The following instructions will guide you through the ...



JULY 1, 2014 – JUNE 30, 2015

The following instructions will guide you through the process of preparing your individual budget. Most information needed is found on the Budget Worksheet Form and Individual Budget Form. Additional information you may need is included in these instructions.

Each Sister, including those who live in community and share a centralized checking account, are to complete a Budget Worksheet Form and an Individual Budget Form and submit to her Chapter Prioress for approval. In addition, a community budget will continue to be prepared for multi-member households who share a centralized checking account. The community budget will be submitted to the house bursar’s Chapter Prioress.

NOTE: You must have Excel software on your computer in order to use the electronic form. To access the forms from the Congregation’s website, see instructions at the end of the House Budget Instructions. If you are preparing your house budget using Excel software, enter the amounts in the appropriate monthly or annual column. The formulas embedded in the worksheet will make all the necessary calculations. It is guaranteed that you will not have any addition or multiplication errors. If you do not have Excel on your computer or are not familiar with the software, please call your Chapter Prioress to get the name of a Sister who would able to assist you.


Living Expenses

• Hospitality is included with food and household supplies.

• Retreat and vacation expenses are separate items and are at the bottom of the worksheet.

Congregation Meetings

• Budget for transportation and lodging for mission group meetings.

• When hospitality from the Weber Center for mission group meetings is necessary, please budget accordingly:

▪ $40 per night for single occupancy, includes all meals

▪ $25 per night for double occupancy – per person, includes all meals

• Budget for transportation to Chapter Assemblies. Do not budget for registration and lodging at Chapter Assemblies, as this expense is covered under Common Fund Expenses.

Transportation Expenses

Because we, as Adrian Dominican Sisters hold all things in common, the expectation is if you are assigned the use of a Congregation-owned vehicle, the vehicle is enrolled in the Congregation’s Fleet Maintenance and Fuel Program.

If you are personally assigned a Congregation-owned vehicle and are enrolled in the Congregation’s Fleet Maintenance and Fuel Program:

Do not budget for gasoline or car repairs/maintenance if you are enrolled in the Congregation’s Fleet Maintenance Program (Donlen or Avery/Pacific Pride fuel cards – Adrian area) nor roadside assistance service (e.g. AAA) as it too is provided by the Fleet Maintenance Program. Vehicle expenses associated with the Fleet Maintenance Program (gasoline, repairs, maintenance, road side service) are all paid for through the Common Fund and are not included on your house budget. Any gasoline expenses associated with a rental vehicle due to a retreat and/or vacation should be included in your retreat/vacation budget amount.

If you are personally assigned a Congregation Vehicle and through discussion with your Chapter Prioress are not enrolled in the Congregation’s Fleet Maintenance Program, please budget for gasoline, vehicle repairs/maintenance and roadside assistance using the “Other” line in the Transportation Expense section of the house budget worksheet. Please notate on the same line the reason the Congregation’s Fleet Maintenance and Fuel program does not accommodate your needs.

You may enroll in Donlen now by clicking here or you may contact Sister Marie Michael at (517) 266-3519 or mmichael@.

Housing Expenses

• Do not budget any amount for rent if you live in Congregation owned housing. Page 6 of the instructions explains how to budget for this expense.

Subtotal – Expenses for Daily Living (Pink Box)

• Add lines 1 – 4 and enter that amount on line 5. This amount represents your budgeted Expenses for Daily Living. This amount should fall at or under the amount stated on the Guideline for Daily Living table for your geographical location (see page 7). If your amount is above the Guideline for Daily Living for your geographical location, please discuss with your Chapter Prioress.

Health Care Expenses

• Do not budget any amount in this section for health insurance premiums if you are enrolled in one of the Congregation’s health plans, Blue Cross Blue Shield or Humana. Page 5 of the budget instructions explains how to budget for this expense.

• The Congregation’s Humana Medical Plan does not have any deductibles or copayments, therefore if you are on Humana and your medical providers are in the Humana network, you do not need to budget for physician co-payments or deductibles.

