Benchmark, December 1994. [L. Benjamin's A history of psychology in letters.]

Consulting Editor for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, April 1997. [S. McIntire & L. Miller’s An introduction to psychological testing.]

Consulting Editor for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, April 1998. [Introductory psychology.]

Consulting Editor for Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, May 1998. [History of psychology.]

Consulting Editor for McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, September 1998. [M. Passer & R. Smith’s Introductory Psychology.]

Consulting Editor for Wadsworth Publishing Company, November 1998. [J. Nairne’s Psychology: the adaptive mind 2/e.]

Consulting Editor for Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, December 1998. [History of psychology.]

Consulting Editor for Simon & Schuster Publishing Company, June 1999. [Interpersonal communication.]

Consulting Editor for Worth Publishers, February 2000. [P. Gray’s Psychology 3/e.]

Webmaster for Global Village Communications, April 2000 - April 2004.

Consulting Editor for John Wiley & Sons, September 2000. [D. Westen’s Psychology: Brain, behavior, & culture 3/e.]

Webmaster for Dayton Area Psychological Association, November 2000 - March 2004.

Research consultant for True Dimensional Sound, Inc., December 2000. [Evaluation of the quality of a sound enhancing algorithm.]

Consulting Editor for Prentice Hall, May 2002. [L. Barker’s Psychology.]

Consulting Editor for Rutledge, August 2002. [N. Sheehy’s Fifty key thinkers in psychology.]

Consulting Editor for Allyn & Bacon, August 2002. [A history of western psychology.]

Psychology Coordinator for John Wiley & Sons Faculty Network, 2001-2010.

Research consultant for Imagination at Work, Inc., May 2011 – present. [Test and evaluation of the EmographicTM Segmentation Model.]

Research consultant for Acceleron Learning, LLC, July 2011 – present. [Curriculum module development.]


January 1982 - August 1983: On-loan to the University of Dayton Research Institute, Aerospace Mechanics Division, to provide research support for the Air Force Human Resources Laboratory/Operations Training Division (AFHRL/OT) at Williams Air Force Base, Arizona. Duties included the development of an aircrew training management information system for Tactical Air Command and an evaluation of advanced instructional features on United States Air Force flight simulators.

August 1986 - August 1987: At USAF Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, Human Engineering Division, Workload and Ergonomics Branch (AAMRL/HEG) as Air Force Office of Scientific Research/Air Force Aerospace Medical Division AMD Research Scholar.

January 1989 - December 1991: Chief Scientist of CSERIAC, the Crew System Ergonomics Information Analysis Center. CSERIAC's mission was to provide engineers and designers with ergonomic information analysis products and services to support research, design, and development of space, air, surface, and subsurface man-machine systems. CSERIAC was funded by the Department of Defense, hosted by the USAF Armstrong Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory, and operated under contract by the University of Dayton Research Institute.


General Psychology

Psychology of the Arts


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