One of the sounds I really can’t stand is the sound of ...





We are the robots

1. How do you react to the video you've just seen? Was there anything that surprised you?

2. What benefits do robots and other automated technologies bring to human society?

3. What can robots do better than humans? What about things robots can’t do as well as humans? Do you think this might change in the future?

4. Some futurologists think that we will incorporate more and more artificial components into our bodies. What do you think? Which parts of our bodies will be artificial in the future?

5. Do you think it is ethical to use technology not only to replace missing or damaged body parts, but also to enhance the performance of existing body parts? Should there be a limit to how artificial humans can become?

6. Some scientists such as Stephen Hawking have suggested that artificially intelligent machines could pose a serious threat to humanity in the not too distant future. Do you think they are right to be worried?

7. Do you think the military's increasing use of drones and other unmanned weapons systems is a good thing or a bad thing?

8. How would you feel about having a brain implant which enabled you to both understand and speak English perfectly? Do you think this will become possible in the future?

9. What effect will automated technologies have on work and employment in the future? What kind of jobs will be replaced by robots? Are there any jobs which will never be done by robots?

10. As robotics becomes more advanced do you think we will reach a point when it is difficult to distinguish a robot from a human? Do you think it’s possible for humans to establish emotional relationships with robots?


We are the robots

A : Everybody’s a bit worried about this, aren’t they? Some people think that robots will force us out of the labour market completely. You know, humans will become redundant because machines can do everything better, faster and more cheaply than we can. In the past, it was thought that this would only affect people without skills. You know, people whose jobs could be easily automated such as factory workers, shop assistants, street cleaners - no offence to these people, of course. Anyway, these days people are beginning to realise that even what are regarded as highly-skilled professions could be done by intelligent machines. You know, I’m talking about doctors, lawyers, architects, people like that. Some people say that the human touch is irreplaceable in occupations which require creativity and originality. But, I wouldn’t be too sure about that either. Apparently, these days there are computer programmes which can compose quite elaborate pieces of music, which according to research, most people can’t distinguish from music produced by a human composer. It’s true the portrait that robot was drawing in the video was pretty basic, but I’m sure it won’t be long before we have a robot Picasso. To be honest, I think us humans are going to have a lot of free time on our hands in the future. As robots become more and more intelligent, most humans are going to be, let’s face it, unemployable.

B : Obviously, nobody would have a problem with the guy in the video. You know, the guy who lost his arm in an accident and needed a mechanical replacement. But whether we should implant components in our bodies so that we can go beyond our normal biological limitations is another question. On the surface, maybe improving our physical and intellectual capacities doesn’t sound too bad an idea. You know, if you had an implant which, I don’t know, enabled you to see in the dark or translate a foreign language, that might sound acceptable. But if we keep on transforming ourselves in this way, we’re going to end up like cyborgs, you know, half-man, half-machine. In fact, we might reach a point when fusing our biology with technology means that we can’t really call ourselves human any more. I don’t want to sound like a Luddite, I think progress is important. You know, it normally makes our lives easier. But I’m not sure I like the idea of turning into a robot with a few fleshy bits here and there. So, yeah, I think we should establish some kind of cut-off point, beyond which it would be unwise to venture because basically we’d be in danger of losing our humanity. Whether that’s possible, of course, is a completely different question. Maybe technological progress is unstoppable.

* Answers : A – Question 9 | B – Question 5

We are the robots

Match the following titles to the appropriate clips.

a) Robot toddler taking its first steps.

b) Spare parts for humans.

c) "I've never posed for a machine before."

d) "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

e) "I should have unplugged it earlier. Too late now!"

f) "It's no use hiding, they'll find you."

g) "Not a bad imitation, but you can still tell the difference."

h) "I've programmed it to fetch sticks too."

i) Robots don't get bored doing routine tasks.


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