• Sisters should budget for deductibles and co-pay expenses only if you are not covered on the Congregation Humana Plan. Also include expenses for prescriptions or over the counter medicines not covered by insurance. If you have a medical emergency or an unbudgeted medical expense, please contact your Chapter Prioress to arrange for payment. Reminder: The Low Income Subsidy Program reduces prescription costs and the Congregation Humana plan has no deductibles or copays; please budget accordingly.

• Sisters enrolled on the Congregation Delta Dental plan please do not budget any expenses under Dental unless your dentist does not participate with Delta Dental and is an Out of Network Provider. Those Sisters covered by dental plans other than the Congregation plan should budget expenses related to dental care.

• Sisters who are enrolled in the regular Medicare program because their medical provider(s) does not accept the Congregation Humana plan should not budget anything for medical expenses not covered by Medicare. All bills for deductibles or co-payments should be sent to the Finance Office for payment.

Sub Total Expenses (Blue Box)

• If you receive partial or full support from the Congregation enter Line 8 Sub Total Expense

on Line R of the Individual House Budget form.

Retreat and Vacation

If you receive partial or full support from the Congregation (from the Generalate, Ministry Trust or Camilla Madden), the amount you budget for Retreat and Vacation will not be included in your monthly support. When you need the funds, please contact Aline Smith in the Finance Office to have the amount deposited in your centralized checking account.

Ministry Transition/Moving

If you receive partial or full support from the Congregation (from the Generalate, Ministry Trust or Camilla Madden), the amount you budget for Ministry Transition/Moving will not be included in your monthly support. When you are in need of your Transition/Moving funds, please first discuss with your Chapter Prioress and then contact Aline Smith in the Finance Office.

Total Expenses (Purple Box)

• If you do not receive support from the Congregation and are fully supported through your

ministry, enter line 10 Total Expenses amount on Line R of the Individual House Budget


Individual Budget Form Side 1

Column 1 – Deposited into House Account

Line A Nontaxable Salary

If you are employed with an organization that is listed in the Official Catholic Directory, please enter your income on Line A.

Line B Taxable Salary

Please enter your net earnings (amount received after taxes) on line B if working in a taxable position.

Line C Other Income

If you receive a source of income other than from an employer, enter the amount here. If you receive employer payments other than retirement and social security, on this line enter the name of the benefit (health insurance for example) and enter the amount under the appropriate column.

Line D Retirement

Enter your retirement benefit amount on line D and line P if it is designated as a separate item in your compensation agreement and is included in your salary check. Retirement equivalency should be the same percentage provided to lay staff employees or $2995, whichever is greater.

Line E Social Security Equivalency

Enter an amount on line E and line Q if your social security equivalency benefit is designated as a separate item in your compensation agreement and is included in your salary check. Social Security equivalency is 7.65% of salary or $918, whichever is greater.

Lines G, H, I, J, L – Support from Generalate or Camilla Madden Charitable Trust

Enter Sub Total Expenses (Line 8, highlighted in blue) from the Budget Worksheet on the Income Line (Line G-J, L) that corresponds to your situation. 1/12th of this amount will be deposited into your house account monthly. This amount excludes the funds budgeted for retreat and/or vacation. Please see page 3 of these instructions for how to receive your retreat, vacation, and ministry transition/moving funds.

Line R Total Expenses

Enter Sub Total Expenses (Line 8, highlighted in blue) from Budget Worksheet if you receive partial or complete support from the Congregation. Enter Total Expenses (Line 10, highlighted in purple) from the Budget Worksheet if you are fully supported through your ministry.

Line S Congregation Services

Add lines P, Q and R and then subtract that amount from line M, Total Income to determine the amount of your Congregation Services Contribution.

Column 2 - Paid directly to Finance Office by Employer

Line D - Retirement

Enter your retirement benefit amount here if it is designated as a separate item and is paid directly to the Finance Office. Retirement equivalency should be the same percentage provided to lay staff employees or $2,995, whichever is greater.

