Course Bibliography - California State University, Fresno

Course Bibliography

SWRK 246

Seminar on Formal Organizations

Abzug, R., & Galaskiewicz, J. (2001). Nonprofit boards: Crucibles of expertise or symbols of local identities. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 30, 51-73.

Anthony, R., & Young, D. (2003). Management control in nonprofit organizations. Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Alexander, J. (2000). Adaptive strategies of nonprofit human service organizations in an era of devolution and new public management. Nonprofit Leadership and Management, 10(3), 287-303.

Allen, N., Foster-Fishman, P., & Salem, D. (2002). Interagency teams: A vehicle for social delivery reform. Journal of Community Psychology, 30, 475-497.

Austin, D. (2002). Human service management: Organizational leadership in social work practice. New York: Columbia University Press.

Arons, D. (1999, November). Teaching nonprofit advocacy: A resource guide. Washington, DC: Independent Sector.

Backman, E., & Smith S. R. (2000). Healthy organization, unhealthy communities. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 10, 355-73.

Bailey, D. (1998). Designing and sustaining meaningful organizational teams. In R. Edwards, J. Yankey, & M. Altpeter (Eds.), Skills for effective management of nonprofit organizations (pp.185-199). Washington, DC: National Association of Social Workers.

Bartle, E., Couchonnal, G., Canda, E., & Staker, M. (2002). Empowerment as a dynamically developing concept for practice: Lessons learned from organizational ethnography. Social Work, 47: 32-43.

Bobic, M., & Davis, W. (2003). A kind word for Theory X.: Or why so many newfangled management techniques quickly fail. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 13(3), 239-264.

Boehm, A., & Staples, L. (2002). The functions of the social worker in empowering. The voices of consumers and professionals. Social Work, 47, 337-480.

Brown, W. (2002). Inclusive governance practices in nonprofit organizations and implications for practice. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 12, 369-385.

Bryant, S. (2003). The role of transformational and transactional leadership in creating, sharing and exploiting organizational knowledge. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 9(4), 32-44.

Cornelius, L., & Ortiz, L. (2004). What will ensure Mexican Americans equal access to health care? (pp. 155-168). In K. Davis & T. Bent-Goodley (Eds.), The color of social policy. Alexandria, VA: Council on Social Work Education.

Cross, T., & Friesen, B. (2005). Community practice in children’s mental health: Developing cultural competence and family-centered services in systems of care models). In M. Weil (Ed.), The handbook of community practice (pp. 442-459. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Dailey, B., & Bishop, J. (2003). TQM Workforce factors and employee involvement: The pivotal role of teamwork. Journal of Management Issues, 15, 393-412.

Daley, J. (2002). An action guide for nonprofit board diversity. Journal of Community Practice, 10(1), 33-54.

Ezell, M. (2000). Advocacy in the human services. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Finn, J. & Holden, G. (2000), Human services on-line (pp. 7-26). New York: Haworth.

Franze, S., Foster, M., Abbott-Shim, M., McCarty, F., & Lambert, R. (2002). Describing head start family service workers: An examination of factors related to job satisfaction, empowerment, and multiculturalism. Families in Society, 83, 258


Fetterman, D. (2001). Foundations of empowerment evaluation. Thousand Oaks: CA: Sage.

Gibelman, M., & Gelman, S.R. (2002). Should we have faith in faith-based social services? Rhetoric versus realistic expectations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 13, 49-65.

Gidron, B., & Hasenfeld, Y. (1992). Human service organizations and self-help groups: Can they collaborate? Nonprofit Leadership and Management, 5, 159-172.

Ginsberg, L. (2001). Social work evaluation: Principles and methods. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Greene, A. & Latting, J.(2004). Whistle-blowing as a form of advocacy: Guidelines for the practitioner and organization. Social Work 47, 219-229.

Greenleaf, R. (1977). Servant leadership: A journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press.

Gutierrez, L., GlenMaye, L., & DeLois, K. (1995). The organizational context of empowerment practice: Implications for social work administration. Social Work, 40(2), 249-258.

Gutierrez, L., Kruzich, J., Jones, T., & Coronado, N. (2000). Identifying goals and outcomes measures for diversity training: A multi-dimensional framework for decision-makers. Administration in Social Work, 24 (3), 53-70.

Gutierrez, L., Parsons, R., & Cox, E. (1998). Empowerment in social work practice: A source book. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Hefetz, A., & Warner, M. (2004). Privatization and its reverse: Explaining the dynamics of the government contracting process Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 14, 171-180.

Hyde, C. (2004) Multicultural development in human service agencies: Challenges and solutions. Social Work, 49, 7-16.

Iannello, K. (1992). Decisions without hierarchy. New York: Routledge.

Iglehart, A., & Becerra, R. (2000). Social services and the ethnic community. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.

Itzhaky, Haya, and Edna Bustin (2005). Promoting client participation by social workers: Contributing factors. Journal of Community Practice, 13(2), 77-92.

Jaskyte, K. (2004). Transformational leadership, organizational culture, and innovativeness in nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit Leadership & Management, 15, 153-168.

