

Grade 6 Human Body – Structural Systems Extension Menu

Concept and/or Topic: Structural Systems (Skeletal, Muscular, Integumentary)

Choose a learning activity from one square to complete. If you choose the square, “Write your idea here,” please see the teacher with your idea first.

Circle the number of the learning activity you choose.

Turn in this paper with your work.

|1. Research a skin disorder. Design a brochure |2. Design and assemble a 3-D model of either the | 3. Apply what you know about muscles, cartilage,|

|that describes the causes of the disorder, the |skeletal, muscular, or integumentary system using|joints, and ligaments. Create a working model of |

|layer(s) of skin affected, prevention methods, |materials of your choice. Label the parts. |an arm or leg using the materials of your choice.|

|and the possible treatments of the disorder. The |[pic] |Develop a presentation to share how you created |

|brochure must be neat, attractive, and colorful. | |your model and to explain how your model works. |

|4. Devise and/or conduct an experiment that |5. Create a poem, song, or rap that explains the |6. Develop a board game that will help students |

|determines the effect of temperature on muscle |5 main jobs of the skeletal system. You must |in the class learn about the integumentary |

|action. The experiment must follow the scientific|include 5 stanzas or verses. Incorporate a |system’s main jobs and its parts. Organize your |

|method. Create an oral and visual presentation to|minimum of 12-15 vocabulary terms from this unit |game to include clear instructions, a sturdy, |

|relay your findings to your class. |of study. Present your final product to the |visually appealing game board, and game pieces. |

| |class. |Test the game on friends. |

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|7. Research the effects of a high-fat diet on the|8. Write your idea here. |9. Interview a professional from the medical |

|health of the heart, keeping in mind that the |__________________________ |field who specializes in bones, muscles, or skin.|

|heart is a cardiac muscle. Create a 2-minute | |Dramatize your findings by role-playing one of |

|public service announcement to persuade your |__________________________ |the specialists in a presentation to the class. |

|classmates to eat a low-fat diet. | | |

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Teacher Resource Page

Grade 6 Science Human Body - Structural Systems Extension Menu

Concept and/or Topic: Structural Systems (Skeletal, Muscular, Integumentary)

Intended Purpose: To enrich and extend the essential curriculum

Standard(s) and Indicators Addressed:

Boxes 1, 3, 4, and 7 SC.600.30.B.3. Analyze the impact of external and/or internal factors on system balance

a. Explain that feedback and restoration mechanisms maintain a state of balance b. Describe factors capable of disturbing balance c. Investigate and model how components of a system work together to maintain balance.

SC.600.30.B2.b. Select several body systems and explain the role of cells, tissues and organs that effectively carry out a vital function for the organism, such as structure

iii (skeletal, muscular, integumentary)

Boxes 2 and 5 SC.600. 30.B.2.a. Describe and explain that the complex set of systems found in multicellular organisms are made up of different kinds of tissues and organs which are themselves composed of differentiated cells.

SC.600.30.B.2.b.Select several body systems and explain the role of cells, tissues and organs that effectively carry out a vital function for the organism, such as structure

iii (skeletal, muscular, integumentary)

Box 9 SC.600.10.A.1.a. Explain that scientists differ greatly in what phenomena they study and how they go about their work.

SC.600.80.02 Explain that scientists are employed in various fields that are located in diverse places ranging from laboratories to natural field settings and their findings become available to everyone in the world.

Organizational Tips:


• Provide student access to the school media center, the Internet, textbooks, and/or subscription databases (SIRS, Student Resource Center, etc.)

• Provide access to supplies such as rulers, colored pencils, markers, paper, etc. for construction of graphic organizers, timelines, booklets, etc.

• Provide access to software such as PowerPoint, Excel, Inspiration, etc. to assist students in creating final product

Box 4

If students choose to complete this activity, they can either devise and conduct the experiment or only conduct the experiment using the lab procedure located at the following website, . Students will also need access to graph paper, 2 dishpans of water, ice, and timer (clock, watch, or stop watch).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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