Notice of Availability of Grant Funds

Title of Grant: NJCDD 2010 Grant Cycle Outcomes

A. Name of Program: New Jersey Council on Developmental Disabilities (NJCDD) Program 2010 Grant Cycle

B. PURPOSE: Announcing the Outcomes for the 2010 Grant Cycle for NJCDD program funding. Details are provided on


EMPLOYMENT- [Plan Outcome 1] - The Council is seeking proposals for activities which explore and demonstrate how schools can incorporate work-related preparation for students with developmental disabilities and their families, beginning in the initial years of secondary education and continuing through graduation. [It is anticipated that two, 2 year agreements will be offered directly to non-disability-specific public, private or charter schools which allow open enrollment and partner with appropriate organizations]

HEALTH – [Plan Outcome 18] - The Council is seeking proposals for activities which explore and test Personal Health and Wellness Awareness and Management for people with DD through collaboration with existing non-disability health awareness and management efforts (locally or within the applicant organization) for the purpose of raising personal health management capability and raising awareness of expanded customer potential for typical health and wellness businesses. Partnership with existing non-disability-specific community resources and providers is required.

COMMUNITY – [Plan Outcomes 30 and 35] - The Council is seeking proposals which develop and test the concept of having parents who are experienced in negotiating and managing self-directed services and supports organized so as to provide mentoring for families who become part of New Jersey’s self-directed services [Real Life Choices or Self-Determination].

COMMUNITY – [Plan Outcome 30] - The Council is seeking proposals which address the need for generic, non-disability services to be able to provide assistance to families with a person with developmental disabilities on site, by raising the knowledge base and direct intervention capacity of such staff or program supports through training, education, practice, mentoring or a combination of these methods. Partnership with existing non-disability-specific community resources and providers is required.

QUALITY of LIFE – [Plan Outcome 36A] - The Council is seeking proposals for activities from agencies and entities to replicate the NJCDD Emergency Prep. Training efforts statewide, with the goal of reaching 3,000 people with DD living in community settings between October 1, 2010 and September 30, 2011. Over the course of each of up to 6 projects, applicants will complete the training curriculum provided by NJCDD for up to 500 people. NJCDD will monitor and approve each project’s training staff and delivery. Partnership with existing non-disability-specific community resources and providers is strongly encouraged.

C. Eligible Applicants: New Jersey Organizations, profit or non-profit entities, post-secondary institutions, school districts, associations, and other legal entities. Individuals are not eligible to apply except as affiliated with a lead organization.

D. QUALIFICATIONS OF APPLICANTS - Applicants must have a demonstrated ability to address the topic thoroughly and professionally. See NJCDD Website

E. Procedure for eligible organizations to apply:

First Time [new] Projects: Applicants who have never applied to NJCDD for funding must attend a pre-bid meeting (See Pre-Bid Meeting Announcement). Others may attend for updated information as desired.

Letter of Interest materials and forms are available for download at . If required, applicants may request the materials by writing or calling:

2010 NOFA

C/O Dennis Rizzo

NJ Developmental Disabilities Council

P.O. Box 700, 20 West State Street

Trenton, NJ 08625


Continuation Proposals: Application for continuation of existing agreements will be sent to those submitting a letter of interest indicating intention to apply for continuation. See NJCDD Website

F. Address to which proposals will be submitted: See NJCDD Website

G. Date applications will be available: Immediately – go to

H. Deadline by which initial Letters of Interest must be received: By close of business March 19, 2010

I. Date the applicant is expected to be notified to submit full proposal: April 2, 2010

Full proposal will be due: June 11, 2010.

Notification of award: July 23, 2010

J. If you require large print, Braille print, or speech synthesizer format, please call 609-292-3745 to arrange for downloading or for obtaining a file of the RFP on disk.


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