350 Fifth Avenue, 34th Floor

New York, NY 10118-3299

Tel: 212-290-4700

Fax: 212-736-1300

Email: hrwnyc@


Kenneth Roth, Executive Director

Michele Alexander, Development & Outreach Director

Carroll Bogert, Associate Director

Emma Daly, Communications Director

Barbara Guglielmo, Finance & Administration Director

Peggy Hicks, Global Advocacy Director

Iain Levine, Program Director

Andrew Mawson, Deputy Program Director

Suzanne Nossel, Chief Operating Officer

Dinah PoKempner, General Counsel

James Ross, Legal & Policy Director

Joe Saunders, Deputy Program Director

Program Directors

Brad Adams, Asia

Holly Cartner, Europe & Central Asia

David Fathi, United States

Georgette Gagnon, Africa

José Miguel Vivanco, Americas

Sarah Leah Whitson, Middle East & North Africa

Joseph Amon, Health and Human Rights

John Biaggi, International Film Festival

Peter Bouckaert, Emergencies

Richard Dicker, International Justice

Bill Frelick, Refugee Policy

Arvind Ganesan, Business & Human Rights

Steve Goose, Arms

Liesl Gerntholtz, Women’s Rights

Scott Long, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Rights

Joanne Mariner, Terrorism & Counterterrorism

Lois Whitman, Children’s Rights

Advocacy Directors

Steve Crawshaw, United Nations

Juliette de Rivero, Geneva

Jean-Marie Fardeau, Paris

Marianne Heuwagen, Berlin

Lotte Leicht, European Union

Tom Malinowski, Washington DC

Tom Porteous, London

Board of Directors

Jane Olson, Chair

Bruce J. Klatsky, Vice-Chair

Sid Sheinberg, Vice-Chair

John J. Studzinski, Vice-Chair

Karen Ackman

Jorge Castañeda

Geoffrey Cowan

Tony Elliott

Hassan Elmasry

Michael G. Fisch

Michael E. Gellert

James F. Hoge, Jr.

Wendy Keys

Robert Kissane

Joanne Leedom-Ackerman

Susan Manilow

Kati Marton

Barry Meyer

Pat Mitchell

Joel Motley

Joan R. Platt

Sigrid Rausing

Neil Rimer

Victoria Riskin

Amy L. Robbins

Shelley Rubin

Kevin P. Ryan

Jean-Louis Servan-Schreiber

Darian W. Swig

John R. Taylor

Catherine Zennström

Robert L. Bernstein, Founding Chair, (1979-1997)

Jonathan F. Fanton, Chair (1998-2003)

Bruce Rabb, Secretary

October 14, 2009

Dear Friend:

Human Rights Watch administers the Hellman/Hammett grant program for writers who have been victims of political persecution and are in financial need. The grants are geared toward writers who make writing their primary vocation, although we also consider activists who write to advance human rights issues.

In addition to offering financial assistance, the grants, by highlighting individual cases, help focus attention on repression and censorship around the world.  While some recipients have asked to remain anonymous for safety reasons, many others have used this honor to call attention to human rights conditions in their countries.

The grants are made possible by the estate of the American playwright Lillian Hellman with funds set up in her name and that of her long-time companion, the novelist Dashiell Hammett. Ms. Hellman was prompted by her experiences during the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s, when she and Hammett were interrogated about their political beliefs and affiliations before Congressional committees. Hellman suffered professionally and had trouble finding work for a number of years. Hammett served time in prison.

Since the program began in 1989, more than 600 writers from 91 countries have received Hellman/Hammett grants, in amounts of $500 to $10,000. We have also given group grants to writers in Bosnia, Burma, Peru, and Sierra Leone.

Nominations are due this year by December 17, and awards will be given in the spring of 2010. Decisions are made by a selection committee composed of writers and editors who have a long-standing interest in free expression issues.


Nominations arising from emergency situations are accepted at any time. Writers whose lives are at risk unless they flee or those who need immediate medical treatment after being physically attacked, serving prison terms, or enduring torture may be considered for these emergency grants.

Please use the attached form to provide background information about the writer, the circumstances of persecution, samples or characterizations of the writer's literary or journalistic work, and information about financial need. You may submit more than one nomination, but please note that we do not accept self-nominations.

If you have questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


Marcia Allina

for the Hellman/Hammett Selection Committee at Human Rights Watch



Nomination Form for

Hellman/Hammett Grants


Human Rights Watch distributes funds from Lillian Hellman’s estate to writers of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, anywhere in the world, who are in financial need due to political persecution.

Eight distinguished authors and editors form a selection committee to choose the Hellman/Hammett grant recipients. Nominations for 2010 grants are requested by December 17, 2009.

To the degree that this information is available, we request: 1) biographical information about the nominee; 2) a list of the nominees' published writings; 3) a statement about the political persecution suffered by the nominee and how these experiences relate to his or her writing; 4) a statement about financial need. If the nominator cannot provide all this information, please indicate sources from which it may be obtained. You may attach additional information if it cannot be accommodated by this form.

Nominations should be sent to Marcia Allina, Human Rights Watch, 350 Fifth Avenue 34th floor, New York, NY 10118-3299. E-mail: allinam@

Name of nominee:


Work phone: Home phone: Cellular:

Fax: E-mail:

If these are unavailable, please provide the contact information for another person through whom the nominee can be contacted.


Nominated by:


Work phone: Home phone: Cellular:

Fax: E-mail:


Provide on separate sheets as much biographical information about the nominee as possible, and the source of this information. If a curriculum vitae of the nominee is available, please attach it.

Describe the nominee's writing activities as completely as possible:


List all books by the nominee or publications in which his or her writing has appeared:


List any awards or recognition given for the nominee's writing:


Describe the political persecution to which the nominee was subjected and the source of this information:


Describe the nominee's financial need and the source of this information:


List two references for nominee. These should be persons who are familiar with the nominee’s circumstances, activities and writing.


Work phone number: Home phone number:

Cellular: Fax: Email:

Mailing address:


Work phone number: Home phone number:

Cellular: Fax: Email:

Mailing address:


Has the nominee ever been detained for, charged with, or convicted of a criminal offense or misdemeanor? If so, please describe.

Do you have any reason to believe that the nominee has engaged in or supported a criminal activity? If so, please describe.

Has the nominee ever been the subject of a civil lawsuit to your knowledge?

If so, please describe.

Hellman/Hammett Emergency Grant Application

(This page is to be completed by applicants for emergency grants only.)

Describe nominee's circumstances and why an emergency grant is necessary:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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