Test 3 - Ancient India and China - Winston …

Test 3 - Ancient India and China


Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Use A for true and B for false and press send.

1. Hinduism was founded by Brahman in about 800 BC.

2. In Hinduism, fulfilling one’s dharma allows a person to create good karma, to avoid suffering, and, eventually, to break free from the cycle of rebirth.

3. Hindu religious practices vary widely, and worship does not have to take place in temples or religious shrines.

4. Buddhism is an ancient religion that can be traced back to the teachings of one man in the 500s BC.

5. One of the most important rivers in Ancient China was the Yellow river.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Press the correct button and send.

6. The economy of the Indus civilization was based on

|a. |shipbuilding. |c. |agriculture and trade. |

|b. |only agriculture. |d. |warfare and tribute. |

7. Hindus believe that the atman is released from the body at death and later reborn in another body in a process called

|a. |devas. |c. |moksha. |

|b. |karma. |d. |reincarnation. |

8. The Four Noble Truths teach that

|a. |everyone suffers from the desire for material things, but overcoming these desires will bring suffering to an end. |

|b. |special techniques can be used to harness spiritual energy and achieve nirvana in a single lifetime. |

|c. |harming animals in any way is morally wrong. |

|d. |all people must respect the elder members of their family and care for children with loving kindness. |

“There are two extremes. . . which he who has given up the world ought to avoid. What are these two extremes? A life given to pleasures, devoted to pleasures and lusts: this is degrading, sensual, vulgar, ignoble, and profitless; and a life given to mortifications: this is painful, ignoble, and profitless.”

—The Buddha, Sermon at Benares

9. In the excerpt from the Buddha’s sermon, Buddha taught about

|a. |the Fourfold Path. |c. |Mahabharata. |

|b. |the Middle Way. |d. |nirvana. |


10. According to the map titled “The Spread of Buddhism,” where did Buddhism spread before AD 100?

|a. |across India and into Central Asia |c. |primarily into Southeast Asia |

|b. |to Sumatra and Java |d. |China, Korea, and Japan |

11. Study the map titled “The Spread of Buddhism.” In what part of Asia is Theravada Buddhism most common today?

|a. |China |c. |India |

|b. |Tibet |d. |Southeast Asia |

12. Mountains, hills, and deserts helped the Chinese to thrive because

|a. |they provided varied ecosystems for a wide variety of plants and animals. |

|b. |these features protected China from invasion. |

|c. |the dangers located there taught the Chinese how to be great warriors. |

|d. |these features encouraged the Chinese to become expert hunter-gatherers. |

13. Archaeologists have found two large, well-planned Indus Valley cities—Harappa and

|a. |Mohenjo Daro. |c. |Brahmaputra. |

|b. |Sudra. |d. |Ganges. |

14. The Buddha taught

|a. |following your desires leads to enlightenment. |

|b. |suffering is not part of human life. |

|c. |it is best to avoid meditation. |

|d. |those who follow the Eightfold Path can attain nirvana. |

15. Confucius responded to the chaos in China during the late Zhou period by

|a. |withdrawing from the world and becoming a monk. |

|b. |teaching that people should love and respect one another through traditional manners and rituals. |

|c. |teaching about the dynastic cycle to encourage people to rise up against corrupt rulers. |

|d. |encouraging people to retreat from the laws of society. |

16. In Hinduism, it is the sum total of all deeds (good and bad) done in a lifetime.

|a. |Dharma |c. |Siddhartha |

|b. |Karma |d. |Vedas |

17. Which of the following represents a difference between Hinduism and Buddhism?

|a. |Reincarnation |c. |Dharma |

|b. |Karma |d. |Caste system |

18. Which of the following is NOT a key tenent of Buddhism?

|a. |Life is suffering |c. |Salvation is attained by following the ten commandments |

|b. |Suffering comes from selfish desires |d. |Meditation is a way to overcome desires |

“The Brahmin was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya [Kshatriya] made. His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced.”

—Rigveda, 10.90

19. Read the passage from the Rigveda. Which of the following would you expect to have the lowest status in Vedic society?

|a. |the Brahmin |c. |the Vaisya |

|b. |the Rajanya |d. |the Sudra |

20. The people of India’s first civilization depended on monsoon rains to bring water for crops

|a. |which only happened every other year. |

|b. |and to loosen rocks used for building. |

|c. |and to cause flooding which deposited fertile soil. |

|d. |and wash away accumulated debris from city streets. |

Test 3 - Ancient India and China

Answer Section


1. ANS: F PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.2.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

2. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.2.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

3. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.2.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

4. ANS: T PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02 | 9.8.03

5. ANS: T PTS: 1


6. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.1.2

STA: 9.2.01

7. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.2.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

8. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

9. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 3 NAT: 4.3.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

10. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

11. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

12. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.4.1

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.06

13. ANS: A PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.1.2

STA: 9.2.01

14. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.3.2

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

15. ANS: B PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.4.4

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.8.01 | 9.8.02

16. ANS: B PTS: 1

17. ANS: D PTS: 1

18. ANS: C PTS: 1

19. ANS: D PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.1.3

STA: 9.2.01 | 9.6.01 | 9.6.02

20. ANS: C PTS: 1 DIF: 2 NAT: 4.1.1

STA: 9.2.01


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