Ecological Footprint WebQuest:

Ecological Footprint WebQuest LINKS only:

Directions: Follow the links described below and work through the questions and actions described.

What is an ecological footprint?

Go to and read the overview of an ecological footprint.

Answers on your sheet~

Go to and read about earth overshoot day.

Ecological Impact Quiz:

Go to and enter the quiz. DO NOT ENTER YOUR EMAIL!

Go to to answer these questions.

Is the Ecological Footprint anti-trade, anti-technology, or anti-GDP?

What is a global hectare?

Is the Ecological Footprint a measure of carrying capacity?

Living Planet Report:

Go to

How have key species populations fared since 1970?

Why do temperate species do better than tropical species?

Which countries make the most demands on our planet, and which the least?

How does the loss of species diversity affect you and me?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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