Eyewitness Video – Skeleton (35 minutes)

Eyewitness Video – Skeleton (35 minutes) Name ___________________________

1. How many bones does the human body START OUT with? _________

2. How many bones does the adult human skeleton have after some of them fuse? _________

3. What adaptations allow birds to fly? ____________________________________________

4. Which bones are strongest in the human body? __________________________________

5. The hip bone is what type of joint? _________________________

6. How many vertebrae do some snakes have? ________________

7. Is the spine of a turtle connected to its shell? Yes or No

8. What part of the skull reveals the most about an animal’s lifestyle? ________________

9. What is unique about a snake’s jaw? _____________________________

10. What part of the body to elephant tusks form from? _____________________

11. What purpose do antlers serve? __________________________

12. What tarot card is the most feared? ________________________


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