Natural Sciences


Some examples of department expenses, categorized by division and price range

| |Natural Sciences |Social Sciences |Humanities |Fine Arts |Academic Services |Campus Services |

| |basic lab supplies: goggles, |toys and equipment for |a few hours of student tutoring on|music folder; orchestra score for a |reference materials for writing and |trips and activities for |

| |crucible, thermometer, lab |developmental (child) psychology|papers |single part |academic tutoring. |mentoring programs between|

|under |coat, latex gloves, etc. |studies |multimedia instruction materials |digital audio tape for recital/concert |basic needs of international students |LU students and community |

|$25 |microscope bulbs |a few hours of student tutoring |(color slides, CDs, posters, etc.)|recordings |(e.g. a winter coat) |children |

| |lab notebooks |audio/video tapes for anthro. | |office supplies for stage managers of | | |

| | |research projects | |theatre productions | | |

| |chemistry lab equipment (e.g.|various archeological tools |educational videos |costumes for student theatre production|Career Center videos and magazines |equipment for rec center |

| |condenser, syringes) |(trowels, buckets, brushes) |language tapes |supplies for theatre lighting, costume,|academic paperbacks |(racquets, nets, |

|about |geology field research tools |experimental rats for |foreign language games |set designers |CDs & most scores for the media |kickboards, balls, etc.) |

|$25 |(hand lens, rock hammer) & |physiological psychology labs |acquisitions for Gender Studies |music stand |center’s general collection |1 yoga, karate, or dance |

| |transportation |(memory, effects of drugs) |book collection in the Diversity | | |class for LU community |

| |cat for anatomy/bio study | |Center | | | |

| |compass for geology research |chemicals for bone preservation |Latin Bible (New and Old |royalty fees for one main-stage theatre|acquisitions for library’s general |residence hall events |

|about |molecular model kit |(anthro) |Testaments) |performance |collection ($40+) |(study break, etc.) |

|$50 |(chemistry) |tape recorders for students’ |comprehensive foreign language |piano/voice opera score |Ethnic theme meal at International |athletic equipment |

| |12 frogs for biology lab |ethnogrpahic/cultural anthro |dictionaries |pre-concert lecturer |House |rescue tubes for |

| |various math or computer |projects |scholarly monographs (thesis, | | |lifeguards at rec center |

| |programming software | |dissertation, paper, etc.) | | | |

| |camping gear for geology |supplies for physiological |VISAs for LU students doing |musicians for art opening receptions |multimedia resources and reference |student art openings in |

|about |field trips |psychology experiments |foreign internships |instrument rental |materials for the library |Diversity Center |

|$100 | | |foreign language software | |sponsor faculty-student advising | |

| | | | | |activity/dinner | |

| | | | | |“deciding on a major” workshop | |

| |student trip to a seminar, to|software for archaeological and |CD-ROM of international news/media|travel fees for student music |Career Center videos on resume writing |campus speakers |

| |present research |ethnographic research |membership fee for Intercollegiate|competitions |& applying to grad school |manikin for CPR training |

|about |vacuum pump for chemistry |climbing apparatus for children |Center for Classical Studies in |honorarium (appearance fee) for guest |most academic films and videos |full term of yoga, karate,|

|$250 |labs |in developmental psychology |Rome |speakers & artists |($175-250) |ballet, or ballroom dance |

| |CD-ROM drive for computer |projects | |new cymbals |software to maintain library web-pages |classes for LU community |

| |programming |MindScope software for psychology| | |send student tutor to a conference | |

| |inscribing machines for |of perception | | | | |

| |anthropology | | | | | |

| |accessories for sampling lake|annual subscriptions to major |stipend for a native-speaking |costumes & props for main-stage |set of encyclopedias for the library |coffeehouse performers |

| |sediment aboard the Purdy |academic journals |foreign language assistant |productions or musicals |funding for student honors projects & |student leadership |

|about |Quest, the geology department|paleoanthropological skulls |language immersion weekend at |snare or ethnic drums (for a variety of|faculty research |conference fees |

|$500 |boat | |Bjorklunden |ensembles) |awards for academic achievement |Influenza vaccine for all |

| | | |history colloquia to bring new |royalty fees for an opera production |faculty advisor workshop speaker |students |

| | | |speakers/ideas to campus | | | |

| |nuclear instrumentation |Illustration software for |guest speaker at poetry/ |performance by or clinic with renowned |computers for Career Center or library |piano for dorm lounge |

| |module for physics labs |creating visual aids in child |literature reading |musician, actor, conductor |stipends for student summer research |voice-recognition reading |

|about |microcentrifuge for bio-logy |development research ($900) |Perseus (Humanities database) site|acquisitions for Wriston Art gallery’s |literature for resource room in |system for students with |

|$1,000 |laboratory ($1,200) |site license for statistical |license |permanent collection |International House |special needs |

|and up | |analysis and graphics program |travel stipend for student groups | |laptop computer for student use |various exercise equipment|

| | |(for psychology & economics; |studying abroad | | |in rec center |

| | |$2,000) |Urban Education program stipend | | | |

| | | |(about $5,000) | | | |

Callers Please Note: This information should be used to give donors a better idea of what materials, programs, or opportunities their gifts to The Lawrence Fund might provide, and should not encourage them to restrict their gifts to a particular department and expense. If a donor wants to “buy” a particular item (from this list or not), explain that these examples do not necessarily reflect our current needs, but rather typical expenses and examples of costs. Strongly encourage unrestricted gifts to The Lawrence Fund — we will use the money where we need it the most. Finally, keep in mind that these figures are only estimates given by faculty.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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