Jaskyte, K & Dressler, W. (2005). Organization culture and innovation in nonprofit human service organizations. Administration in Social Work, 29 (2), 5-41.

Johnson, M., & Austin, M. (2006). Evidence-based practice in the social services: Implications for organizational change. Administration in Social Work, 30 (3), 75


Kaminski, M., Kaufman, J., Graubarth, R., & Robins, T. (2000). How do people become empowered?: A case study of union activism. Human Relations, 53, 53-63.

Kettner, P. Moroney, R., & Martin, L. (1999). Designing and managing programs: An effectiveness-based approach (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Lewis, J. A., Lewis, M.D., Packard, T., & Souflée, F. (2001). Management of human service programs (3rd ed.), Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning .

Linhorst, D., Eckert, A., & Hamilton, G. (2005). Promoting participation in organizational decision making by clients with severe mental illness. Social Work, 50 (1), 21-30.

Lohmann, R., & Lohmann, N. (2002). Social administration. New York: Columbia University Press.

Lowenberg, F., & Dolgoff, R., Ethical decisions for social work practice (5th edition. Itasca, IL: F.E. Peacock Publishers, Inc.

Martin, L. (2001). Financial management for human service administrators. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

McCarthy, J., & Walker, E. (2004). Alternative organizational repertories of poor people’s social movement organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Supplement to Volume 33 (3), 97S-117S.

Milward, H., & Provan, K. (1998). Principles for controlling agents: The political economy of network structure. Journal of Public Administration, 8, 203–222.

Netting, F.E., & O’Connor, M.K. (2003). Organization practice: A social worker’s guide to understanding human services. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Parsons, R. (1999). Assessing helping processes and client outcomes in empowerment practice. Amplifying client voice and satisfying funding sources. In W. Shera & L. Wells (Eds.). Empowerment practice in social work (pp. 390-417). Toronto: Canadian Scholar’s Press.

Paul, R., Niehoff, B., & Turnley, W. (2000). Empowerment, expectations, and the psychological contract—managing the dilemmas and gaining the advantages. Journal of Socio-Economics, 29, 471-485.

Patti, R. (2000). The handbook of social welfare management. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Perlmutter, F., Bailey, D., & Netting, F. (2001). Managing human resources in the human services. New York: Oxford University Press.

Peterson, N. A., & Zimmerman, M. 2004. Beyond the individual: Toward a nomological network of organizational empowerment. Journal of Community Psychology. 34 (1-2), 129-145.

Petter, J., Byrnes, P., Choi, D., Fegan, F., & Miller, R. (2002). Dimensions and patterns in employee empowerment: Assessing what matters to street-level bureaucrats. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 12, 377-401.

Poertner, J. (2006). Social administration and outcomes for consumers: What do we know? (2006). Administration in Social Work, 30, 11-24.

Putnam, R. (2000). Bowling alone. New York: Touchtone Book.

Reamer, F. (1998). Ethical standards in social work: A critical review of the NASW Code of Ethics. Washington, DC: NASW Press.

Royse, D., Thyer, B. A., Padgett, D. K., & Logan, T. K. (2006). Program evaluation: An introduction (4th ed.). Belmont, CA: Thomson.

Secret, Jordan & Ford (1999). Empowerment evaluation as a social work strategy.

Health & Social Work, 120 -127.

Shera, W., & Page, J. (1995). Creating more effective human service organizations through strategies of empowerment. Administration in Social Work, 19(4), 1-15.

Sider, R., & Unruh, H. R. (2004). Typology of religious characteristics of social service and educational organizations and programs. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 33, 109-134.

Smith, B., Montagno, R., & Kuzmenko, T. (2004). Transformational and servant leadership: content and contextual comparisons. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. 10, 80-91.

Spreitzer, G. (1995). Psychological empowerment in the workplace: Dimensions, measurement, and validation. Academy of Management Journal, 38, 1442-1465.

Telfair, J., & Mulvihill, B. (2000). Bridging science and practice: The integrated model of community-based evaluation (IMCBE). Journal of Community Practice, 7(3), 37-65.

Vaughn, M., & Stamp, G. (2003). The empowerment dilemma: The dialectic of emancipation and control in staff/client interactions at shelters for battered women. Communication Studies, 54, 154-168.

Walker, R., & Staton, M. (2000). Multiculturalism in social work ethics. Journal of Social Work Education 36, 449-462.

Wallach, V., & Mueller, C. (2006). Job characteristics and organizational predictors of psychological empowerment among paraprofessionals with human service organizations: An exploratory study. Administration in Social Work, 30(1), 95-115.

Weinbach, R. (2007). The social worker as manager (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Wimpfheimer, S. (2004). Leadership and management competencies defined by practicing social work managers. An overview of standards developed by the National Network for Social Work Managers. Administration in Social Work, 28(1), 45-56.

Zimmerman, M., & Rappaport, J. (1988). Citizen participation, perceived control, and psychological empowerment. American Journal of Community Psychology, 16(5), 725-750.


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