Religious attitudes to Human Rights

Religious attitudes to Human Rights

The Christian view...

• Christianity teaches that we are all made in the image of God; therefore all people are equal before God.

“Love your neighbour as yourself”

• The Sanctity of Life is a Christian teaching which says that because we were all created equal before God all life should be respected, nobody is more important than anyone else and we should live according to this rule.

“So there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ.”

• Jesus taught that all people are equal and should be treated the same and lived his life encouraging others to do the same.

Teachings such as these have encouraged Christians to protest on many issues concerning human rights from abortion to the abolition of the death penalty. However, action varies from one Christian to another as not all Christians agree on all issues. For example some Christians such as Roman Catholics strongly support the abolition of abortion while others see it as a woman’s right to choose. Homosexuality is also a topic which can divide Christian opinion.

The Islamic (Muslim) view...

• Islam teaches that all people are creations of Allah; therefore there are basic rights that should be shared by the whole of humanity.

• Human rights are God given and therefore should be followed, it is the will of Allah (God).

• Muslims are taught they should protect human rights because their existence stops tyranny, fighting and rioting. So while people should follow authority, the people who are in a position of authority, have the responsibility to ensure people receive their basic human rights.

"As you are, so you will have rulers over you”

• All life is created by Allah and therefore is sacred and should be protected.

• The ummah (brotherhood) of all Muslims. The Qur’an teaches that all Muslims are equal, like brothers, and deserve equal respect and treatment.

The Hindu view...

• Each person should carry out their duties (dharma) in life, if carried out properly they will protect the rights and freedoms of others in society.

• All life is sacred and everyone has the right to be free from violence (ahisma).

The Buddhist view...

• All humans are the same and have equal potential.

“We all want to avoid suffering and achieve happiness...” (Dalai Lama)

• Unhappiness is caused by selfish actions. To build a good society people must have respect for others.

Now you have read the religious responses to human rights think about what the religious believers’ opinion would be on the following

Try and use at least three religions overall

1. Domestic abuse. A woman is beaten by her husband, he controls what she does and says that she should do what he tells her because he is better and knows what is best.

2) There is a growing population of asylum seekers in a local community. They are subject to racist comments and abuse from other members of the community.

3) In 58 countries around the world the death penalty is used as a form of punishment for crimes such as murder, treason, rape, aggravated robbery and drug trafficking.

4) Many children in African countries are denied the right to education of they are poorer communities.

5) There is a huge difference in people’s lifestyles across the world, while some

People have more money than they will ever be able to spend, others don’t have a home and live on the street; they go hungry and are denied basic rights.

6) In the first half of this century black and white people were segregated in America. Black people were seen as inferior and were not allowed to use the same shops, public toilets and schools as whites.

7) During the Holocaust over six millions Jews were starved, tortured and then murdered by the Nazi Party. The only reason for this was being born Jewish.


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