Line E - Social Security Equivalency

Enter amount here if your social security equivalency benefit is designated as a separate item and is paid directly to the Finance Office. Social Security equivalency is 7.65% of salary or $918, whichever is greater.

Line N Pension Benefit Annual Amount

Enter the annual amount of pension received by the Congregation for calendar year 2013 on your behalf. The amount to put on this line is either on your thank you letter included with the budget materials or received via email.

Line O Social Security Benefit Annual Amount

Enter the annual amount of social security received by the Congregation for calendar year 2013 on your behalf. The amount to put on this line is either on your thank you letter included with the budget materials or received via email.

Individual Budget Form Side 2

Payments to Congregation

• Complete each line indicating the annual amount in the appropriate column. Please do not put an “X” in the box.

• House Treasurer: Payments will be sent to the Office of Financial Services by the house treasurer.

• Automatic Payment: Payments will be automatically deducted from your Centralized Checking Account. This is the preferred option.

• Note: The automatic payment deductions can be spread over 12 months from July through June or 10 months August through May. Please check which option you prefer.

• Employer Pay: Payments will be sent to the Office of Financial Services directly by your employer. When payments are received, they will not be reflected on your bank statement. Sisters are encouraged to check with the Finance Office to verify that payments have been sent per the contract agreement with their employer.

Pension Information

Enter the name of where the pension is drawn and the name of the employer where you earned the pension. Please indicate if the employer is taxable or non-taxable (listed in the Official Catholic Directory, OCD).

Answer Yes or No if you have a pension plan through your employer. If yes, please send a copy of your most current quarterly statement along with your budget.


These are additional expenses paid by the Chapter or Congregation Common Fund and are not included in your budgeted income or expense totals. Please enter the appropriate amounts in the middle column that apply to you.

Reminder: Sisters in Congregation leadership and staff positions and Sisters approved for study or sabbatical should budget the applicable amount for health insurance and social security equivalency.

➢ Health Insurance –

• Enter $6,600 if [a] you are under age 65; [b] on the Congregation’s Blue Cross Blue Shield plan and [c] your employer is not sending payments directly to the Finance Office on your behalf.

• Enter $1,032 if [a] you are on the Congregation’s Humana plan and [b] your employer is not sending payments directly to the Finance Office on your behalf.

• Enter $0 if you are enrolled only in Medicare (because your provider(s) does not accept Humana).

➢ Dental Insurance – $900 if you are covered on the Congregation Dental Plan.

➢ Social Security Equivalency – If you have not reached the age of 62 and you minister in a non-taxable position and your employer does not compensate you specifically for social security equivalency benefits, enter $918 for social security equivalency.

➢ Fleet Maintenance and Fuel Program (Donlen) – Enter $2,000 if you have the sole use of a Congregation-owned vehicle enrolled in the Congregation Fleet Maintenance and Fuel Program (Donlen and/or Avery/Pacific Pride (Adrian area) fuel card).

➢ Automobile Insurance – If you have a vehicle that is insured under the Congregation’s automobile insurance policy, enter $1,080.

➢ Automobile Usage (depreciation) – If you have the sole use of a Congregation-owned vehicle and the year of your car is 2010 or newer, enter $3,300.

➢ Rent for residents of Congregation owned housing –

• If you live in a Congregation owned residence in Adrian or Washington or live in Ratisbon enter $4,200.

• For residents of Congregation owned housing in other locations, please contact Jennifer Hunter or Candy Strine at (517) 266-3528 for rent amount information. The rent amounts have not changed from prior years.

➢ Chapter Assembly Registration and Lodging – enter the amount for your Chapter:

Adrian Crossroads….....$50.00 per Sister Dominican Midwest …..$50.00 per Sister

Dominican West……. $580.00 per Sister Florida………………..$225.00 per Sister

Great Lakes ……..….…$50.00 per Sister Mid-Atlantic……….... $400.00 per Sister

Holy Rosary…………..$30.00 per Sister

Please review the completed budget carefully to be certain that all information is complete.

