Human Body Systems Portfolio

Human Body Systems Portfolio


You will need to have a HARD COPY of EACH of the components turned in ON or BEFORE each due date and never after. You will get this hard graded and returned promptly and is to be compiled neatly into a professional binder to be turned in again at the final due date.

o All components are to be divided with labeled (component) dividers between them.

o If an item is too bulky to fit into the binder, place a photo of the item in the binder at the specific location so the item can be easily located for grading.

Binder order

The front of the binder will have a cover sheet with

◆ Human Organ System Portfolio

◆ Name, period, due date

◆ Photos of organ systems

Table of contents

1. Nervous / Senses

2. Endocrine

3. Cardiovascular / Blood

4. Respiratory

5. Lymphatic / Immunity

6. Digestive

7. Excretory

8. Reproductive


10. Grading rubric

Human Body Systems Portfolio Rubric

| |Successful Completion | |Has Not Completed |

| |Exemplary |Satisfactory | |Developing/ Emerging |Resubmission Necessary|Not Submitted |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | |2 |1 |0 |

| |4 |3 | | | | |

|Format/ Appearance |Adheres to all |Adheres to most | |Adheres to some |Does not adhere to |Fails to submit |

| |guidelines for |guidelines | |guidelines for |guidelines |portfolio. |

| |portfolio appearance.|for portfolio | |portfolio appearance. |for portfolio | |

| | |appearance. | | |appearance. | |

|Organization |Exhibits exceptional |Exhibits sufficient | |Exhibits minimal |Exhibits no |Fails to submit |

| |organizational skills|organizational skills | |organizational skills |organizational skills |portfolio. |

| |in compilation |in compilation | |in compilation |in compilation | |

| |of portfolio. |of portfolio. | |of portfolio. |of portfolio. | |

|Completeness |Meets all |Meets most | |Meets some |Does not meet |Fails to submit |

| |requirements for |requirements | |requirements |requirements |portfolio. |

| |portfolio contents. |for portfolio | |for portfolio |for portfolio | |

| | |contents. | |contents. |contents. | |

|Student Growth |Demonstrates |Demonstrates | |Demonstrates limited |Does not demonstrate |Fails to submit |

| |exceptional depth in |sufficient depth in | |depth in academic |depth in academic |portfolio. |

| |academic and/or |academic and/or | |and/or personal |and/or personal | |

| |personal growth. |personal growth. | |growth. |growth. | |

|Student Reflection |Reveals exceptional |Reveals sufficient | |Reveals limited |Reveals no insight |Fails to submit |

| |insight into |insight | |insight into |into |portfolio. |

| |how the student |into how the student | |how the student |how the student | |

| |anticipated changes |anticipated changes | |anticipated changes |anticipated changes | |

| |and dealt with |and dealt with | |and dealt with |and dealt with | |

| |contingencies. |contingencies. | |contingencies. |contingencies. | |

|Information, Technology |Effectively employs |Sufficiently employs | |Minimally employs |Employs no technology |Fails to submit |

|and |technology in |technology in | |technology in |in construction of |portfolio. |

|Communications Literacy |construction |construction | |construction |portfolio. | |

| |of portfolio. |of portfolio. | |of portfolio. | | |

Body System Checklist - Nervous System / Senses

√ Description and major functions of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system.

√ Diagram that includes the major parts - brain, spinal cord, nerves, and neurons - and list the function(s) of each.

√ Describe the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body from stimulus to response.

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist - Endocrine System

√ Major functions of endocrine system

√ Describe what hormones are and what they do

√ Diagram that includes the major parts - hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries, and testes - and list the function(s) of each.

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist – Cardiovascular / Blood

√ Major functions of circulatory system

√ Diagram that includes the major parts - heart, artery, vein, capillary - and list the function(s) of each.

√ Describe each of the components of blood- red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, & plasma

√ Describe the path blood travels through your body

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist - Respiratory System

√ Major functions of respiratory system

√ Diagram that includes the major parts - trachea, lungs, diaphragm, epiglottis, larynx, vocal cords – and list the function(s) of each.

√ Describe the “breathing” process.

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist – Lymphatic / Immune System

√ Major functions of immune system

√ List the functions of each part of the immune system - thymus, white blood cells, antibodies,

epidermis, cilia, mucus, and saliva.

√ Describe each “line of defense”.

√ Explain how vaccinations work and give three examples of diseases that are prevented through the use of vaccinations.

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist - Digestive System

√ Major functions of digestive system

√ Diagram that includes the major parts - mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, liver, pancreas, and large intestine - and list the function(s) of each.

√ Describe the path food travels throughout the digestive system.

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist - Excretory System

√ Major functions of excretory system

√ Diagram that includes the major parts - lungs, kidneys, urinary bladder, ureter, urethra, liver, and skin - and list the function(s) of each.

√ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples.

√ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system.

Body System Checklist - Reproductive System

✓ Major functions of the female reproductive system

✓ Major functions of the male reproductive system

✓ Explain how your body system works with other systems in the body. You will need at least 3 examples for each (female / male).

✓ Identify and describe 2 diseases / disorders of the body system for each (female / male).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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