➢ Send two copies of the Budget Worksheet and Individual Budget Form to your Chapter Prioress by April 14, 2014 for approval. This includes Sisters who are part of a multi-member house and share a house account. Early submissions are greatly appreciated.

Guideline for Daily Living

Refer to the chart below for the Guideline Amount for Daily Living for your geographical location. This amount excludes: Congregation Services, Common Fund expenses, Retirement and Social Security Equivalency, Health Care expenses, Vacation, Retreat, Ministry/Transition Moving and expenses classified as “Other Expenses” on the budget worksheet.

To determine if your budget falls at or under the guideline for daily living compare the amount on line 5 of your budget worksheet to the table below for your geographical location. If you live in a region not listed, please compare to one that is closest to you. If your budget is over the guideline for daily living amount, please discuss your situation with your Chapter Prioress.

|Geographic Location |Members Who Pay Rent |Members Who Do Not Pay Rent (including those who live |

| | |in Congregation Owned Housing) |

|Alabama | |$18,000 |$10,500 |

|Colorado | | | |

|Georgia |Mississippi | | |

|Idaho |Missouri | | |

|Indiana |Montana | | |

|Kentucky |New Mexico Ohio | | |

| |Pennsylvania | | |

|Michigan (excluding campus) |South Carolina | | |

| |Texas | | |

| |Virginia | | |

| |Wisconsin | | |

|California, New York City |$25,500 |$13,000 |

|Arizona, Florida, Louisiana, Nevada, |$19,500 |$10,500 |

|Illinois – Chicago |$20,000 |$10,500 |

|Illinois – Excluding Chicago |$19,500 |$10,500 |

|Oregon |$20,000 |$10,500 |

| |$20,500 |$11,000 |

|Rhode Island | | |

|Washington |$23,500 |$12,000 |

|Campus –Regina & Weber | |$5,500 |

|Campus – Maria | |$3,500 |

|Assumption | |$3,500 |

|Dominican Oaks |$28,500 | |

Accessing the

House Budget Materials on the Congregation Website

If you have not already registered to gain access to the Intranet section of the Adrian Dominican Sisters website (if you signed up to get the Congregation Bulletin online, you are registered), you must first register a unique user ID and password.

Please contact the Service Request line at (517) 266-3590 or by e-mail at servicerequest@ if you need to register or you have forgotten your user ID and/or password.

Accessing the Intranet Section of the Adrian Dominican Sisters Website

1. Open your Internet web browser (e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer)

2. Type the Congregation’s website address in the address line at the top:

3. On the lower right hand corner of the homepage, click on the link “MEMBER LOGIN.”

4. A new page will then open. Here you will enter your user name and password as they were registered with technology and click on “LOGIN.”

5. On the top of the main page there will be a tab called “Finance.” Click on that and a vertical menu will pop up. Click on “Sisters” and then Budgets.

6. The options under Budgets include:

• General Council Letter (please read for clarification of our new budget process)

• Member Guidelines (includes amounts for various items)

• Individual Budget

▪ Please be sure to read the Individual Budget Instructions even if you are part of a Community. The process has changed this year and you must submit an individual budget.

• Multi-Member Household

▪ You must prepare this if you are part of a multi-member household, as well as an individual budget.

7. When you open the Budget Worksheet and Form you will have the option to either open the Excel file or save it for editing later. Choose Save to save the file on your computer. Remember to make note of where (in which folder) you save the file so that you will be able to find it later. Once the new fiscal year begins you can find the quarterly income and expense worksheet and the year-to-date worksheet (in Excel) to track your annual expenses. Follow the same instructions to save this form as you did the budget worksheet.

8. Exit the Congregation website and complete the House Budget worksheet and form.

If you are unable to save/copy the file to your computer, send an e-mail to Aline Smith (asmith@) or to April Cline (acline@) and they will send you the appropriate Excel file.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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